The menace in his words pushed her back until the edge of the night table jabbed her. As the gap between them closed, Grace felt faint, and she shook when he reached out.
There was no fumbling for her. He slipped his hand over her shoulder and drew her against him. He wound his other arm around her and splayed his hand on her ass. He made a fist, bunching the edge of her nightgown, and muttered, ‘Say it.’
God, why can’t I stop shaking? ‘Say what?’
‘You know.’
The nightgown hitched under her breasts, and he went no further. He left her trapped there, hairy thighs and belly brushing hers. His cock rested against her belly. It was the sudden throb that brought her body and mind back to earth.
She knew. Oh, yes, she knew.
‘Mr Taureau,’ she said, and reached between them. The shaft was hot in her palm, like iron and silk and warm candle wax. She brushed her thumb across the tip. ‘Mr Taureau, is there anything I can do for you?’
He leaned in, close to her mouth. ‘Let me fuck your mouth.’
The last of her trepidation vanished. She released him so he could get rid of the nightgown, and then his hands were on her hips, turning her around. She made to sit on the bed but he pushed and pulled her, urging her onto her back with her head hanging over the edge. He didn’t want a mere suck, she realised. He wanted what he wanted in the most literal sense. He wanted to fuck her mouth.
Taureau stepped forward and Grace took hold of his cock, guiding him until the sticky tip brushed her lips. There was no teasing preamble between them once he had her where he wanted her. He pressed down on her shoulders and pushed his dick deeper, slowly at first until she had found the perfect angle.
Though he moaned as she began to suck him, he didn’t thrust, not until Grace slid her hands up to his ass and squeezed.
‘I could tell you were a woman who loved sucking cock,’ he said, jutting his hips against the suction of her mouth. ‘First thing I ever watched you do. Some just get hand jobs, some get you licking them like a lollipop, but the ones you’re really into get something special.’
He spoke with barely a whisper, but she heard him as clearly as she had when he was growling in her ear. Every word made her ravenous for him. His glutes were solid beneath her palms, flexing with each thrust. She wanted more. She wanted it hard, his hand pushing down on her head, but this was Taureau’s big reveal. Her animosity was gone, replaced with the here and the now, with his cock filling her mouth and his weight pushing down on her shoulders.
‘The ones you’re really into, they get to deep throat your hungry mouth.’ He suddenly pushed deep, nearly gagging her, and then pulled back just as quickly until only the tip brushed her upper lip.
‘Don’t tease me,’ she whispered, and ran her hands up and down his pillar-like thighs. ‘Not tonight. I’ll go crazy if you make me wait.’
‘Don’t you worry. I’ll give you the hard fuck you want, but I’ll give it when I want to give it. Give me your tongue.’
‘Jacques …’ She craned her neck, desperate for any bit of his cock he would give her. The moment the tip of her tongue touched the smooth head, he pulled back and she was left with no choice but to comply.
‘Good girl.’ His knuckles bumped her nose as he rubbed the crested head against her tongue. ‘Just the tip. Do that thing you do with your tongue. You know what I’m talking about.’
A few weeks ago she wouldn’t have had a clue, but since Taureau entered her orbit she had described every sexual encounter so that he could piece together the things he had seen. Just like he’d said, her oral performance was dependent on whether she was merely warm for her lovers or burned like a summer bonfire. When it was the latter, she treated their cocks like a special treat just for her.
Leaving one hand on his ass, she grasped the thick length with the other. Just as she’d imagined doing so many times before, she swept her tongue around and around that smooth head. Nothing she’d done before compared to having him hard and hot in her hand, the taste of him on her tongue. Drunk on him, she relished him, licking, sucking, nibbling, teasing, tugging. All the while, Taureau gripped her shoulders, fingers digging her as throaty sounds poured over her.
He slipped his hands under her head and filled her mouth again. ‘I tell you to stop, you stop. I’m not coming in your mouth.’
He held her like that as he built up his tempo, fucking her mouth in solid strokes. Grace resumed her hold on him, clutching his ass as he pumped in and out. She moaned each time he went deep, then moaned around her mouthful as he leaned forward and rubbed his finger around her clit.
