Call connected at 12:15.
‘Hello, Dunlow Consultants. How can I help you?’
‘Hello there. Can I please speak to Mr Timothy Dunlow?’
‘May I ask who is calling?’
‘My name’s Maddy. I’m calling on behalf of Detectives Juliet Stern and Gabe Martin. They need to arrange a time to talk to Mr Dunlow about an incident on his property.’
‘Please stay on the line. I’ll connect you.’
‘Hello there. Is that Timothy Dunlow?’
‘Hi, my name is Maddy. I’m calling on behalf of Detectives Juliet Stern and Gabe Martin.’
‘My assistant told me. Do you know who it is yet?’
‘I’m sorry?’
‘The body. Do you know who it is?’
‘I’m sorry, Mr Dunlow. At this time I can’t discuss any details of the investigation.’
‘There was a body found on my property and you can’t tell me who it is?’
‘Unfortunately no. But I was calling to arrange for Gabe and Juliet to come and have a chat.’
‘A chat?’
‘Yes. They’d like to talk to you about the investigation. Is there a time later today when they could come to see you? Work or home is fine.’
‘I don’t think that’s necessary. Someone’s died, but it has nothing to do with me.’
‘Still, Gabe and Juliet would like to talk to you about a few things. They could come to you, or you could pop into the station.’
‘Christ, no. They can come to the house. I’ll be home at half five.’
‘Great. I’ll tell them to come just after.’
‘Fine. Is that all?’
‘Yes. Thank you for assisting with the investigation.’