Chapter Eleven

‘You seem to be doing well,’ Caroway said with a hint of annoyance, and Grace could understand why. She’d emailed her temporary replacement about this teleconference, but Wendy had scheduled it for tomorrow instead of today. As a result, Caroway had to hoof it across town from the lunch he had been taking, his bladder no doubt bursting from the three beers he’d had with his long lunch, and begin the meeting out of breath.

‘I’m kept busy,’ she acknowledged, which wasn’t entirely a lie.

Her role as Taureau’s assistant didn’t take more than a few hours a day. The rest of her time was spent exploring Mont Carmel, either alone or with him, or tangling with him in some sordid game that left her weak.

She’d never been one for naps, but after coming to this place Grace found herself lost if she couldn’t simply collapse into sleep once they had finished with each other. She didn’t know whether the heaviness that was always with her now was exhaustion or satisfaction, but she expected it was the latter.

‘Gentlemen, if you’ll just give me another minute,’ she began, but stopped as she heard Taureau coming up the stairs. ‘Actually, I think you’ll be starting any second now.’

She double-checked the voice recorder on the computer as Taureau shuffled in. The scent of coffee filled the room and she breathed it in when he slid his cup onto the desk. She didn’t know how long this meeting was going to go on for, but she’d be grateful for a couple of hours to herself to take a thermos, a book and her headphones outside while Taureau worked. She’d have work to do when the meeting was over, after Taureau had edited the soundfile himself.

She knew the ruse of having an assistant was just that: he didn’t need her there. She tried not to think about it too much. If she dwelt on her purpose here, she would evoke his callous words: Do you want me to treat you like some sort of whore?

In bed, yes, but out of bed there was more to it than that, and so she’d accepted her few hours of work a day and enjoyed what she now thought of as her working vacation.

‘Caroway?’ Taureau grumbled. ‘Patton? Stewart?’

Grace nudged him, ‘Everyone is here.’

‘Then start talking.’

She touched him on the shoulder to signal she was leaving, but as she moved away she found herself trapped in Taureau’s grip as he took his seat. He dragged her with him, onto his lap, and refused to relinquish his grip as she squirmed.

‘Let go,’ she mouthed through a twisted grin. His mouth remained in a firm line, but she saw a glint of mischief in his eyes. He held her with his arm braced across her ribcage.

Clipped masculine voices went fuzzy in the background as Taureau had his way and rubbed the heel of his palm against the thin barrier of her yoga pants.

‘You’re too quick for me,’ he whispered, ‘I was going to catch you sooner, strap you down in my bed and make you wait. I had to improvise.’ He lifted his knee beneath her and loosened his grip. ‘Hit mute and get me the bag I left in the hall.’

She was tempted to tell him that now was not the time, but her curiosity was too great. She twitched her finger over the touchpad and rendered the men oblivious to what was going on at the other side of the conversation. Her scalp tingled with the awareness of his stare as she ventured into the hall. Just beyond the door was a small carry-on. The contents were light and shifted as she carried it back into the room.

Grace leaned back against the desk and gripped the edge as he shoved his sleeves up. She was sure it was unintentional, but the sight of those thick forearms and large paws as he unzipped the bag and pulled it open made her want to sink her teeth into him.

‘Bring that over here,’ he said, nodding to the chair on the other side of the desk as he drew a pair of restraint cuffs from inside the bag.

‘You don’t really plan on fucking me while they’re talking about how much your competition lost this year, are you?’

He passed her the cuffs. ‘Get rid of those clothes.’

Grace rolled her eyes and strolled towards the chair. With a chuckle, she cast over her shoulder, ‘Yes, Mr Taureau.’

She left the black nylon in a tangle on the seat and dragged the chair across the floor to face his, then quickly discarded her clothes. As soon as her bra hit the floor, Taureau rose.

‘Something wrong?’ she asked as he studied the chair.

‘I’m thinking,’ he murmured. ‘I don’t know what part of you I want available to me the most: your mouth or your pussy?’

‘Do I get a vote?’

‘No.’ He picked up the restraint and dangled it between them. ‘I’ll have things both ways. Lie down across the seat.’

‘This is vaguely familiar,’ she joked as she did what he asked. A couple of days earlier he had done something similar across the seat of his bike at the end of some remote trail overlooking the ocean. Now she tucked her hands under the seat of the chair. As excited as she was while he leaned down and cuffed her, that feeling was nothing compared to the second act when he loosened his rope.

