Andrei Sergeiovich Fedorcenko—a.k.a. Andrei Christinin, Malenkiy Soldat, Ivan. Son of Anna and Sergei, younger brother of Yuri.
Sonja Morozovna—Andrei’s friend.
Rudy Gruenwald—Andrei’s friend.
Anna Fedorcenko Grigorov—nee Burenin. Mother of Andrei, Yuri and Mariana. Widow of Sergei, wife of Misha.
Raisa Sorokin—Anna’s roommate and close friend, and mother of Talia.
Daniel Trent—American reporter, husband of Mariana.
Mariana Trent—nee Remizov. Wife of Daniel, adopted daughter of Anna.
Children of Mariana and Daniel—John, Katrina, Zenia.
Yuri Sergeiovich Fedorcenko—son of Anna and Sergei, brother of Andrei.
Cyril Karlovich Vlasenko—relative and nemesis of Fedorcenkos, one time member of the Imperial Ministry.
Katya Fedorcenko—wife of Yuri.
Nicholas Romanov—former tsar of Russia.
Alexandra Romanov—former tsaritsa of Russia.
Children of the Romanovs—Olga, Marie, Tatiana, Anastasia, Alexis.
Bruce McDuff—a.k.a. Lord Findochty and “Finkie.” British aristocrat and supporter of Russian monarchy.
Paul Burenin—brother of Anna, revolutionary, associate of Kerensky.
Alexander Kerensky—a.k.a. Sasha. Minister of Justice, later Minister of War and finally, Prime Minister of the Provisional Government.
Stephan Kaminsky—Lenin’s bodyguard, formerly a friend of the Burenins and one-time suitor of Mariana.
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin—leader of the Bolshevik Party.
Dr. Eugene Botkin—physician to the tsar, friend of Yuri.
Prince Viktor Fedorcenko—grandfather to Yuri, Andrei, and Mariana. Father of Sergei.
Lev Trotsky—leader in Bolshevik Party, Lenin’s right-hand man.
Sergei Viktorvich Fedorcenko—deceased father of Yuri and Andrei.
Lt. Boris Soloviev—head of a monarchist organization involved in rescue of the tsar.
Monarchist soldiers assisting Daniel—Melink, Sedov, Pitovranov, Karloff.
Count Wilhelm Mirbach—German ambassador.
Yakov Sverdlov—president of the Central Executive Committee of the All Russian Congress of Soviets.
Vasily Yakovlev—Soviet Commissar and head of military unit sent to move the tsar.
Misha Grigorov—husband to Anna.
Dmitri Remizov—birth father to Mariana.
Yakov Yurovsky—head executioner.