AA, see Alcoholics Anonymous
AAMFT, see American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
Acceptance; professional help and nonjudgmental; see also Parental adjustment
Adams, Jane
Adjustment; see Parental adjustment
African Americans; bisexuality and; double stigma and; families; gays and stigma; HIV diagnosis rate for MSM; HIV diagnosis rate for youth; incarceration, stress-related illness and; lesbians and stigma; men and gender issues; oppression, marginalization and; parents and guilt; poverty, unemployment and; views of masculinity and; youth and distancing; youth and HIV diagnosis rate; see also Coming out
AIDS; see also HIV
Albert, Bethann
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
Anal intercourse, unprotected
Angermeyer, M.
Anticipatory courtesy stigma
Anticipatory disturbance
Antigay scripture
Antigay violence
Anxiety: precoming-out subphase, parents, youth and; self-blame and; youth and
Asians; double stigma and; families; stigma and; youth; see also Coming out
Aviance, Kevin
Bailey, J. M.
Behavior: appearing gay and; boys’ sexual; cross-gendered; effeminate; innate; risky; self-protective; sudden changes in; tomboy; see also Coming out
Berg, I. K.
Bernstein, Robert
Beyond Acceptance: Parents of Lesbians and Gays Talk About Their Experiences (Griffin, Wirth and Wirth)
Bias, penalties for hate crimes and
Bible Belt
the Bible: antigay scripture and; see also Religion
“Bi now, gay later,”
Bisexuality; African Americans and; as gateway sexual orientation; sexual fluidity and; stigma of
Blame, self
Boundaries; parent-child mutual distancing and; see also Distance/distancing
Boyd-Franklin, Nancy
Boys: conflict between fathers and; risky behavior and; sexual behavior of; see also Sons; Youth
Brothers, see Siblings
Bullying, see Peer harassment
Capote, Truman
Carter, B.
Case examples: parental adjustment and negative; see also Coming out
Cather, Willa
Celebrities, gay/lesbian
Chalmers, Allan K.
Children: conflict between parents and; confronted by parents about coming out; distancing and; divergent perceptions of parents and; early stirrings in; family recovery and elements un/helpful to; fathers’ relationship with; fear for well being of; fears of rejection by; figuring out personal identities; gift of gay or lesbian; identity and; mothers’ relationship with; parental adjustment and influence of; parental rejection and fears of; physical harm and; precoming-out subphase and interaction of parents and; proud parents, families and happy; sexuality and; therapists being asked to “convert” gay; treatment and working with; unchanged relationships with fathers and; see also Coming out; Fathers; Mothers; Youth
Chopp, R.
Clinical implications: engaging fathers and; family discovery and; family recovery and; family renewal and; family sensitization and; gift of gay/lesbian child, family renewal and; HIV helping family launch gay son and; managing stigma as family affair and; parent-child interactions, gifts, growth and; race, ethnicity and; reaching for positives and; see also Treatment
Closeness: fathers and; mothers and; parent-child interaction and
Clothing: masculine; see also Tomboys
Cognitive behavioral therapy; see also Treatment
Coming out; to African American parents; akin to volcano eruption; bisexuality as gateway sexual orientation with; confrontation in distress and; in distress; ethnicity influencing; family-adjustment process within; family discovery and youth; fathers and; fear and; gay porn and; intense relationships and; not wanting to hide and; parents confronting children about; precoming-out sub-phase of; risky behavior and; suicide attempts and; traditional thinking about parents and; to white parents
Confidants: family recovery and support of trusted; parents as
Conflict: boys, fathers and; family sensitization, distance and; family therapy, hope and; parent-child; relationship changes in family discovery and; religious; taking distance to avoid
Confrontations; parents, children and distressful; see also Coming out
Conversion/reparative therapies
Corrigan, P. W.
Counseling: “curing” homosexuality with religion, prayer and; youth, precoming-out subphase and individual; see also Clinical implications; Treatment
Counselors; see also Therapists
Counterfeit secrecy
Courtesy stigma; siblings and
Cousins, Norman
Cross-case analysis
Cross-gendered behavior
Cultural taboos, homosexuality and
Cypher, Julie
Data; acceptance of children’s sexual maturity; analysis of; collection of; ethnicity influencing coming-out process; fathers’ relationships with children; grounded theory and; homosexuality and public views; narrative methods and; parents’ suspicions of children; primary research questions and; whites and ethnic groups with incarceration and stress-related illness; whites and ethnic groups with poverty and unemployment
Dating, youth uninterested in opposite-sex
Daughters: failure to launch, mothers and; fathers’ fears about; fathers’ relationships with; gift of lesbian; intense relationships and; lack of personal grooming by; mothers’ relationships with; parental suspicion about; see also Coming out; Youth
Da Vinci, Leonardo
DeGeneres, Betty
DeGeneres, Ellen
De Jong, P.