As the executives of Taureau-Werner prattled on and on, Taureau wound the cord around her thighs and the legs of the chair in a figure-eight. She was far from comfortable with her tits squashed against the hard seat and the edge digging into her hipbones, but the exposure more than made up for her discomfort.

He reached into the bag one last time and withdrew a roll of red bondage tape. ‘I could leave it all up to you to keep the volume down, but I know from experience there’s no keeping that mouth of yours shut unless I fill it with something.’

Grace tried to push up, but in her position she could do little more than wiggle her head around. Taureau stopped in front of her and unwound a long strip, and she turned her face away. ‘You can’t. I’ll never keep quiet if you fuck me.’

‘Who said I was going to fuck you?’

He stopped her next words with the tape over her mouth. She felt like she was being packed up to be couriered off as he wound the tape around and around her head. By the time he’d finished, she’d resigned herself to this latest whim and breathed as best she could.

He dropped to his knees in front of her. ‘Now there are three men on the other end of that line, men who have never seen you with a hair out of place and who have no idea how little it takes to get you wet and open. I’m going to turn the mic back on and you’re going to be a good girl and wait.’

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. It was one thing to be laid out like this and used immediately, but to have to wait? He could be a cruel and calculating lover when he wanted to be.

He crooked his finger beneath her chin and tilted her head so she could see his face. The devil in his eyes, he pressed his other finger to his lips.

Grace hung her head and watched his socked feet thump upon the hardwood floor as he moved to her rear.

‘Ted, give me a breakdown of what’s going on with …’

For ten minutes, Grace shifted on that hard seat and watched the wiggling of his toes on the floor. As the ache in her torso grew, the heat between her legs became unbearable. The conversation went on and on, a boring back-and-forth that might as well have been in Greek for all Grace heard. She was focused on his presence behind her, and she knew his gaze remained upon her the entire time.

‘Give it another two months.’ His chair creaked as he got to his feet and placed his hand on her ass. ‘East Coast.’

Grace tensed as he wriggled two fingers into her. It was her old boss who spoke now as Taureau thrust to the knuckle. She squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath to keep in the whimper that tickled up her throat, and wondered if the wet sounds of his fingers pumping her were as audible on the other end as they were in the room.

A slight rattle alerted her to his return to the bag, and seconds later his fingers were joined by something on her clit that made her toes curl. One of her favourites, a plain little shaft with the most heavenly nubs on the end. As the rough pads of his fingers curled against her G spot, Taureau rubbed the prickly end around her swollen nub.

She shook her head and wiggled her lower half as starbursts appeared in front of her eyes. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t hold her breath another minute. She huffed through her nose and pressed her tongue hard against the roof of her mouth as a moan moved up her nasal cavity.

‘I don’t think we should give up on the idea of an inter-provincial airline so soon,’ said Caroway while Taureau picked up the pace of fingers and vibe. ‘In fact, I’d recommend expanding the service during the peak tourist season. Charlottetown to Sydney, Sydney to Montreal, and don’t forget St Pierre …’

It happened. The hard ball in her chest cracked and relief flooded her as a sound gushed out of her flared nostrils. With that released, Grace hung her head and fought the need to explode with the pleasure he gave her, but it just kept coming.

Taureau didn’t cease and the fuzzy conversation in her ears didn’t waver. Grace realised he had turned off the mic again. It was a liberating revelation that ran through her whole body. She bucked against her restraints, shaking the chair so furiously she brought Taureau to his feet.

The wheels of his chair rattled as he came around to her head. ‘You have so little self-control for someone so dedicated in all other facets of your life.’

Grace groaned as she watched his boxers and jeans slide down his hairy calves. The chair squealed under his weight as he took his seat and lowered it as far as it could go. He unwound the tape, then grasped her hair at the nape of her neck and raised her head.

‘Now, let’s try this again, Miss Neely,’ he said, poising his meaty shaft just below her lips. ‘I’m going to turn the mic back on, and since you’ll have your mouth full I don’t think we’ll have any more outbursts.’

A curse on her tongue never saw the light of day but turned into a wet sound as he corked her mouth. He didn’t push, but held her in place and allowed her to twist and turn her neck to take him into her throat, and only that gentle pressure remained as she sucked him hard as he drew back.

‘There we go,’ he said in a groan and tensed as he stretched his arm towards the computer. ‘Patton, what do you know about the Western shore? Bringing that ferry back might make a difference to the traffic we pull in from New England.’