‘Open your legs and let me see how wet you are.’
She obeyed, and released his cock with a pop. ‘Turn on the light.’
‘Not yet. I can see you just fine in the moonlight. Up a little further,’ he whispered, and when she was sprawled flat on the bed he climbed on top and straddled her face. Thick fingers spread her open.
‘Here is where you’re most sensitive,’ he murmured, breathe streaming over her wet pussy as he crooked his finger at the underside of her clit. He stopped her whimper with his cock, giving her just enough to plug her mouth.
With every wicked stroke she pushed up, eager for more, but he gave her nothing. She had him at last, and he was still keeping her teetering on the edge of madness.
‘You’re ready for a tongue,’ he said, and, so quickly she had no time to brace for it, swirled his tongue around her clit.
Up again she went with a moan, only to have him throw all his weight onto her. She scraped her nails down his thighs, but got no more than a quiet hiss for her efforts. ‘Jacques – God, Jacques, stop teasing me. I can’t take any more.’
‘You took almost two months, you can take a little longer, and you’ll come when I say you can come.’
She glanced down between their bodies, craning her neck until she found a narrow valley with a clear view. He was right: she was utterly exposed in the yellowish light coming through the stained glass above the bed. She sucked in a breath as she saw, amidst the smudging darkness that was Taureau, the point of a tongue straining for all that wetness.
His sweet torture went on for ever. Around and around he licked her, twisting in a frenzy at times, and coiling slowly at others. She begged for her pleasure to no avail, begged for him to make her come, to stop and fuck her, begged to have her pussy and her mouth filled at once. She couldn’t tell whether he was merely playing with her for the sake of his pleasure, or if this was her punishment for bucking his request for that afternoon.
It didn’t matter. Pleasure or punishment, she drowned in it. There was nothing for her to do but quietly gorge herself on him as he played with her, and even in that act he gave and he took away, letting her suck him as hungrily as she liked for a while and then lifting his hips and pushing forward so she could take no more.
And then he took it all away. He rose away from her, then pushed her down as she tried to get up.
‘Don’t leave,’ she hissed desperately into the darkness.
He walked round to the other side of the bed, caught her wrists and held them between their bodies. His voice was almost tender as he said, ‘I’m not going anywhere,’ and pushed her back onto the mattress.
For the first time since he’d entered the room, Grace was glad of the obscurity of the darkness. She could see him, but she couldn’t really see him. The moonlight had revealed to her the shape of the man, the hint of features and definition – the dusting of hair over his chest, the shape of his mouth, his nose, his cock, the light catching his eyes – but nothing more. All of her other senses were so overwhelming her that she was sure looking at him in raw light would break her.
Just watching his hands on her thighs, spreading her apart, turned her electric. She shook as he delved into the swollen heat of her pussy once more, fingers curling and flexing against her G spot.
‘I could tell you everything I’m going to do to you now that I have you here, but this is better.’ He filled her to the knuckle and twitched his thumb over her clit. ‘As much as you raged against me, keeping you mystified is what keeps you where I want you.’
‘I know it,’ she whispered, and drew her feet close to her as he pumped his fingers in and out.
Taureau placed his other hand on her abdomen. ‘Do you? Do you have any idea what I’ve been planning for you in the last few weeks? I decided the first night, when you bent over and did exactly what I told you, that I’d have you here.’
Grace clutched at the pillows squashing around her head and squirmed as he toyed with her body and her mind. She needed release before she burned to ash.
‘You knew it too, for all your tantrums.’ he went on, and became rough with her, finger-fucking her with such force her whole body jolted up. He pushed her back down. The cadence of his fingers slowed, but didn’t soften. ‘This was mine from the moment I decided it was mine.’
The friction against her G spot was maddening. The pressure built and built and she held her breath, waiting for him to withdraw and leave her flailing for more, but her inner walls began to quiver around his fingers as he just kept stoking the fire he’d built.
‘I’ll keep you as long as I want,’ he went on, the pressure of his hand on her belly increasing as she writhed. ‘You’ll suck me when I want. You’ll open your legs for me when I ask, and you’ll come when I want. Anything I want, Miss Neely. Say you understand.’
