It seems to be a common thread—the languages I fall in love with are created by people who are both clever and extremely nice. José Valim, the creator of Elixir, takes both of these adjectives to a new level. I owe him a massive thank-you for giving me so much fun over the last 18 months. Along with him, the whole Elixir core team has done an amazing job of cranking out an entire ecosystem that feels way more mature than its years. Thank you, all.
A conversation with Corey Haines reignited my interest in Elixir—thank you, Corey, for good evenings, some interesting times in Bangalore, and the inspiration.
Bruce Tate is always an interesting sounding board, and his comments on early drafts of the book made a big difference. And I’ve been blessed with an incredible number of active and insightful beta readers who have made literally hundreds of suggestions for improvements. Thank you, all.
A big tip of the hat to Jessica Kerr, Anthony Eden, and Chad Fowler for letting me steal their tweets.
Kim Shrier seems to have been involved with my writing since before I started writing. Thanks, Kim, for another set of perceptive and detailed critiques.
Candace Cunningham again amazed me with her detailed copy editing: it’s rare to find someone who can correct both your grammar and your code. The crew at Potomac did their customary stellar job of indexing.