In the early days of their unorthodox affair, Grace had entertained a wicked little fantasy similar to this. With his voice filling her head, commanding her to fuck herself slow and hard, she’d imagined Taureau materialising during a morning meeting: he’d take her by the arm and pull her out of the chair, bend her over and make her co-workers witnesses to a promise fulfilled.

Grace experienced a flood of elation, like waking up from a feverish dream to realise that it wasn’t a dream at all. The need to touch him consumed her, and her restraint turned her into a ravenous animal. She puckered her mouth around his shaft and took her fill.

God, had the taste of him ever been so good? She closed her eyes and sucked down every thick inch. He was silent save for the quickening of his breath and the occasional soft, throaty burst from the back of his throat.

‘… merely driving traffic from one port to another. The trend of US travellers …’

She barely heard Patton drone on, and she doubted any of the words reached Taureau. He was quickly losing his control. His shaft throbbed between her lips, oozing precome onto her tongue. His grip tightened painfully, but Grace took the sting as a sign of victory. She was doing to him what he had done to her: challenging him to keep his silence when he needed to roar.

The moment his cock jumped in her mouth, he yanked her away from him. He buckled, fists still clasped in her hair, and grunted as hot come splashed against her neck and chest. He then kicked away his jeans and was out of his chair like he’d been shot.

Grace bit her lip to keep from laughing as she listened to him heaving and groaning in the hallway.

As the voices coming from the computer speakers droned on, it became more of a challenge to keep the giggles in. Taureau in the hall trying to catch his breath; Grace strapped to a chair with a pearl necklace; and Caroway, Patton and Stewart spouting off survey results in their respective offices.

Taureau returned, light on his feet, naked from the waist down, and tapped the keyboard to render the other men deaf to their activities once more.

‘All right, smart mouth, if that’s how you want it.’ He came to her front once more and lifted her head. He was anything but gentle as he scrubbed her with the warm washrag he’d brought with him, then circled around to her rear.

Grace cackled. ‘You’re just pissed because you wrote a cheque you couldn’t cash.’

He loosened her in an instant but didn’t free her. Instead he dragged her and the chair into the hall.

‘How many times do you need to be fucked in the run of a day before you’re satisfied, Miss Neely?’ he asked as he shoved her down.

‘Are you keeping score?’ she called to him, and dissolved into giggles as he returned with his bag. He looked stern as he drew out a second hank of rope. ‘Sore loser.’

‘You say that like we’re playing a game. I don’t play games, Miss Neely. I don’t know what else I can do to impress that upon you, but I’ll sure as hell try.’

He came around her and quickly rebound her hands. Finished, he tugged her hair and pulled her head back to look up at him.

‘Big important man,’ she cooed to him, and grinned as he went about her bondage. By the time he was finished she was strapped in tighter than an astronaut at countdown.

‘Any final words?’ he asked, brandishing the tape once more, but before she had a chance to speak he slapped the tape around her head. He stood in front of her, fists on his hips and mouth twisted into a grin. ‘I didn’t think so.’

Christ, she had even less mobility than she had when she was face-down. Grace frowned at him and wriggled in her seat.

The cagey smile gave way to a delightful laugh. Grace wondered if her hair stood on end with shock. This was the first time Taureau’s face had lit up with joy, and over what? Over tying her down and spreading her open.

‘I should take a picture,’ he teased, and when he reached into his bag she worried he was actually going to pull out a camera and do it. Instead he brought out …


The little purple egg in his hand had been her best friend since it came in the mail a few days ago. It had provided every bit of comfort its little rechargeable heart would allow when Taureau was otherwise occupied with her mouth or her ass. As Taureau carefully plugged her with it, she knew the device was going to become an enemy of sorts.

He gave the leash attached to the egg a gentle tug, and his gaze met hers as he held up the little square remote.

‘Don’t get too lonely out here, Miss Neely.’

Her wet curse stifled behind the tape, Grace watched him swagger back into his office and out of sight. He joined the conversation and she heard him resume his seat.

Bastard, she thought, but adoration for him flooded her. It curled her fingers and toes and sent a tickle through her, and moments later a different sort of tickle ran through her as the egg buzzed to life.

The vibration remained steady for a few minutes as she sat there. The titillation of her G spot was continuous, sending out little pulses every so often, but nothing to push Grace over the edge. She rolled her neck back and forth and relaxed into the lull the toy was creating.