She tipped her head back and whimpered, afraid that if she let out more than that he’d deny her again.
‘Say it.’
‘Y–yes, Mr Taureau.’
He chuckled, then bowed low and flicked around her clit once more, but he didn’t tease her. His tongue skated around and around, as frenzied as the fingers he fucked her with.
‘I’m coming,’ she said in a pant.
It wasn’t her usual bravado. How many men had she said that to as they bucked against her? But only this one had prompted her outburst from sheer disbelief. With the first jolting contraction zipping under his tongue she arched up against him. He pushed back but even the great Jacques Alain Taureau was no match for what the suction of his mouth created. Again and again she ground against him, repeating, ‘I’m coming … I’m coming …’ over and over again until her words rushed together into nonsense.
She released her hold on the pillows and grasped the cold headboard as that last throb hit her. It shuddered off the end of his tongue and tore through her, turning her into a mass of quivering nerve endings and hot blood.
She had no opportunity even to catch her breath before her second orgasm reared up.
‘Come on, Grace,’ he was saying now as he worked the sweet spot. ‘We both know once is never enough for you.’
‘Jesus, Jacques –’ Pulse after pulse hit her. A moan scraped her throat as it exploded out, sputtering over her lips only to be sucked back in with a sharp gasp. He was still speaking but she heard nothing through the static in her head. Riddled with aftershocks, she let go of the headboard and went limp.
It had been impossible to keep her eyes open, and she slipped beneath the surface of her lethargy for just a moment before the sound of his voice brought her back.
He hovered over her, his hard thighs pushing hers apart, his cock rubbing her belly, his wet lips brushing hers.
‘Don’t quit on me now, Grace.’
‘Oh, no, never,’ she whispered. ‘Fuck me now, Jacques. I need it.’
He swept his tongue over her bottom lip, leaving the taste of her pleasure behind. ‘Say it again.’
‘Fuck me.’ Mustering all her strength, she pushed up and angled her head. ‘I need your cock now.’
With a growl he dropped down, forearms on either side of her head. As his tongue invaded her mouth, he twisted her hair in his fingers.
Grace took hold of the headboard once more, giving in to his possession. She couldn’t move her head. His grip on her was unrelenting, holding her exactly where he wanted her while he fucked his tongue in and out of her mouth. There was no escaping him. She kept her grip on the headboard, twisting the rungs as though he had strapped her down with invisible cord. She had all his weight pressing upon her, and it was what she wanted: the hair on his thighs rubbing between her legs, his cock hard against her belly, and that sting in her scalp where his fingers flexed, tugging her hair with every thrust of his tongue.
If he never let her out of his grip, if he never let her leave this place, this bed, she’d have no regrets.
Hours could have passed before he finally broke away from her. His withdrawal was as brutal as his captivity. He pushed up onto his knees and pulled her with him.
‘I’ll fuck you now,’ he said. ‘How do you want it?’
‘Do I have a choice?’
He pressed his forehead to hers. ‘Your voice is shaking. Are you worried?’
‘No. Not any more. I was when you first came into the room. Now, I just want what you want.’
‘To be fucked.’
She closed her eyes and sighed. ‘Yes, Mr Taureau.’
‘Then turn over.’
He released her and she obeyed. It wasn’t only her voice that shook. Her whole body seemed ready to go into a fit as she rolled onto her stomach.
‘Push up more. Lift your ass.’
As sated as she had been moments ago, her need for his cock surged back like a rogue wave as he positioned her the way he wanted her, until she was spread out to him.
The tip of his cock rubbed between her slick lips. Grace shuddered as he nudged her clit, still so sensitive from his tongue, and seconds later she tensed as he poised himself at her ass.
Taureau grunted and grasped her hips. ‘You don’t like this.’
It wasn’t a question but a statement of fact.
Though she couldn’t see him, Grace lifted her head. ‘Not tonight.’
‘But eventually.’
Again, not a question.
She rested her head back down and let out a deep breath. ‘Yes.’
‘Not tonight,’ he said, and slipped that fat head where she wanted it most. A few inches and he plugged her, and when he gave her no more she squirmed. She sensed the breadth of him closing in on her as he rose up onto his knees, and groaned into the bedding as he thrust into her.