Denial, suspicion during family sensitization, inklings and
Depression: parents and; youth and
Diagnostic Manual
Diamond, L. M.
Diaz, Rafael
Difficulties, see Family difficulties
Discovery, see Family discovery
Discrimination; coping with; fear of; institutional policies/ practices and
Dissonance reduction
Distance/distancing; African American youth and; to avoid conflict; children and; divergent perceptions of parent/child and; family sensitization, conflict and; fathers and paternal; initiated by youth; mothers and; parent-child boundaries and mutual; relationship changes during family discovery and; temporary parent-child
Distress: children’s safely and parents; coming out in; parent-child confrontations in
“Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy
Drugs; addiction; antidepressants; cocaine; methamphetamine
Elephant in the room, see Coming out; Suspicion
Ellen DeGeneres Show
Environments: assessment, treatment of, and working with; mothers in control of emotional climate and; sexual orientation, distance and hostile
Etheridge, Melissa
Ethnicity: coming out influenced by; double stigma and; poverty, unemployment and; race and; stress-related illness, incarceration and; see also specific ethnicities
Exodus International
Failure to launch: Mothers, daughters and; Mothers, sons and; parents worry over children’s
Families: African American; Asian; crisis of soldiers being called to service and leaving; HIV and gay sons launched by; Latino; managing stigma as affair of; myths and heterosexual; ongoing difficulties in; proud parents, happy children and; rejection within; siblings and; therapy for; treatment and working with; West Indian; see also Family therapy
Family difficulties: courtesy stigma and; fear for children’s well being; ongoing; sons, HIV and; unchanged father-child relationships
Family discovery; changes in relationships during; clinical implications and; conflict and; distance and; divergent perceptions of parent/child and; family sensitization with initial phase of adjustment and; fathers and closeness during; improved family relationships and; shielding fragile youth and; summary of coming-out subphase of
Family discovery, parents react and; parental fear and worry; parental reactions and; parent-child boundaries and mutual distancing during; relationship changes during; summary; treatment during crisis of
Family discovery, youth come out and: coming out and; coming-out subphase/summary of; parents confronting children and; precoming-out subphase, anxious youth, mystified parents and
Family recovery; clinical implications and; parental adjustment and what helped during; parental adjustment and what hindered during; parent-child interaction during; summary of; treatment during
Family relationships: discussing sexuality and; power of
Family renewal, gift of gay/lesbian child and; clinical implications with; gays/lesbian children, lucky parents and; new world and; ongoing family difficulties and; proud parents and happy children equals
Family sensitization; boys/fathers conflict and; distance and conflict during; fear, isolation and unspoken issues during; implications for treatment with; initial phase of family discovery/adjustment with; parent-child conflict and; parent-child interaction during; stigma, isolation and; suspicion during
Family therapy: assisting troubled gay youth in family context and; conflict, hope and; engaging fathers and; family discovery crisis and; family recovery and; positive reframes and; precoming-out subphase and; see also Clinical implications; Treatment
Fathers: children’s relationship with; coming out and; conflict between boys and; daughters and fears of; daughters’ relationships with; family discovery and closeness of; family discovery crisis, treatment and; family roles and; family therapy and engaging; guilt and; healing power of group affiliations for; initial phase of family discovery/adjustment and; parental adjustment and; paternal distance and; as scapegoat; sons and disapproval of; sons’ relationships with; therapists engaging; unchanged relationships with child and; see also Coming out; Families; Parents
Fears: for children’s well being; coming out and; of discovery; discrimination; family sensitization issues, isolation and; mental health/isolation and influence of; of not entering heaven; of other people’s judgments; parental worry and; physical harm; of rejection by children; of rejection by parents; of religious stigma; of “turning gay,”
Fortunate Families: Catholic Families with Lesbian Daughters and Gay Sons (Lopata)
Frank, Barney
Gallup poll
Garcia-Preto, N.
