Other Ways to Run Code Fragments

We can use the function Code.eval_quoted to evaluate code fragments, such as those returned by quote.

 iex>​ fragment = ​quote​ ​do​: IO.puts(​"​​hello"​)
 {{:.,[],[{:__aliases__,[alias: false],[:IO]},:puts]},[],["hello"]}
 iex>​ Code.eval_quoted fragment

By default, the quoted fragment is hygienic, and so does not have access to variables outside its scope. Using var!(:name), we can disable this feature and allow a quoted block to access variables in the containing scope. In this case, we pass the binding to eval_quoted as a keyword list.

 iex> fragment = ​quote​ ​do​: IO.puts(var!(a))
 {{:., [], [{​:__aliases__​, [​alias:​ false], [​:IO​]}, ​:puts​]}, [],
  [{​:var!​, [​context:​ Elixir, ​import​: Kernel], [{​:a​, [], Elixir}]}]}
 iex> Code.eval_quoted fragment, [​a:​ ​"​​cat"​]
 {​:ok​,[​a:​ ​"​​cat"​]}

Code.string_to_quoted converts a string containing code to its quoted form, and Macro.to_string converts a code fragment back into a string.

 iex>​ fragment = Code.string_to_quoted(​"​​defmodule A do def b(c) do c+1 end end"​)
 {:ok,{:defmodule,[line: 1],[{:__aliases__,[line: 1],[:A]},
 [do: {:def,[line: 1],[{:b,[line: 1],[{:c,[line: 1],nil}]},
 [do: {:+,[line: 1],[{:c,[line: 1],nil},1]}]]}]]}}
 iex>​ Macro.to_string(fragment)
 "{:ok, defmodule(A) do\n def(b(c)) do\n c + 1\n end\nend}"

We can also evaluate a string directly using Code.eval_string.

 iex>​ Code.eval_string(​"​​[a, a*b, c]"​, [​a:​ 2, ​b:​ 3, ​c:​ 4])
 {[2,6,4],[a: 2, b: 3, c: 4]}