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Software startups make global headlines every day. As technology companies succeed and grow, so do their engineering departments. In your career, you’ll may suddenly get the opportunity to lead teams: to become a manager. But this is often uncharted territory. How do you decide whether this career move is right for you? And if you do, what do you need to learn to succeed? Where do you start? How do you know that you’re doing it right? What does “it” even mean? And isn’t management a dirty word? This book will share the secrets you need to know to manage engineers successfully.
James Stanier
(396 pages) ISBN: 9781680507249 $45.95
Rediscover how fun web development can be with Hugo, the static site generator and web framework that lets you build content sites quickly, using the skills you already have. Design layouts with HTML and share common components across pages. Create Markdown templates that let you create new content quickly. Consume and generate JSON, enhance layouts with logic, and generate a site that works on any platform with no runtime dependencies or database. Hugo gives you everything you need to build your next content site and have fun doing it.
Brian P. Hogan
(154 pages) ISBN: 9781680507263 $26.95
MVC and CRUD make software easier to write, but harder to change. Microservice-based architectures can help even the smallest of projects remain agile in the long term, but most tutorials meander in theory or completely miss the point of what it means to be microservice based. Roll up your sleeves with real projects and learn the most important concepts of evented architectures. You’ll have your own deployable, testable project and a direction for where to go next.
Ethan Garofolo
(290 pages) ISBN: 9781680506457 $45.95
Give users the real-time experience they expect, by using Elixir and Phoenix Channels to build applications that instantly react to changes and reflect the application’s true state. Learn how Elixir and Phoenix make it easy and enjoyable to create real-time applications that scale to a large number of users. Apply system design and development best practices to create applications that are easy to maintain. Gain confidence by learning how to break your applications before your users do. Deploy applications with minimized resource use and maximized performance.
Stephen Bussey
(326 pages) ISBN: 9781680507195 $45.95
You’ve decided to tackle machine learning — because you’re job hunting, embarking on a new project, or just think self-driving cars are cool. But where to start? It’s easy to be intimidated, even as a software developer. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that hard. Master machine learning by writing code one line at a time, from simple learning programs all the way to a true deep learning system. Tackle the hard topics by breaking them down so they’re easier to understand, and build your confidence by getting your hands dirty.
Paolo Perrotta
(340 pages) ISBN: 9781680506600 $47.95
Today’s tech unicorns develop software differently. They’ve developed a way of working that lets them scale like an enterprise while working like a startup. These techniques can be learned. This book takes you behind the scenes and shows you how companies like Google, Facebook, and Spotify do it. Leverage their insights, so your teams can work better together, ship higher-quality product faster, innovate more quickly, and compete with the unicorns.
Jonathan Rasmusson
(138 pages) ISBN: 9781680507232 $26.95
Develop your next app with Flutter and deliver native look, feel, and performance on both iOS and Android from a single code base. Bring along your favorite libraries and existing code from Java, Kotlin, Objective-C, and Swift, so you don’t have to start over from scratch. Write your next app in one language, and build it for both Android and iOS. Deliver the native look, feel, and performance you and your users expect from an app written with each platform’s own tools and languages. Deliver apps fast, doing half the work you were doing before and exploiting powerful new features to speed up development. Write once, run anywhere.
Carmine Zaccagnino
(368 pages) ISBN: 9781680506952 $47.95
Learn Rails the way the Rails core team recommends it, along with the tens of thousands of developers who have used this broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference. If you’re new to Rails, you’ll get step-by-step guidance. If you’re an experienced developer, get the comprehensive, insider information you need for the latest version of Ruby on Rails. The new edition of this award-winning classic is completely updated for Rails 6 and Ruby 2.6, with information on processing email with Action Mailbox and managing rich text with Action Text.
Sam Ruby and David Bryant Copeland
(494 pages) ISBN: 9781680506709 $57.95
Access the power of bare-metal systems programming with Scala Native, an ahead-of-time Scala compiler. Without the baggage of legacy frameworks and virtual machines, Scala Native lets you re-imagine how your programs interact with your operating system. Compile Scala code down to native machine instructions; seamlessly invoke operating system APIs for low-level networking and IO; control pointers, arrays, and other memory management techniques for extreme performance; and enjoy instant start-up times. Skip the JVM and improve your code performance by getting close to the metal.
Richard Whaling
(260 pages) ISBN: 9781680506228 $45.95
Broken Scrum practices limit your organization’s ability to take full advantage of the agility Scrum should bring: The development team isn’t cross-functional or self-organizing, the product owner doesn’t get value for their investment, and stakeholders and customers are left wondering when something—anything—will get delivered. Learn how experienced Scrum masters balance the demands of these three levels of servant leadership, while removing organizational impediments and helping Scrum teams deliver real-world value. Discover how to visualize your work, resolve impediments, and empower your teams to self-organize and deliver using advanced coaching and facilitation techniques that honor and support the Scrum values and agile principles.
Ryan Ripley and Todd Miller
(240 pages) ISBN: 9781680506976 $45.95
Developers hate estimation, and most managers fear disappointment with the results, but there is hope for both. You’ll have to give up some widely held misconceptions: let go of the notion that “an estimate is an estimate,” and estimate for your particular need. Realize that estimates have a limited shelf-life, and re-estimate frequently as needed. When reality differs from your estimate, don’t lament; mine that disappointment for the gold that can be the longer-term jackpot. We’ll show you how.
George Dinwiddie
(246 pages) ISBN: 9781680506983 $29.95
You know how to code in Elixir; now learn to think in it. Learn to design libraries with intelligent layers that shape the right data structures, flow from one function into the next, and present the right APIs. Embrace the same OTP that’s kept our telephone systems reliable and fast for over 30 years. Move beyond understanding the OTP functions to knowing what’s happening under the hood, and why that matters. Using that knowledge, instinctively know how to design systems that deliver fast and resilient services to your users, all with an Elixir focus.
James Edward Gray, II and Bruce A. Tate
(246 pages) ISBN: 9781680506617 $41.95