“In this digital publication the page numbers have been removed from the index. Please use the search function of your e-Reading device to locate the terms listed.”
Abbot, Abiel
Abernathy, Ralph
abolitionist campaigns
Adams, Charles Francis, Jr.
Adams, John Quincy
Adger’s Wharf
African Church. See also Emanuel A.M.E. Church
African colonization
“African Passages” exhibit (Fort Moultrie National Monument)
Afro-American Art and Craft (Chase)
Afro-American Studies Club (Citadel, AASC)
Agrarian Movement (Nashville)
Aiken, William, Jr.
Aiken-Rhett House
Aimar, Leonarda J.
Ain’t You Got a Right to the Tree of Life (Guy and Candie Carawan)
Akeley, Mary L. Jobe
Albany Movement
alcohol dispensary laws
Allen, Michael
Alsberg, Henry G.
Alston, Elizabeth
Alston, Emma Clara Pringle
American Anti-Slavery Society
American Bicentennial
American flag
American Historical Association
American Missionary Association
American Negro Slavery (Phillips)
American Revolution
American Tobacco Company Cigar Factory
Anchorage antiques shop
Anderson, Leroy
Anderson, Marian
Anderson, Robert
Andersonville Prison
Andrews, Matthew Page
Antley, Jeff
Archer, H.P.
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH)
Atlanta Constitution
Attucks, Crispus
Attucks Light Infantry
Auerbach, Franz
Augusta Chronicle
Aunt Jemima
Avery Normal Institute
Avery Research Center for African
American History and Culture
Avery Tiger (Avery Normal Institute)
Azalea Festival
Bachman, John
Bacot, Josephine Rhett
Bacot, T.W.
Baker, Bruce
Ball, Eleanor
Ball, Lydia C.
Ball, William Watts
Bancroft, Frederic
Barber, Dewey
Bargain of 1877
Barker, Theodore G.
“Battle Hymn of the Republic” (Howe)
Battle of Liberty Place obelisk (New Orleans)
Beauregard, P.G.T.
Beckwith, Videau Legare
Beecher, Henry Ward
“Been in the Storm So Long” (traditional)
The Beginner’s History of Our Country (Estill)
A Bench by the Road slave memorial
Bennett, John
Bentley, Robert
Betts, Karl
Biden, Joe
The Black Border (Gonzales)
Black Codes
Black Genesis (Stoney and Shelby)
black history
black militia companies
black nationalism
Black Power movement
Blease, Coleman L.
Blight, David
Blue Ridge Cultural Center
Board of Architectural Review
Boehner, John
Bonneau, Anna Lee
Boone Hall
Booth, John Wilkes
Boston Daily Journal
Botkin, Benjamin A.
Bowers, John E.
Bradenburg, Kentucky
Bremer, Fredrika
Brewton, Miles
Brigadier (Citadel)
Brogdon, Julia
Brown, Alphonso
Brown, G.C.
Brown, Henry
Brown, H. Rap
Brown, John
Brown, Millicent
Brown, Sterling A.
Brown, Thomas J.
Brown Fellowship Society. See also free black community (“browns”)
Brown v. Board of Education (1954)
Bunce, Oliver Bell
Bunch, Robert
Burdett, Samuel S.
Burke High School (Charleston)
Burnet, Harriet S.
Burns, Anthony
Burritt, Elihu
Butler, Jessie A.
Butler, M.C.
Butler, Nicholas
Butler, Susan Dart
Cabaniss, Alice
Cabbage Row
Cain, Richard H. “Daddy”
Calhoun, John C.; black attitude toward; on Charleston; death and funeral; gravesite and memorials; and local blacks; nullification theory; political career of; and slavery; tourism and; white attitude toward
Calhoun Monument; construction of; and Jim Crow; opposition to
Calhoun Monument Association (CMA)
Campbell, Sandra
Capers, Ellison
Capers, Thomas Farr
Carawan, Candie
Carawan, Guy
Carawan, Henrietta Aiken Kelly
Cardozo, Francis L.
Carmichael, Stokely
Carolina Art Association
The Carolina Low-Country (Society for the Preservation of Spirituals)
A Carolina Rice Plantation of the Fifties (Smith)
Carolina Rifle Club
Carpenter, Richard B.