Something in Taureau seemed to quake. His grip failed him for a moment and he faltered. His cock throbbed and his breath stuttered in his throat, the whisper of a moan slipping through.
‘Even better than I imagined,’ he muttered, and bore down on her hips as he withdrew. He took his time, working his cock in shallow thrusts.
Grace had the urge to shake off his hands and push up, but it was as though he read her mind. As soon as the thought flitted into her brain, he pressed down on the small of her back and went deep once more.
‘I’ve got you right here,’ he whispered, shunting his length over her G spot. ‘Talk to me like you did the other men. Tell me how good it feels to have a cock.’
She turned her face into the bedding and moaned as every stroke sent a pulse of heat through her pussy. She tried to make a word, to get her tongue and her lips to make words out of the elation pouring out of her, but she was too overcome.
Taureau persisted, taking away the magnificent friction of his dick. He left her corked, squirming for more.
‘I said talk to me.’
The mouth of her cunt throbbed around him. Nothing. No words. No thoughts. Only the need to be filled up again.
And then came the hard crack on her bum. At first she merely heard it and wondered what it was, but when the sting and the heat came she bucked up and poured out delirious words.
‘Ooooh God fuck me fill me up give me your cock make me come all over your cock – uh!’
Her reward was a savage thrust that pushed her forward, and another slap. ‘There we go. You love a little sting, don’t you?’
Taureau pressed down upon her. He slipped one hand beneath her arm and braced the other across her shoulders, once more twisting her hair. ‘You’re mine to fuck now, aren’t you? Aren’t you?’
‘Yes.’ The word broke up as he worked his cock in and out, in and out: iron perfection against the sweet spot. ‘You’re going to make me come again.’
His grip tightened and he groaned, long and low, vibrating along her ear canal and skimming down her spine. It mingled with the sting in her hair that zipped downwards, catching the current every thrust created against her inner wall, then settled in her abdomen.
The sense of being used had never sat well with her. There was a time and place for a little domination, and the urge to be held down was often fleeting with Grace. Even when her lover was a spectacular bear of a man, she would often be struck by an urge to overcome him and take her pleasure.
Not here. Not now. There could be no other way but to let Taureau stamp his ownership on her. As his thrusts became more forceful, Grace sobbed for him to be harder, rougher, and he responded by pulling her hair a little more and growling into her ear.
‘Good girl, get my cock wet.’
He pressed his lips against her ear as he spoke, and in her fever it seemed to her as though he wanted to say more, but the hungry sound at the back of his throat stole his voice.
She gasped as her inner walls shuddered around his cock, then moaned long and low. A wicked pulse hit her, exploding in her abdomen and racing through the rest of her body.
‘Come with me,’ she growled, pushing her words out through clenched teeth. ‘Let me – fuck me. Fuck me like that.’
This last expletive she forced through her teeth as he pounded her. The bed rocked with his movements. The tension in his body surrounded her. His strength was felt in every hard slap of his abdomen against her ass, in the sting in her scalp where his grip tightened with each hard thrust.
Grace bucked up, but there was nowhere to go. He had her. All his. His. She could scarcely breathe as her orgasm pummelled her as roughly as the man who fucked her, squeezing the breath out of her as she was torn apart by it.
Maddened by the pleasure as he released her, Grace twisted the bedding in her hands. He reared over her and pushed down on her shoulders. She vaguely felt the pain of his grip as she gushed around his dick.
‘Hmmm-mmm.’ Through the buzzing in her ear she heard him, the shaky sound of Taureau giving in to the weakness of his body as his thrusts grew shallower and his cock throbbed inside her. And then, that final, forceful thrust that plugged her completely. Her inner walls milked him, her cunt greedy as he shot his load deep.
As Grace subsided, heavy and useless, he seemed to be trapped in his own pleasure, breathing in shallow puffs as he emptied himself into her body. She would have stayed there for as long as he wished, but at the same time she yearned to take him in her arms and cradle him, wipe the sweat from his brow and stroke his damp shoulders until he awoke from his weakened state.
She sucked in a deep breath and lifted her head.