Gay: appearing; family renewal and gift of being; parental reactions and feeling good about being; porn; “turning,”
Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Gay pride parade
Gays: coming out and bisexuality as gateway sexual orientation for; conducive school environments for lesbians and; family therapy and assisting troubled lesbians and; famous; identifying as gay; lucky parents of lesbians and; reparative/conversion therapies harmful to; risky behavior and; stigma and; stigma and African American; West Indian culture’s intolerance of; see also Boys; Coming out; Sons
Gender: race, ethnicity and issues of; roles; scholars
Girls, girls’ intense relationships with; see also Daughters; Lesbians
GLSEN; see Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
Goffman, E.
Greece, ancient
Greenberg, A. S.
Griffin, Carolyn
Grimes, M. D.
Grooming, daughters and lack of personal
Grounded theory, data and
Group affiliation, parents and healing power of
Guilt; fathers and; safe sex and; suspicion during family sensitization and parental; with white and African American parents; see also Self-blame
Hansen, D. A.
Harassment: peer; at school; stigma/isolation, parents and peer; West Indians and
Harvey, R. G.
Hate crimes, penalties for bias and
Heaven, fears of not entering
Heche, Anne
Heffern, K.T.
Herdt, G. H.
Herek, G. M.
Hiding, coming out and not
Hill, R
Hill, Reubin
Hispanics, see Latinos
HIV; diagnosis rate for African Americans; diagnosis rate for Hispanics/Latinos; diagnosis rate for MSMs; helping family launch gay son and; sons, family renewal and; see also AIDS
Homophobia; derogatory terms and; therapists encountering parents with
Homosexuality; as biological or with genetic determinants; cultural taboos and; as psychological or moral choice; social forces influencing static identities of
Homosexuals Anonymous
Homosexual stigma
Honesty; see also Coming out
Hope; family therapy, conflict and; signs of
Hudson, Rock
Identities: children developing; children figuring out personal; gay/lesbian development and; homosexuality and social forces influencing static; positive self-; sexual attraction and sexual; sexual orientation questioned as permanent
Incarceration, whites, ethnic groups and
Inklings, suspicion during family sensitization, denial and
Intolerance: gays/lesbians in West Indian culture and; social; tolerating
Isolation; family sensitization, stigma and; family sensitization issues, fear and; sense of
John, Elton
Johnson, V A.
Journal of Bisexuality
Kimmel, D.C.
Kinsey reports
Koff, B.
Laird, Joan
Lang, k. d.
LaSala, Michael
Latinos; “don’t ask, don’t tell policy” and; families; HIV diagnosis rate for MSM; incarceration, stress-related illness and; oppression, marginalization and; poverty, unemployment and; see also Coming out
Launching: failure; families, HIV and sons’
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT); magazines for; youth groups for kids of color; youth groups in high schools
Lesbians: coming out and bisexuality as gateway sexual orientation for; coming to grips with sexual orientation and; conducive school environments for gays and; family therapy and assisting troubled gays and; famous; gift of gay children and; girls’ intense relationships and; identifying as lesbian; lucky parents, gays and; masculine clothing and; reparative/conversion therapies harmful to; stigma and; stigma and African American; therapists speaking about sexual orientation with; West Indian culture’s intolerance of; see also Coming out; Daughters; Girls
Lev, Arlene Istar
LGBT, see Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
Lopata, Mary Ellen
Loss: mother of female-to-male trans-gender youth and; parental reactions, mourning and
Love; famine of paternal; myths about mothers giving youth too much
Love Ellen: A Mother-Daughter Journey (DeGeneres, B.)
McClellan, D.
McGoldrick, M.
McIntosh, P.
McMillen, J. C.
Magazines, gay/lesbian
Mallon, G.
Maltz, Maxwell
Manhood, views of
Marriage; same-sex
Masculinity: clothing and; views of
Mental health: environments conducive to; isolation and fear’s influence on; symptoms
Men who have Sex with Men (MSM): HIV diagnosis rate for; unprotected anal intercourse and
Merighi, J. R.
Miller, F. E.
