
First, I must thank my wife, Kay Reid. She’s been my constant “go for it” voice, encouraging me to grow my initial teaching into a book and a consultancy.

Daniel Steinberg was the first person who advised me to write a book. Daniel, I owe you a drink.

I also want to thank Graham Lee. He was the first “voice in the wilderness” with his book Test-Driven iOS Development [Lee12]. Thank you for that book, for being an encouraging friend, and for writing the foreword to this book. Who else but Graham would turn a technical foreword into a reflection spanning thousands of years?

I rely on feedback loops for software development, but had no idea that writing a book worked in the same way. I’m deeply grateful to the technical reviewers whose feedback made this book so much better. The reviewers were Andrew Ebling, Fred Brown, Janie Larson, Josh Justice, Liz Marley, and Mark Dalrymple.

Besides the “official” reviewers who worked with my editor, many of you emailed me directly. Thank you for your corrections and suggestions. I especially want to thank Simon Rofe, who struggled with me to find a way to unit test storyboard segues. Cheers, mate.

Finally, I want to thank all the students at my workshops on test-driven development for iOS. Several innovations came from those discussions, and some were discovered by the students. Every time I teach, I learn something new.

Jon Reid
San Jose, California, USA, April 2020