Century Fellowship Society
Chamberlain, Daniel H.
Charleston Advocate
Charleston: Azaleas and Old Bricks (Stoney)
Charleston Chamber of Commerce
Charleston City Guide (Prentiss)
Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission
Charleston County Public Library system
Charleston Courier
Charleston Daily News
Charleston Etchers’ Club
Charleston Evening Post
Charleston Jewish Federation
Charleston Ladies’ Memorial Association
Charleston Light Dragoons
Charleston Mercury
Charleston Movement
Charleston Museum
Charleston Neck
Charleston News and Courier; on black history; on Calhoun Monument; on civil rights movement; and Confederate remembrance and Lost Cause tradition; on Denmark Vesey memorials; on festivals of freedom; on hospital workers strike; on The Negro Group controversy; on slavery; on slave trade; on spirituals; on tourism
Charleston Renaissance
“Charleston Welcomes You” tourist brochure
Charlottesville demonstrations (2017)
Chase, Judith Wragg
Chesnut, Mary Boykin
Cheves, Langdon
Christmas Watch Meeting
Chronicle (Charleston)
Cigar Factory Workers Strike (1945)
Citadel Green; becomes Marion Square; and black and Union celebrations; and Calhoun Monument; festivals of freedom; and white domination. See also Marion Square
Citizenship Schools. See also voting rights
City Guard
City Market
The City of Charleston Tour Guide Training Manual (Historic Charleston Foundation)
City Planning and Zoning Commission
Civil Rights Act (1866)
Civil Rights Act (1964)
civil rights movement (1950s–1960s)
Civil War: in Charleston; commemorations of; memory of and education; prisoners-of-war during; scholarship on memory of; slavery as cause of; states’ rights as issue of; and tourism
Civil War Centennial Commission (CWCC)
Clark, Septima Poinsette
class divisions
Clay, Henry
Cleaver, Eldridge
Cleveland, Grover
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Clory (enslaved washerwoman)
Coffin, Charles
College of Charleston
Collins, John H.W.N.
Colonial Belle Goodies
Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricultural, and Mechanical College of South Carolina. See also South Carolina State University
Columbia Phoenix
“Come En Go Wid Me” (traditional)
Commission on Arts and History (Charleston)
Committee of Safety (Charleston)
Confederate Decoration Day
Confederate Heritage Trust
Confederate Museum (Charleston)
Confederates in the Attic (Horwitz)
Confederate States of America
Confederate symbols: challenges to display of; Confederate flag; Confederate remembrance groups; Confederate sympathizer commemorations; “Dixie”
Constitution (U.S.)
Constitutional Convention (South Carolina)
Constitutional Convention (U.S.)
Cook, Wilson
Cooley, Preston
Cooper, Lindy
Copland, Aaron
Corey, C.H.
Corley, Simeon
cotton gin
Cox, Benjamin F.
Cronyn, George
Crum, William D.
cultural appropriation
Cunningham, Floride
Cuyler, Theodore
Cyclopedia of Eminent and Representative Men of the Carolinas of the Nineteenth Century
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Dalcho, Frederick
Damrosch, Walter
Darby, Henry
Dart, John L.
Dart Hall reading room
Davis, Grace and Knickerbacker
Davis, Jefferson
Dawson, Frank
Dawson, Frederick Douglass
Deas, Alston
DeBow, James D.B.
Declaration of Independence
Decoration Day
Delany, Martin R.
Delany Light Infantry
DeLarge, Robert C.
Democratic National conventions
Democratic Party: during and after Civil Rights movement of 1960s; after Civil War; and secession
Denmark Vesey Talking to His People (Wright)
DeSaussure, Henry William
DeSaussure, Louis D.
desegregation campaigns. See also civil rights movement (1950s–1960s)
Dickerson, Samuel
“Dixie” (Emmett). See also Confederate symbols
Dixon, Thomas
Doar, Maria Middleton
The Doom of Slavery in the Union (Townsend)
Douglass, Frederick
Douglass Light Infantry
Drayton Hall
Du Bois, W.E.B.
