Palm Sunday night Pepper and Mick settled into bed earlier than usual. The full day ended wearily with them packing his bags. He had to leave at the crack of dawn to drive to a new road construction site. For the next few months his commute would be three hours each way. When not working on Saturdays, he’d spend weekends at home.
It was not an unusual situation for them. Pepper was accustomed to it…and she was not.
Mick turned the page. They were on 182.
She sighed. Although she’d checked out a copy from the library, the sad fact was they would each read the ending on their own.
But that wasn’t the most difficult situation lounging about with them.
“Mick, I can’t shake it.”
“Then maybe it is the Holy Spirit nudging you.”
“I just hope it’s not that scene at the table this afternoon influencing my emotions.”
“The one between Aidan and Kenzie.” As often happened, he intuited what she thought. “She is one sad little puppy.”
“She’s so wounded. I think she and Susan really enjoyed each other at the shower, but it’s like finding a corner piece in a jigsaw puzzle that has three thousand pieces. A start, yes, but they have such a ways to go. And then there’s the dad. Nincompoop.”
“Tsk, tsk. Did you know Kenzie thinks we adore everyone? Make that totally adore. Aidan said that she said she never hears a disparaging remark from us about anyone.”
“Well, obviously she’s missed my conversations about her dad. And your mom.”
“Hmm.” He turned the page. “So, if it is the Spirit nudging you, what do you think you should do?”
She grimaced. The Spirit nudged all right. “You mean besides pray for Drake?”
“Ah. There’s my true Pepper.”
“First off, I’ll fast for twenty-four hours. And of course I’ll pray for all of them. Maybe I should call Mildred. I’d like to get together with Susan. I am drawn to her, and not just because of our Grandmas out of Wedlock Boat. Maybe it’s because I’m so astounded at her transformation. She’s living, touchable proof of God working in the here and now.”
“That’s saying quite a lot.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Which one was Mildred again?”
“One of the seventysomething twins. They refer to her as the Prayer Warrior. I’m sure she’s praying too, asking God to heal this family.”
Mick kissed the top of her head. “The walls will come tumbling down. Drake Starr won’t know what hit him.”
“I hope he does. I hope he feels the full impact of what he’s losing.”
Mick shut the book and set it on the nightstand. “More importantly, I hope our little semi-daughter-in-law feels the full impact of God’s love pouring into her wounds, healing them as only He can.”
“Amen.” She snuggled under his arm.
“Amen.” He turned off the lamp. “Who put Mickey Junior up to his stunt?”
“You didn’t?”
He chuckled. “No. If I’d thought of it, I would have.”
“Me too. It pulled Kenzie out of her funk, but no one confessed to it.”
“Must have been the Spirit then.” He held her close. “I love you, Pepper Sprout.”
She smiled, and all the world’s woes drifted away.