‘… create almost a thousand jobs. The federal government will be creaming their pants at the thought of the PR in the far north …’

Caroway was back at it, and with his renewed spiel emerged Taureau, pushing his chair into her line of sight. He held the remote in his palm, finger poised over the topmost button. He didn’t look her way as he tapped it, and Grace remained riveted, waiting for him to crank things up a notch.

She tipped her head back. Even if she’d been on the job in there with Taureau, she would still have been bored out of her skull. As pleasant as the vibration was, pleasant was all it was. After giving his cock a good suck and getting a little teasing, she was ready for a lot more friction.

‘I don’t think so,’ Taureau said. ‘If we move in and start taking business from the local economy, it’ll become a nightmare. If we’re going to go small, I say we look out west. There are hundreds of families split up because the husbands need to work in the middle of nowhere.’

He tilted his head in her direction and his finger twitched.

The vibe whirred to what felt like full charge. She tensed in an effort to clip her legs together and hold in that glorious feeling, forgetting for a moment that she was splayed open. She hummed as beautiful pressure blossomed, then whimpered as it died down again.

Son of a bitch …

Just a few seconds of power had left her dripping. She’d felt exposed moments before, but now she was absolutely shameless. Swollen and sensitive, the walls of her pussy pulsing with arousal, and her clit desperate for a finger or a tongue. She whimpered for him.

His response was a quick grin flashed in her direction. It took no more than a second, but it was enough to tell her he wasn’t going to give her relief any time soon. The movement of his thumb over the remote was maddening: stroking up and down, up and down. She clenched her inner muscles around the egg and stared hard at him as if doing so could telepathically will him to give her what she wanted.

The egg shook to life and then subsided. Like his finger, up and down, the vibration went from a slight quake to a powerful pulse and back down again. As Taureau’s voice went on, a fuzzy baritone in her ears, Grace trembled at his mercy so that the chair juddered.

‘… accessible to those who would normally …’

‘… two hours max, no frills …’

‘… campaign issue …’

Snuffling, Grace shook her head as each pulse brought her closer to coming, but every time he turned the vibe down.

Keep quiet, she thought, the noise is how he knows you’re close.

And so she squeezed her eyes shut and focused on breathing in and out. It seemed to be working. The fluctuation of power became less chaotic.

All she needed was a minute, just one minute with a bit of juice …

‘You’re awfully quiet out there,’ he called to her, and killed the vibe.

She looked up at him. One hand on the computer, one on the remote, and his eyes still looking forward.

‘Are we getting the gist of things, Miss Neely? I would have thought you’d know by now that no matter how far away I am, you’re all mine.’

With that sting of vulgarity leaping off that arrogant tone, Grace lost her fight to stay silent and best him. It didn’t matter. No sooner did a pathetic whimper slip out than he turned the vibe up full blast and left it that way.

The explosion of pleasure emanating from her G spot rushed outward. With the touch of a button he had turned her into a sobbing, gushing mess. Her orgasm was only the first, for just a moment later he hit her again.

The tape began to give way and slide down her sloppy chin. Taureau did nothing to fix it. He might as well have been on the other side of the country again for all the help he gave her. She bucked and strained, wriggled and howled as a second climax tore through her.

As she came out of the agonising deluge he had forced upon her, Grace heard his taunting voice, so close she thought she was imagining it until his hands cupped her face.

‘There we go, that’s what I want from you, Miss Neely,’ he purred, tilting her up to look at him. ‘None of that Bitch In Heels exterior you like to put on. This is what I like to see: messy, wet, and ready.’

She felt like weeping as he untied her. She’d come so hard it had overwhelmed her and ripped her apart. Helpless and panting, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her damp face into his shirt as he lifted her.

‘Your meeting?’ she murmured.


As the splotches in front of her eyes faded, Grace became aware of the shifting in shadow and light. He was taking her upstairs.

‘You don’t have to carry me,’ she said with a sleepy giggle. ‘I’m sure I can crawl up or down the stairs if I have to.’

‘And where would that leave me? Listening to you carrying on like that has my dick hard again, and I bet that vibrator has just enough juice left in it.’

He set her down on the vast expanse of his bed and left the remote next to her. Grace flopped over with a moan. ‘I don’t think I can again.’

‘I’d tell you to just lie back, but you know I prefer you lively.’

Giddy with the lingering thrill, she nearly burst as she watched him strip off what little was left of his clothing and reach into the nightstand. ‘That must have been a sight: you carrying me up those narrow stairs with no pants and your cock pointing the way.’

He grinned, and for a moment she thought she was going to see that full-on laughing smile she’d seen downstairs. He tossed a tube of lubricant onto the bed next to her.