As though she had uttered some magic word to wake him, Taureau shook himself and withdrew. He let out a low, throaty curse as the last of his seed spurted into her wet pussy, and then he was still, his hands on her bum.
‘Did I hurt you?’
Grace shakily half-turned onto her side. Propped on one elbow, she could twist around enough to just see him kneeling behind her. ‘I’m fine.’
‘Good.’ He took a deep breath, and bowed as he blew it out. Hands moving to her hips, he nuzzled the small of her back and drew a deep breath again as though inhaling her. She sighed through his worship, goose flesh rising wherever his hands roamed.
He rolled to her side, dragging her with him, and draped his leg over hers and his arm across her waist.
She hated to sleep. She wanted to stay awake all night, even if it was just to shudder as his breath ruffled the top of her head, but he’d driven her to exhaustion. She closed her eyes and matched her breathing to his.
* * *
She opened her eyes in sunlight. Glorious white sunlight that flooded the bedroom. She was in the same position she had slept in, and before her eyes was a hand. Just a hand with fingers curled into the palm. She heard him breathing deeply, a slight grinding snore to every inhalation that swelled his chest. He was warm against her back.
Grace rolled onto her stomach and lifted her head. She took her time as she gazed admiringly at the thick forearm dusted with dark hair that ended just below his bicep. She touched the tip of her tongue to her upper lip as she reached his thick neck, and held her breath as she reached his face.
This man was merely familiar to her in the flesh. The shadow of his beard was much darker, the bristles wayward over the cupid’s bow of his mouth. He had deliciously long lashes and slept with one open just a sliver. His hair wasn’t merely dark but flecked with grey. Lines around his mouth, his eyes, and one deep crevice leading from the corner of his nose.
And the scars. The way he hid himself, she had expected that one side of his face would be a labyrinth of scars and knotted tissue. Instead there were only two white lines, one beneath his eye and one straight across his neck. Having read about the damage and seen the photos of his face bandaged after the attack, she had to assume that he’d had cosmetic surgery.
She wondered why he kept the two scars. Why would he want the reminder?
Grace turned her gaze downwards, warming at the sight of his broad chest. She saw his tattoo clearly now, but was puzzled by it: over his heart a crown with the initials G. K. D. above and S. M. T. below.
The blanket was partially draped over his groin, and as she pulled it back she briefly entertained the wicked notion of waking him up with a bit of head. Instead she sat up and pressed her hand upon his chest above the tattoo.
She’d waited long enough. She wanted to see all of him come to life and look at her, really look at her for the first time.
Leaning down, she pressed her lips to the exposed slope of neck.
He made a noise as he stirred. Grace kissed a line over his jawline and across his cheek, straight to the corner of his mouth.
She rose with a smile, and it was like she had fireworks going off on her chest as bright-blue eyes stared back at her.
‘Good morning,’ he said, simply.
Grace grinned. ‘Good morning to you.’ She bit back a smile before it exploded off her face, and took a sweeping glance down his body. ‘You’re absolutely enormous, you know.’
His chest pulsed with his snort, and he slid his hand across the bed to her bottom. ‘I work for two hours a day. Otherwise I’m working out or hiking.’
‘Among other things.’ He said nothing but raised a brow, and Grace wriggled as his fingers found her opening. She mimicked his expression and leaned over him. ‘You’re a morning person?’
‘I have to be. You arrive at work at seven-thirty, and I’d hate to miss anything good.’
‘Used to arrive at work for seven-thirty. I’m your assistant now, Mr Taureau,’ she reminded him, and bowed. His abs shuddered as she reached between them.
Taureau gave her only the tip of his finger, teasing her until moisture gathered. It didn’t take long. Grace doubted he’d ever find a time when she wasn’t wet for him.
She took his stirring cock in hand. ‘When was the first time you watched me? Had you been watching long?’
‘I was just playing with my new toy one afternoon, flicking from room to room. It was all so boring and seemed like such a waste of effort at first, but then I saw two people going into an office. You and the man who had fixed your computer earlier that day. I had expected to see some fucking going on at the office, hurried, half-dressed quickies here and there, but not you. You took your time even in the middle of the day. You weren’t just getting off. You made fucking an art form.’