Mothers; children’s relationship with; closeness and; in control of emotional environment/climate; daughters’ relationships with, US; distance/distancing and; healing power of group affiliations for; initial phase of family discovery/adjustment and; love of; sons’ relationships with; worried about HIV; see also Coming out; Families; Parents
Mourning: parental reactions, loss and; recovery and; self-blame and
MSM, see Men who have Sex with Men
Muller, Ann
Myths: heterosexual family; intimacy in families and coming-out; mothers as cause of male homosexuality
Narcotics; see Drugs
Narrative methods, data and
NARTH; see National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH)
National Association of Social Workers
Native Americans, cross-gendered behavior and culture
Nature; gay as nurture or
Navratilova, Martina
Negative case example, parental adjustment and
Nichols, M. P.
Nicolosi, Joseph
NIMBY (not in my backyard)
Nurture; gay as nature or; see also Homosexuality
O’Donnell, Rosie
Oedipal complex, reverse Oppression; addressing in therapy; family as buffer against
Oprah Winfrey Show
Out proud
Parental adjustment: bisexuality as gateway sexual orientation with coming out and; child’s influence and; family recovery and helpful elements for; fathers and; helps and hindrances to (interview questions); innate reality at birth and; negative case example and; PFLAG and; relief, reciprocity and; sharing, support and; support of trusted confidants and; transgender youth and; what helped; what hindered
Parental reactions: changes in relationships during family discovery and; family discovery and; family discovery phase summary of; fear and worry; fear of rejection,; feeling good about being gay and; loss and mourning; parent-child boundaries, mutual distancing and; relieved youth and; self-blame; signs of hope and; tolerating intolerance and; treatment during family discovery crisis and
Parents: coming out to African American or white; as confidants; conflict between children and; confronting children about sexual orientation; depression and; distress about children’s safely; divergent perceptions of children and; family sensitization, suspicion and; family sensitization, suspicion and guilt of; fears of rejection by; focusing on communication and not children’s appearance; guilt with African American; guilt with white; happy children, families and proud; lesbian/gay children and lucky; maelstrom of feelings; participating in study; precoming-out subphase, anxious youth and mystified; precoming-out subphase and interaction of children and; precoming-out subphase and support of; reactions; religious stigma and; stigma, peer harassment and; therapists encountering homophobic; treatment and separate sessions with; see also Suspicion
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG); downside to; family recovery, parental adjustment and
Peer harassment; stigma, parents and
PFLAG; see Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
Physical harm; children and; see also Violence
Physical health: environments conducive to; isolation and fear’s influence on
Pogrebin, Letty Cottin
Ponse, B.
Pornography; gay
Positive reframes
Poverty, whites, ethnic groups and
Precoming-out subphase: coming-out and; family therapy and; individual counseling with youth and; parent-child interaction and; suicide ideation and; youth in need of parental support and
Pressures, to “act straight,”
Professionals: counselors; non-judgmental help and; teachers; see also Therapists
Public stigma
Questions: helps/hindrances to parental adjustment; how parents’ reaction influences child; how parents react to child coming out; primary research
Race: Asian families and; clinical implications and summary with; double stigma and; ethnicity and; gender issues and; as inconsequential; Latino families and; West Indian families and
Reactions: family discovery and parents’; parental; see also Parental reactions
Reciprocity; family relationships improved with relief and
Recovery; see Family recovery
Recruitment, research methodology and
Reframes, positive
Rejection; within families; parental reactions and fear of; peer rejection; from societal groups
Relationships: discussing sexuality and family; family discovery and changes in; improved family; intense; monogamy and committed; power of family; relief, reciprocity and improving family; romantic; sons and mothers; stigma as function of; unchanged father-child
Relief: family relationships improved with reciprocity and; feelings of; parental reactions, youth and; parent-child interaction, closeness and
Religion: “cure” of changing sexual orientation through prayer, counseling and; see also specific religions
Religious conflicts
Religious stigma
Renewal, see Family renewal, gift of gay/lesbian child and
Reparative/conversion therapies
Research, areas for future: bisexuality as gateway sexual orientation and; closing thoughts and; concluding thoughts and areas for future; sexual fluidity, bisexuality and; siblings and; transgender youth and
Research methodology: additional study limitations; data analysis; data collection; design; parents; recruitment; sample; youth
Risky behavior
Romantic ideals
Romantic relationships
Rosie O’Donnell Show
Rutgers University Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Safety; parents’ worry for children’s
Same-sex marriage
Savin-Williams, R. C.
Scapegoat: father as; gay kids as
Schools: gays/lesbians and conducive environments at; harassment at; LGBT youth groups in
Schulze, B.