Duke, David
Dulaney, Marvin
Dunson, Josh
Durgin, George F.
Dwight, Ed
earthquake (1886)
Edgefield Plan
Egerton, Douglas
Eggleston, Edward
Eight Box Law (1882). See also voting rights
1860 Association
1876 election
Eliza’s House (Middleton Place)
Elliman, Huyler, and Mullally, Inc.
Elliott, Robert
emancipation: celebrations of; and southern whites during Jim Crow era; and southern whites during Reconstruction; and southern whites since civil rights movement
Emancipation Proclamation
Emanuel A.M.E. Church; and civil rights movement; and Denmark Vesey conspiracy; and Emancipation Day celebrations; origin and importance of; and tourism
Emanuel massacre
Estill, Harry F.
Ethnic Heritage Studies Act (1972)
Etude (Philadelphia)
Eugene F. Saxton Memorial Trust
Evarts, Jeremiah
Exchange Building
Faulkner, William
Federal Writers’ Project (FWP)
Ferris, William H.
Festival of Houses and Gardens
festivals of freedom
Fields, Barbara Jeanne
Fields, Mamie Garvin
Fifth of July address (Douglass)
54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
Fisk Jubilee Singers
Florida Writers’ Project
folk music
“Follow the Drinking Gourd” (traditional)
Ford, Henry
Ford, Robert
Fordham, Sonya
Forrest, Edward A.
Forrest, Marcellus
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Fort Mill loyal slave monument
Fort Moultrie National Monument
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter–Fort Moultrie Historical Trust
Fort Sumter Hotel
Fort Sumter Memorial
Fort Sumter National Monument
Fort Wagner
Fourth of July celebrations
Francis Marion Hotel
Franks, Curtis
Frazier, Herb
Fredericksburg, Virginia
free black community (“browns”); conditions of life and social divisions; and Denmark Vesey conspiracy
Freedom Singers
freedom songs
Free Press (Charleston)
French, James J.
Friends of the Martyrs
From Slavery to Freedom tour (Magnolia Plantation)
Frost, Susan Pringle
Fugitive Movement (Nashville)
Fuller, Edward
Fuller, George
Furchgott’s Department Store
Furman, Richard
Gadsden, Amos
Gadsden, James
Gadsen’s Wharf
Gadsden, Thomas N.
Gaillard, J. Palmer, Jr.
Gaillard, Maria Ravenel
Gaillard Municipal Auditorium
Gala Week (Charleston)
Gallaher, H.M.
Garrison, George Thompson
Garrison, Lucy McKim
Garrison, William Lloyd
Garrison Light Infantry
Gary, Martin W.
Gershwin, George
Gilbert, Bradford Lee
Gilbreth, Frank, Jr. (Ashley Cooper)
Gillmore, Quincy A.
Girardeau, John L.
Girl Scouts
Glaze, John
Glazier, Willard
Glymph, Thavolia
Gone with the Wind (1939)
Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)
Gordon, Robert
Gourdin, Henry
Gourdin, Robert N.
Grady, Henry W.
Graham, Stephen P.
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)
Grant, Ulysses S.
Graves, J. Michael
Graves, Louise Alston
Great Migration
Green, Elijah
Greene, Harlan
Gregory, John
Gresham Meggett High School
Grimball, John Berkley
Grimké, Angelina and Sarah
Grimké, Archibald
Grimké, Francis
Grimké, Montague
Grove Plantation
Guard House
Guggenheim Foundation
Guide to Charleston (Mazyck)
Guide to Charleston, S.C. (Walker)
Gullah language and culture: and civil rights movement; development of; and Federal Writers’ Project; and tourism; white Gullah impersonators; white spirituals preservationists
Gullah Tours
Gurney, William
Haig, Andrew
Haley, Alex
Haley, Nikki
Halsey, Ashley, Jr.
Hamilton, Frank
Hamilton, James, Jr.
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, Susan
Hamlin, Gyland H.
Hammond, James Henry
Hampton, Wade, III
Hampton Park. See also Washington Race Course
Hamrick, Tom
Hare, Mildred
Harlem Renaissance
Harleston, Edwin
Harnisch, Albert E.
