The cold clamped down upon Andrei’s fallen form as insistently as the pain and fear that gripped his soul. He had been drifting in and out of consciousness, but he knew the next time oblivion struck would be the last. He literally felt the life ebbing from his body.

“Mama . . .” he murmured, not even certain if sound accompanied the word.

“I’m here now, my dear one,” came an ethereal voice out of the dark shadows surrounding him.

Was he only imagining that voice as he’d thought he’d imagined Talia calling her kitty? Then hands began to jostle him. Had his attackers returned? Would they kill him now by manhandling his pain-wracked body? It certainly felt as if that were their intent. He cried out when a particularly sharp movement wrenched his side where the gunshot wound had penetrated.

“Stop! Rudy, we are only making it worse for him.”

That was the same voice Andrei had heard soothing him a moment ago, a female. Was it the voice of a rescuer rather than an attacker?

“You fetched me out in this wretched storm to save this man,” answered a male voice. “Let’s get on with it.”

“But every movement pains him so.”

“Better for him to suffer now than to lie here and freeze to death. And I tell you, Sonja Morozovna, though he may die from his injuries, he certainly will perish if left in this storm any longer.”

“Oh, but my Ivan cannot die. . . .” The woman brushed gentle fingers against Andrei’s cheek.

“He isn’t Ivan. . . .”

“What . . . ?”

“Never mind that, Sonja, let’s just get him moved. I’ll grip him under the arms and try to drag him as much as possible. You mind his feet. I don’t know how we’ll get him up two flights of stairs to your flat, but even if we leave him in the entryway of the building, it will afford him some protection from the elements.”

“His bed is all ready for him with fresh, clean sheets. I knew he’d come home soon. I am ready for him. I have a nice ham in the oven baking. . . .”

“Ah, Sonja,” sighed Rudy, “if you have a ham in these times, or even clean sheets, I will give up my atheism and consider the possibility of a God.”

Sonja made no response but to whisper words of encouragement to Andrei. “Dear boy, it will hurt for a bit. It can’t be helped . . . be brave and strong, then you will be safe in your mama’s home.”

“Mama . . . you are here, then . . . ?” breathed Andrei.

“Always, child. I will not leave . . . and you will not leave me again.”

The two rescuers began again the difficult and excruciating process of moving Andrei. Mercifully, he blacked out after a few minutes.


It took a lot longer than it would have in normal conditions to traverse the alley, round the corner, and cover the few yards to the building’s front entrance. But Rudy was not a large man, and he was a scholar, not a laborer, so he was hardly conditioned to move two hundred-plus pounds of dead weight even a short distance. Once they left the shelter of the alley, the wind and falling snow impaired their vision, and the icy ground caused them to slip and slide several times before they reached the steps to the building. And those five steps up might just as well have been a mountain. At least the doorman, who had disappeared when the revolution began, was not there to question them. Everyone knew all doormen in Russia were agents of the Okhrana.

By the time Andrei’s body was deposited in a corner of the inside entryway, as far from the door as possible, Rudy felt certain they were merely transporting a corpse. He had completed three years of medical school before he had been expelled for political reasons, but he did not need those years of instruction to tell him that no one in this man’s condition could survive such treatment. He was shocked when he bent over the body and felt Andrei’s chest rise and fall. True it was only a slight movement, but unmistakable nonetheless. The man was still alive!

“Well, he made it this far, Sonja!” said Rudy, clasping his frozen, gloved hands together to warm them.

“Of course,” Sonja replied. “Did you ever doubt it? Now the stairs—”

“Hold it! I will die if I have to lug this bear to your flat. Leave him here for the night, and in the morning we can get more help. It will be easier, anyway, to transport him to a hospital from here.”

“A hospital . . . ?” Sonja shook her head. “I will not let my Ivan leave me again. Besides, I can nurse him better than any stranger in a hospital could.”

“You may be right there,” said Rudy, “especially in these times. But still it can wait till tomorrow—”

“No! I will get help now. He has come so far to get home.” She spun around and rushed up the stairs.