Scripture, anti-gay
Secrecy: counterfeit; sexual orientation and; see also Hiding
Self-blame; anxiety and; mourning and
Self-images, denigrated
Sensitization; see also Family sensitization
Sexual arousal
Sexual attraction
Sexual behavior: boys’ sons and unprotected anal intercourse and
Sexual fluidity, bisexuality and
Sexuality, children’s
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Sexual orientation: bisexuality as gateway; “cured” with religion, prayer, counseling; fluidity of; hostile environments, distance and; lesbians coming to grips with; prohibition of discrimination based on; questioned as permanent identities; secrecy and; youth speaking with therapists about
Shame; see also Stigma
Shernoff, M.
Siblings; coming out and including; fear of “turning gay,”; gay; of gays/lesbians and stigma; see also Families
Sisters, see Siblings
Smith, Dorothy Gladys
Social forces, homosexuality influenced by
Socioeconomic class
Sons: conflict between fathers and; failure to launch, mothers and; fathers’ relationships with; gift of gay; HIV, family renewal, parental fear and; HIV and helping family launch gay; mothers’ relationships with; parental suspicion about; paternal disapproval and; see also Coming out; Youth
Spitzer, R. L.
STDs, see Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Stein, Gertrude
Stereotypes, positive
Stigma; African American gays and; African American lesbians and; anticipatory courtesy; Asians and; of bisexuality; courtesy; double; family affair of managing; family sensitization, isolation and; homosexual; parental fear and religious; peer harassment, parents and; public; race, ethnicity, stigma and; siblings of gays/lesbians and; structural dimension of; vicarious; white parents managing; youth coping with
Stone Fish, L.
Straight Parents, Gay Children (Bernstein)
Strohl, D.
Suicide: coming out and attempts at; ideation and precoming-out subphase and; thoughts of
Support: confidants’ trust and; sharing and; treatment and getting outside; youth groups and; youth needing parents’
Suspicion: daughters and parental; initial phase of family discovery/adjustment and; inklings, denial and; not discussed; parental guilt and; parents without; reasons for parental; sons and parental; see also Coming out
Taboos: children’s sexuality and family; homosexuality and cultural
Theory, data and grounded
Therapists; being asked to “convert” gay child; bisexuals and; coaching parents away from children’s appearance and on communication; encountering homophobic parents; engaging fathers; mutual avoidance and family; reaching for positives; tolerating intolerance; trust with; working on self; youth speaking about sexual orientation with; see also Treatment
Therapy: cognitive behavioral; “curative” conversion/reparative; family discovery crisis and family; precoming-out subphase and family; recovery and family; see also Treatment
Tomboys: behavior; see also Lesbians
Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working with Gender-Variant People and Their Families (Lev)
Transgender youth
Trauma, positive aspects of
Treatment: during family discovery crisis; family recovery and; family sensitization and implications for; family therapy; getting outside support and; individual sessions with youth; separate sessions with parents; therapists working on self; working with children before coming out; working with environments; working with father
Troiden, R. R.
Trust; “accidentally” broken; confidants’ support and
Turing, Alan
Unemployment, whites, ethnic groups and
Velez Carreras, Rita D.
Vicarious stigma
Violence; antigay; murder and; sex between males as act of domination and; see also Suicide
Volcanic eruption, coming out akin to
Watson, A. C.
Weber, G.
Web sites
West Indian: culture and intolerance of gays/lesbians; families
Whitaker, Carl
Whites: HIV diagnosis rate for MSM; oppressed, marginalized groups and; parents and guilt; parents and stigma; poverty/unemployment with ethnic groups and; stress-related illness/incarceration with ethnic groups and; youth and distancing; see also Coming out
Wilde, Oscar
Will and Grace
Wirth, Arthur
Wirth, Marian
Wolf, A. E.
Woolf, Virginia
Worry, parental fear and
Youth: anxiety and; Asian; bisexuality as gateway sexual orientation and; of color and LGBT groups; coming out and family discovery; coping with stigma; depression and; distance initiated by; distancing and African American; distancing and white; family discovery crisis, treatment and; family therapy and assisting troubled gay; HIV diagnosis rate and African American; parental reactions and relieved; parental support, precoming-out subphase and; participating in study; precoming-out subphase, mystified parents and anxious; precoming-out subphase and individual counseling for; refusing to label/identify as permanently gay; research methodology and; shielding fragile; support groups; transgender; treatment and individual sessions with; unaware of parents’ emotional state; uninterested in dating opposite sex