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
Harpers Ferry slave insurrection
Harris, Joel Chandler
Harris, Mark
Hatch, John P.
Haut Gap High School
Hawks, Esther Hill
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Heaven Bound (Jones and Davis)
Hemphill, James C.
Here Come Joe Mungin (Murray)
heritage laws. See also Confederate symbols
Hewitt-Myring, Philip
Heyer, Heather
Heyward, Dorothy
Heyward, DuBose
Heyward, Janie Screven DuBose
Heyward, T. Savage
Heyward-Washington House
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Highlander Folk School
Historical Commission of Charleston (HCC)
historical memory
historic and cultural preservation
Historic Charleston Foundation (HCF)
A History of the United States (Thompson)
A History of the United States and Its People (Eggleston)
Hitler, Adolf
Holcombe, Shirley J.
Holloway, James H.
Holloway, Richard
Holmes, Benjamin M.
Holmes, Emma
Holmes, Henry S.
Holocaust Memorial
Home for the Mothers, Widows, and Daughters of Confederate Soldiers
Hooper, Grace Murray
Horton, Zilphia
Horwitz, Tony
Hose, Sam
Hospital Workers Strike (1969)
Hoursey, Alphonso
Howe, Daniel Walker
Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe
Huger, Alfred
Huger, Mary Esther
Hughes, Langston
Hunt, Eugene C.
Hutchins, Brian E.
Hutchins, Harry S., Jr.
Hutson, Katherine C.
Indianapolis Freeman
Institute Hall
International African American Museum
“I Will Overcome” (Tindley)
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Martin
Jackson, Thomas J.
James, Henry
James, Terry
Jamestown Exposition (1907)
Jamison, D.F.
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Esau
Jervey, Theodore D., Jr.
“John Brown’s Body” (traditional)
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Ernest
Johnson, James Drayton
Johnson, Michael P.
Jones, Bessie
Joseph Manigault House
Joyner, Ronnie
Karenga, Ron
“Keep Your Eyes on the Prize” (traditional)
“Keep Your Hand on the Plow” (traditional)
Keitt, Laurence
Kelly, Henrietta Aiken
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, M.F.
Keystone (Poppenheim and Poppenheim)
Kincaid, Jamaica
King, Edward
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Ku Klux Klan
Ladies’ Calhoun Monument Association (LCMA)
Ladies’ Memorial Association of Charleston (LMAC)
Ladson, Augustus
Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus
Landmarks of Charleston (Lesesne)
Landrieu, Mitch
Laurens, Henry
Laurensville Herald
Leavitt, Joshua
LeConte, Emma
Lee, Robert E.
Lee, Robert E., III
Lee, Samuel
Lee, Stephen D.
Legare, W.W.
Leland, Jack
Lesesne, Thomas Petigru
Lester, Julius
Libby War Museum (Chicago)
Library of Congress
Limehouse, Harry B. “Chip”
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln Portrait (Copland)
Lincoln Rifle Guard
“Lincoln’s Legacy” (Avery Tiger)
Lindsay, Vachel
Links, Inc.
Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature (Philadelphia)
Living History Tours
Lomax, Alan
Lomax, Hutson J.
Lomax, John A.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Lost Cause; A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates (Pollard)
Lost Cause tradition
L’Ouverture, Toussaint
Lucas, Philip
Lumpkin, Katharine Du Pre
Lynch Men
Lynes, J. Colton
Mackey, Albert G.
Madison, James
Magnolia Plantation
Manigault, Gabriel
Manigault, Louis
“Many Thousand Gone” (traditional)
Marcy, Henry
Marion Square; and Calhoun Monument; and Denmark Vesey Monument; and festivals of freedom; formerly Citadel Green. See also Citadel Green
Marks, Rosa M.
Martin, Chlotilde R.
Martyrs of the Race Course cemetery
Martyrs of the Race Course ceremony (1865)
Maybank, Burnet Rhett
McCollom, Matthew D.
McConnell, Glenn
McCord, William
McCormack, Helen Gardner
McCottry-Smith, Cynthia
McCrady, Edward, Jr.; and black voting rights; on Lost Cause, slavery, and slave trade; and Survivors’ Association of Charleston (SAC)
McFall, John A.
