Many grateful thank-yous to Amanda Waddell, Will Kiester, Karen Levy, and Heather Godin for working hard on making this book sound and look as good as it does.

Huge thank-yous to our rockin’ team of testers: Courtney Blair, Kim Carpenter, Monika Soria Caruso, Kelly Cavalier, Michelle Cavigliano, Shannon Davis, Kip Dorrell, Ted Lai, Clea Mahoney, Shelly Mocquet-McDonald, Jen Fish Molica, Monique and Michel Narbel-Gimzia, John Plummer, Constanze Reichardt, Nina Stoma, Vegan Aide, and Liz Wyman.

Tami would like to thank Jim, her best friend, and her wonderful family. Huge thanks to Celine for the stellar sandwich fun, and to everyone, everywhere eating vegan, one meal at a time.

Celine would like to thank her (furry and less furry) family. Extra special thank-yous to the always inspiring Tami for what will forever be known as the super summer of sandwiching.