Appendix F

Model Letter for Permission Requests

THE FOLLOWING LETTER is offered as guidance for drafting letters to copyright owners when permission to use the work is necessary. Chapter 18 of this book offers some principles for preparing an effective permissions letter. Naturally, the letter should be revised to meet your particular needs. Be sure to ask for the uses you realistically anticipate, but be ready to be flexible if the copyright owner is not prepared to grant all rights that you might want. Always keep a copy of the letter in your permanent files.

Today’s date

Your address and contact information

Name and address of copyright owner

Dear ________:

I am requesting permission to reprint pages 39 through 62 of the following work: Crunchy Copyright, by Suzanne Tran, and published by ABC Press in 1995. I believe that your company, XYZ Publishing, is currently the holder of the copyright, because the original book states that copyright is held in the name of the publisher, and my research indicates that XYZ Publishing acquired ABC Press in 2002. If you do not currently hold the legal right to grant this permission, please let me know, and please direct me to the current rightsholder. Otherwise, your permission confirms that you hold the right to grant the permission requested here.

This request is for permission to include the above content as part of a web-based publication. I am developing a website that will include selected materials about copyright law. The purpose of the project is to help readers learn about and better understand copyright law. This request is for a nonexclusive, irrevocable, and royalty-free permission, and it is not intended to interfere with other uses of the same work by you. My project is currently hosted on my university server, and we expect to make it available indefinitely to the public with no restriction or charge. Because of changing technologies, I am also requesting permission to use the materials in connection with future versions of the project, in any format, including electronic and print media. I hope that you will support this educational project. I would be pleased to include a full citation to the work and other acknowledgment as you might request.

I would greatly appreciate your consent to my request. If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be reached at the contact information above.

A duplicate copy of this request has been provided for your records. If you agree with the terms as described above, please sign the letter where indicated below and send one copy with the self-addressed return envelope I have provided.


Wanda W. Wonderproject

Permission is hereby granted for the use of the material as described above:

Signature: ________

Name and title: ________

Company/affiliation: ________

Date: ________