His smile faded as he held her gaze, his expression turning hot. He crawled alongside her, gentle as he ran his hand along her inner thigh even as the savage thing beneath his skin bristled.

‘The mess you left on the chair and the floor …’ he murmured against her shoulder as he rubbed his fingers through the slickness he’d made.

Grace sucked in a hissing breath as he moved up and wriggled his finger into her ass, and with trembling fingers she lifted the lubricant.

‘Big important man,’ she teased, and held the bottle up to him.

Taureau purred as he rubbed his bristly face against her neck and murmured, ‘Turn over.’

Dragging the pillow beneath her, Grace rolled onto her side and stretched one leg out. The little remote rested on the bed before her eyes, and she grinned at it as Taureau fingered a dollop of the lube in her tight opening.

‘Big important man is going to give this greedy little bitch’s ass a fuck,’ he whispered, his words raising bumps all over her body. She turned her head, following the heat of his breath on her cheek to his mouth, and found his eager tongue waiting for hers.

He reached out with his other hand and the remote buzzed to life again as at the same moment he positioned his cock and nudged the tip inside.

Unlike the first time, when he’d been so cautious that Grace lost patience with him, Taureau gave it to her the way she liked. He left the vibe at full power and dropped the remote to hold her face in his palm.

‘Play with yourself while I fuck you,’ he growled, cheek pressed to hers. ‘If you can’t keep quiet for me when I want, you might as well scream for me when I want.’

Giving her clit her entire hand, she strummed four fingers around and around and kept the same pace as his robust thrusts.

‘Let me hear it,’ he went on. ‘Tell me all about how much you loved having your mouth fucked down there.’

‘Yes, God, yes, I loved it, I love it, I –’ She would have come again with the egg alone, but now with his cock and her fingers she was going to shatter, and quickly.

She bucked up, but Taureau caught her. He threw his weight onto her and crossed his leg over hers. ‘You need more than just toys, you know. You need something to suck on while I’m fucking you.’

Though he never lost the commanding tone, his voice shook to indicate his own climax wasn’t so far off. He slipped his fingers over her lips, and Grace’s sanity went out the window as he started to fuck her mouth.

‘I’d love to feel these little gurgling sounds sucking me while another man fills up your pussy or your ass. Come on, Miss Neely, let me hear you scream.’

There was a trace of mockery in his tone that carried her over the edge. For the third time that afternoon the earth was knocked off its axis. She screamed and sobbed all at once, overwhelmed by the magnitude of sensation filling her up. Taureau’s hand leapt from her hip to between her legs and covered her. There would be no reprieve for her, she knew, not until he had drained the life out of her.

Mercifully for her, his flesh was as weak as hers. He tensed and his solid body seemed to close around her like a shell. Buried in her ass, his cock twitched, and the ferocious sound he let out rattled a last pitiful whimper from her chest.

She was half asleep as he withdrew, groggy as he removed the egg and what remained of the bondage tape where it clung to her hair. She needed a shower badly, but a bomb beneath the bed couldn’t have moved her.

A hard slap on her ass did the trick. She pushed herself up with a snort and blinked through the milky film in the room. Twilight had come upon Mont Carmel. She’d slept the afternoon away.

‘Do you know you snore when you’ve had your brains fucked out?’ Taureau asked, the picture of smugness as he tucked his hands behind his head. She caught a whiff of soap coming off him, and he had slipped on a pair of boxers.

Grace smirked and leaned down over him. The glorious sting and the heat of his rude awakening spread through her rump.

‘Didn’t you have another meeting lined up?’

‘I had my meeting and let you sleep.’

‘That’s not what I’m here for,’ she reminded him, but nonetheless giggled as she draped herself over his chest. ‘That was something else. I was worried you were going to leave me there all afternoon with that vibrator.’

‘Death by orgasm. I’d have some explaining to do, wouldn’t I?’ He skimmed his fingers down her spine, giving her a perfect shiver. ‘I ran you a bath and got the grill going outside. I thought we could have a quick bite and then go to bed early tonight.’

‘I might be slept out.’

He squeezed her ass. ‘I think I could tire you out again.’

‘After what you did to me today?’

‘Miss Neely, are you really suggesting I couldn’t get you going again?’

Grace squealed as he turned her over and ground his crotch against hers. She arched up, excitement already making her breathless.

‘I don’t know about that,’ she murmured against his hot mouth, ‘but I’m willing to let you try.’