McFarland, Arthur C.
McGill, Joseph
McLeod Plantation
Medway Plantation
Memminger, Christopher
Memorial Day
“Michael Row the Boat Ashore” (traditional)
Middleton, William
Middleton Place
Miles Brewton House
Military Hall
Military Reconstruction Acts (1867)
Miller, Al
Miller, Polk
Miller, Thomas E.
Milligan, Florence S.
Mills, Clark
Milwaukee Sentinel
Miriam B. Wilson Foundation
Mishow, Abbey
Miss Anna E. Izzard’s School
Mitchell, Preston
Mobile Register
Moja Arts Festival
Montgomery, Mabel
Morawetz, Victor and Marjorie
Morrison, Toni
Mother Emanuel. See Emanuel A.M.E. Church
Moultrie, Mary
Mount Zion A.M.E. Church
Mount Zion Spiritual Singers
Moving Star Hall
Moving Star Hall Singers
Mulbern, W.
Mullet Hall Plantation
Murray, Chalmers
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People): and civil rights protests (1919 and 1960s); and Civil War commemorations; and Denmark Vesey memorials; founding of; and removal of Confederate symbols
Nathaniel Russell House
National Federation of Music Clubs
National Folk Festival (Knoxville)
National Folk Festival (Washington, D.C.)
National Geographic
National Park Service (NPS)
Neale Publishing Company
The Negro Group (Lopez)
Negro History Week
The Negro in Our History (Woodson)
Negro Motorist Green Book
Negro Seamen Act
Nell, William C.
Nelson, Robert L.
Nelson, Taylor Drayton
New American History (Woodward)
New Orleans
New South
New York Age
New York Evening Post
New York Freeman
New York Times
New-York Tribune
“No More Auction Block” (traditional)
Norman, Robert
North Carolina
Nullification Crisis
Oakes, Ziba B.
Obama, Barack
Obama, Michelle
O’Donnell, Kane
Office of Negro Affairs (FWP)
Oglesby, Sadie Green
Old Slave Mart (Ryan’s Mart); and slave trade; and tourism
Old Slave Mart Museum (OSMM)
Old South Carriage Company
Oliphant, Mary C. Simms
Oliver, Karl
Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr.
“Oogah” (Wilson)
O’Reilly, Bill
“Over My Head I See Trouble in the Air” (traditional)
Owens, Freeman
Page, Thomas Nelson
Page, Walter Hines
Palmetto Battalion
Parker, Ethelyn M.
Parker, Theodore
paternalism: and Carawans’ spirituals preservation work; and segregation; and slavery; and Society for the Preservation of Spirituals (SPS)
Patriotic Association of Colored Men
Pension Building (Washington, D.C.)
Perry, Benjamin F.
pest house
Peterkin, Julia
Philadelphia Press
Phillips, Ulrich B.
Phillips, Wendell
Phillis Wheatley Literary and Social Club
Piccolo Spoleto Festival
Picturesque Charleston (Walker, Evans, and Cogswell)
Pillsbury, Gilbert
Pinckney, Betsy
Pinckney, Clementa
Pinckney, Josephine
Pinckney, Martha S.
Pinckney, William
Plantation Echoes
Plantation Melody Singers
Poetry Society of South Carolina
Poinsette, Peter
Pollard, Edward A.
Poppenheim, Louisa B.
Poppenheim, Mary B.
Porcher, Francis J.
Porcher, Frederick A.
Porgy (novel, Heyward)
Porgy (play, Heyward and Heyward)
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin and Heyward)
Porter, C.W.
Post and Courier (Charleston)
Powers, Bernard
Powers, Hiram
Prentiss, James Clayton
Preston, John S.
Pringle, Edward J.
Pringle, Nell
Pringle, Robert
The Pro-Slavery Argument, as Maintained by the Most Distinguished Writers of the Southern States (Walker, Richards, & Co.)
Quincy, Josiah
Randolph, Lonnie
Ransier, Alonzo J.
Ravenel, Henry W.
Ravenel, Theodore D.