Grace leaned forward to allow more than just the tip, but he withdrew and took her by the hips and raised her over him. She held on, hands over his, perched for him as he corked her.
‘Are you on the pill?’ he asked, easing his grip to let her glide down his cock.
Grace laughed and rose up on her knees. ‘A little late to ask that, isn’t it?’
‘I shouldn’t have assumed. You always wore a condom. There’s a pharmacy nearby, but they may not have what you need. You may have to drive –’
She covered his mouth. ‘Jacques, I’m good. The healthcare at Taureau-Werner covered my IUD.’
‘I don’t know what that is,’ he said with a chuckle, but he seemed to Grace to be far from concerned as she rotated her hips.
There were so many things she wanted to ask him, but for the moment she only wanted to give what he asked of her. He slid his hands to her ass and cradled her as she started to rock.
He squeezed down and she winced. His dark brows came together in a sharp line. ‘I did hurt you.’
‘It wouldn’t be the first time I had a sore ass.’ She leaned down, thrilling at the friction of his chest hair rubbing her nipples. ‘Tell me what you have planned for that rope up there in your room.’
He lifted his head and teased her tongue with his. ‘What did I tell you last night?’
‘That you want to keep me in the dark.’ Righting herself, she wrapped her hands around his wrists and took his momentum. ‘Big important man wants his way.’
‘Big important man gets his way.’
He pulled her up. His mouth quirked but he didn’t smile, and Grace wondered when was the last time he had actually smiled, really smiled, really laughed.
She ran her hands along his thick forearms as she wriggled around what little of his cock he had left her with, then bit her lip. ‘Don’t you want to come in my pussy again?’
The effect of her words unfolded before her eyes. As he dug in with his fingers his shoulders tensed. His brow creased again, but this time his grimace was one of need. He lifted his hips and pumped her three times. His withdrawal was slow and agonising for her, but he didn’t hold her back when she ground down.
‘Tell me how good that feels,’ she cooed to him. ‘Tell me how good my pussy feels.’
He said nothing. She wasn’t accustomed to his silence. It was maddening, and the longer it endured the more frantic she became.
‘Oooh, I can’t tell you how good it feels finally riding your cock.’ As the friction of his cock against her invoked the most sinful of tremors in her pussy, Grace began to tremble as she rocked faster. ‘Fuck me back. Oh, God, fuck me back.’
Taureau shook off her hands and cupped her tits as he spoke at last. ‘You want to come?’
‘Yes, yes, fuck, yes, make me come.’ The sting of his pinch zipped from her hard nipples to where their bodies met. Overloaded with sensation, she bounced faster.
‘If you want to come, then you’re going to work for it, or else you won’t be able to beg me to finish you off when I’m giving you something to suck on.’
He meant it. It was insanity: her pussy was so wet, so throbbing around him that she knew he had to want it, but he meant every word. She could feel it in the way the words settled and sent a hot shiver through her.
‘Yes, Mr T–Taureau.’ She could barely get the words out as desperation hit.
Grace owned the momentum and owned his cock. A hard slap accompanied every hard slam down on him. She clawed at him, leaving angry scratches upon his arms and chest. He didn’t flinch, but he seemed to struggle to maintain his composure. His complexion had turned a deep shape of red and his nostrils flared.
Please don’t come before me, she thought. She needed to see what she did to him. She needed to see that weakness pass through him, but, as her orgasm tore through her, her vision blurred and she lost him to the sensation. Bouncing and grinding through the torrent, she crowed through every pulse that rocked her. His sudden bark announced his climax. He clenched down, his grip as vicious as hers, and jetted against her.
It never seemed to end. She remained on a precarious perch over him, quaking with one aftershock after another. She instantly regretted her determination to send him careening with pleasure. No lethargy overtook her. She wanted more. She wanted to press down upon him for another ride, but his dick was quickly softening and shrinking away from her. Even the promise of another soon couldn’t sate her hunger, and she suspected that this man would leave her wanting him always.
His hands fell away from her, signalling the end, and Grace groaned as she rolled to his side. Taureau dragged her close, both arms around her, and in the strength of his arms she found calm and peace, and sleep.