From: Dean Ashmore
To: Juliet Stern
Date: 11 October, 16:39
Subject: Leonard Dunlow
Dear Juliet,
Let me first say that I do hope Leonard is alright. He’s at a critical point in his studies and it would be such a shame for his attention to be affected.
In relation to your questions – Leonard is a wonderful student. I teach him music, in addition to being his form tutor, and he’s an incredibly hardworking and courteous young man. The only afterschool club he engages in is Orchestra, where he plays piano. He’s well liked by his peers, if sometimes a tad quiet. I haven’t noticed any recent changes in his behaviour.
His father is a valued parent governor. I don’t know the man well. At parent conferences, he has been pleased with Leonard’s progress. He’s quite demanding of his son, but no more so than any other parent.
I didn’t teach here when Terence attended but I’ve asked the other teachers and they remember him as an outgoing and dedicated student.
Let me know if you need any more details,
Dean Ashmore