Reagon, Bernice Johnson
reconciliation: after Reconstruction; and SPS performances; and tourism
Redemption: memorials to; political process of; and segregation of public spaces; and violence
Redpath, James
Red Shirts
Reeves, Dick
Reform Party (South Carolina)
Reid, Frank M., Jr.
Republican Party: and 1876 compromise; after civil rights movement; and Denmark Vesey memorials; during Reconstruction
“Revolt Against Slavery” (Chronicle)
Rhett, Edmund
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, Jr.
Rhett, Robert Barnwell, Sr.
Rhind, John Massey
Richardson, Isadora
Riggs, John S., Jr.
Riggs, Sidney S.
Right on the Scaffold, or The Martyrs of 1822 (Grimké)
Riley, Joseph “Joe” P., Jr.
ring dances
Ripley, Roswell Sabine
Risher, Evelyn
Rivers, John M.
Rivers, W.J.
Robinson, Emmett
Robinson, O.D.
Rockefeller Foundation
Roof, Dylann
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano and Eleanor
Roots (Haley)
Roper, Caesar
Rosen, Robert
Rosenwald Fund
Russell, William Howard
Rutenberg, Jim
Rutledge, Caroline Pinckney
Rutledge, John
Ryan, Thomas
Ryan’s Mart. See Old Slave Mart (Ryan’s Mart)
Salley, Alexander S.
Salovey, Peter
Sass, Herbert Ravenel
Saunders, William “Bill”
Savannah Morning News
Savannah Press
Scarlet Sister Mary (Peterkin)
Schirmer, Jacob F.
Schurz, Carl
Scott, Dot
Scott, Robert K.
Seabrook, Mrs. William
Sea Island Folk Festival for Community Development
Sea Islands
Sea Island Singers
secession: events of; southern memory of after civil rights movement; southern memory of after Civil War
Secession Gala (2010)
Seeger, Pete
segregation: black memory during; Calhoun Monument and; civil rights desegregation campaigns; end of Reconstruction and; and historic preservation movement; and Lost Cause tradition; and paternalism; segregation of public spaces; and violence
Shaw, Robert Gould
Shaw School
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Sherrod, Charles
Shinault-Small, Alada
Sickles, Daniel E.
Siegling, John A.
Simmons, Gwendolyn A.
Simmons, Lucille
Simmons, Sam
Simms, William Gilmore
Simms History of South Carolina (Oliphant and Simms)
Simons, Albert
Simons, Thomas Y.
Sing for Freedom Festival and Workshop (Atlanta)
Singleton, Affie
Sites and Insights Tours
slave badges
Slave Days (Wilson)
Slave Dwelling Project
slavery: abolition; accounts by former slaves; and American Revolution; as benevolent; black slaveholders; as cause of Civil War; in Charleston; commemorations of; faithful slave trope; fear of slave rebellions; and historic and cultural preservation; memory of after Reconstruction; memory of during Reconstruction; memory of today; as Northern responsibility; resistance and rebellions; scholarship on; slave response to Union victory; task system; and tourism
Slavery Is Dead parade
slave trade
Slave Trading in the Old South (Bancroft)
Small, Robert
Smalls, Robert: and capture of Planter; and festivals of freedom; memory of
Smith, Alice Ravenel Huger
Smith, Daniel Elliott Huger
Smith, Eliza C.M. Huger
Smith, Prince
Smith’s Plantation
Smythe, Augustine and Louisa
Smythe, Henry B.
Smythe, Susan
Snowden, Mary A.
Snowden, Yates
social memory
Society for the Preservation of Manners and Customs of the South Carolina Low Country
Society for the Preservation of Old Dwellings (SPOD)
Society for the Preservation of Spirituals (SPS); and black community; and preservation of spirituals; and tourism
Songs of the Charleston Darkey (Heyward)
Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV)
South Atlantic Coastal Highway Association
South Carolina: A Guide to the Palmetto State (Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of South Carolina)
South Carolina Baptist convention
South Carolina Historical Society
South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition
South Carolina Leader (Charleston)
South Carolina Military Academy. See also Citadel
South Carolina Negro Writers’ Project (SCNWP)
South Carolina State University
South Carolina Under Royal Government (McCrady)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Southern Historical Society Papers
Southern Home Spirituals
Southern Statesmen of the Old Régime (Trent)
Sparkman, Mary A.