Sonja Morozovna was about fifty years of age, though she looked much older. Her frame was petite and slightly bent in the shoulders, but she moved with amazing speed and agility. If only her mind were as quick and able as her body. But the last few years had taken a terrible toll on her. Rudy remembered her in happier days when her family filled the flat on the second floor and there was always laughter and life in her home. Though working-class folks, they were never as poor as most because her husband was a skilled weaver. Sonja, a hardworking, industrious woman, brought in additional income by selling fine handmade lace items. She was generous, though, with her bounty. Rudy and many of the other neighbors had often enjoyed her fresh bread or the sweets she loved to bake.

Three years of war destroyed all that. Her husband and two eldest sons were killed in the first year of fighting. Her youngest son, Ivan, overcome with grief, ran away and joined the army against her wishes. He was killed in the fall of 1916, less than six months ago. Sonja’s sanity had already begun to deteriorate. She simply did not have the stamina to face a grim, dark, lonely world with a future that promised only more heartache. Ivan’s death sent her completely over the edge. Perhaps that was a mercy. In her clouded mind the world had not changed. Why, she even continued to bake bread for her neighbors—not real bread, of course, for there was not enough flour for that. Wearing a smile that was an empty shadow of her former happiness, she would offer a dish just as empty.

To ease his mind of Sonja’s sad story, Rudy focused his attention on the wounded young man. He loosened the clothing, a difficult process because the blood-soaked areas around the wound were frozen and stuck to the broken skin. When Sonja returned he would have her boil water in her flat so he could pack the area with warm compresses. The cold had stanched the bleeding a bit, a fact that might well have saved the fellow’s life. The wound appeared to be the result of a gunshot, which raised many questions in Rudy’s mind. It was not surprising with all the violence and chaos in the city now. But it did cause Rudy to wonder what side his “patient” was on to have ended up in the line of fire. The dirty red armband tied around the young man’s coat sleeve meant he supported the revolutionaries. However, there were many who had donned the armbands only in hopes of traversing the city safely.

Rudy Gruenwald himself was a revolutionary, though he could claim no membership in a specific party. At the beginning of the war his German heritage had caused him to be ostracized at the university. He was already accustomed to harsh treatment because of his Jewish ancestry, but it nevertheless encouraged him to become more deeply involved in revolutionary activity. He finally got himself expelled from medical school for marching with a group of strikers at the Putilov Steel Works about a year ago. After that he had immediately been drafted into the military. His German name no longer seemed to matter. Not fancying the “underground” life, he did his duty—that is until about three months ago when he deserted along with droves of other disillusioned Russian soldiers. The senseless carnage, due almost entirely to the inept leadership of bungling Russian generals, had become too much. Rudy could not stand by and watch a moment longer. Under normal conditions it would have been unwise to return to his old home, but with no place else to go, he took the risk. He found his old room let out to other tenants, but there was a vacant attic room that proved quite suitable. And, as it turned out, the country was in such disorder that he was never pursued.

In a few minutes Sonja returned with two old men at her side—strong, young men were hard to come by these days. Between the four of them, they managed to carry the unconscious man up the stairs to Sonja’s flat. Unfortunately, the jostling caused the man’s wound to start bleeding again.

“You must patch him up, Rudy,” Sonja said. The young man had been laid upon her own bed, which for warmth’s sake was in the main room of her two-room flat.

Rudy shrugged. Even with three years of medical school behind him, he felt far from competent to treat such a wound. Still, under the circumstances, he might be the young man’s best hope of survival. He certainly couldn’t harm him any further.

“I’ll need some water boiled,” he told Sonja. “And gather whatever you can find to use as bandages. I will also need instruments—a good, sharp knife will have to do. And vodka—someone in this building must have some hidden away. Get all you can.”

Sonja jumped up and hurried to the door, but she paused before opening it. “You must save him, Rudy . . . he must live.”

Rudy nodded and tried to offer a reassuring smile. Too bad God did not exist, for the young patient had little hope but that.