Spencer, Richard
Spirit of Freedom Monument Committee (SFMC)
spirituals: black attitude toward; and interracial harmony; preservation of; and social protest; southern white attitude toward; and tourism
Spoleto Festival USA
Spratt, L.W.
Springfield Republican
Springs, John, III
Stanton, Edwin M.
State (Columbia)
states’ rights
Steedman, Marguerite C.
Stephens, Alexander
Stockton, Robert P.
Stoney, Arthur J.
Stoney, Samuel Gaillard
Stoney, Thomas
Stono Rebellion (1739)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Street Strolls Around Charleston, South Carolina (Wilson)
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
“A Study Outline on the Contributions of the Negro to the United States”
Sullivan’s Island
Sumner, Albert
Sumner, Charles
Sumter Guard
Sunday Morning at the Great House (Smith)
Survivors’ Association of Charleston (SAC)
Survivors’ Association of South Carolina (SASC)
Take ’Em Down NOLA Coalition
Tallmadge, Nathaniel P.
Taveau, Augustin L.
Taylor, Caesar A.A.
Tea Party movement
Tecklenburg, John
“The Ten Greatest Negroes, or Beacon Lights of Negro History” (Ferris)
Thirteenth Amendment. See also Constitution (U.S.)
This Is Charleston: A Survey of the Architectural Heritage of a Unique American City (Stoney)
Thomasville Review
Thompson, George
Thompson, Hugh S.
Thompson, Waddy
Thomson, Jack
Thurman, Howard
Thurmond, Strom
Thursday Evening Club (New York City)
Tilden, Samuel J.
Tillman, Ben (Pitchfork Ben)
Tilton, Theodore
Timrod, Henry
Todd, Tracey
Toomer family
tourism: development of tourist industry; and race; and slavery; and spirituals
Tourrific Tours
Towne, Laura
Townsend, John
Tracy, Charlotte DeBerry
The Treasure of Peyre Gaillard (Bennett)
Trenholm, George
Trump, Donald
Truth, Sojourner
Tubman, Harriet
Tucker, D.J.
Turner, Nat
21st United States Colored Troops
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Underground Railroad
The Unfinished Civil War (McGill)
United Confederate Veterans (UCV)
United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC)
Unite the Right rally. See also Charlottesville demonstrations (2017)
University of South Carolina Law School
Upper Wards
Verner, Elizabeth O’Neill
Vesey, Denmark: conspiracy of; home of; memorials to; memory of by blacks; memory of by whites; and tourism; Vesey Monument
Vesey, Joseph
Vesey, Robert
Victor Talking Machine Company
Vivian, C.T.
voting rights
Voting Rights Act (1965)
Wagener, Frederick W.
Walker, Cornelius Irvine
Ware, Charles Pickard
Waring, Charles W., III
Waring, Thomas R.
Waring, Thomas “Tom” R., Jr.
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Washington, William
Washington Light Infantry
Washington Race Course. See also Hampton Park
Wayne, Mrs. William
Webster, Alonzo
Webster, Daniel
“We Shall Overcome” (traditional)
West, Donald
“What Mauma Thinks of Freedom” (Heyward)
Whipper, William J.
White, Alonzo J.
White, John Blake
White, Samuel E.
White Point Garden; and Civil War sesquicentennial; and Confederate monuments; and festivals of freedom; segregation of
Whitney, T.A.
Wightman, John T.
Wiley, Bell
Wilkins, Roy
Willard, A.J.
Williams, Lucille
Williams, Madaline
Williamsburg, Virginia
Wilson, George
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, James
Wilson, Miriam Bellangee
Wilson, Robert
Wilson, Rosa
Wine, Alice
Wood, Peter
Woods, Robert
Woodson, Carter G.
Woodward, William E.
Woody, Robert H.
Woolson, Constance
Work House (Sugar House)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Wright, Dorothy B.
Wright, J.J.
Wrighten, John H.
Young Men’s Business League
Zion Presbyterian Church