
There is a saying that the zest in life is the journey, not the destination. So true for the writing of this book. This was a surprise, as my initial goal was only to put this fabulous story into words. I didn’t foresee the enormous adventure ahead and all the people I would meet and learn from along the way.

First, I must thank my ever-patient family, especially my husband, Dave, who stood by me through every triumph, disappointment, and long hours when my focus was 150 years in the past.

Next, my writers’ groups, from which many participants have become dear friends. The Eckerd College Olli Writers’ Circle, led by the dedicated Pat Brown, was the first to read pages from early drafts and provided excellent feedback and support. To Jami Deise, Tom Cuba, and all the fabulous writers at the St. Pete Meetup, I miss you, and thank you forever. The biographers and historians whose hard work was the focus of my research are too numerous to list, but they have my gratitude as well.

Another organization I was privileged to be part of, Pitch Wars class of 2015 and Pitch Wars Mentors class of 2017, proved a giant step forward in the editing and publication process. Thank you to all these fabulous writers who continue to support one another in numerous ways. A special thanks to my mentor, Alex White, and Brenda Drake for creating these groups that have benefitted so many.

I am fortunate to have attended a number of conferences where I was able to workshop my manuscripts and improve my craft, such as Writers in Paradise, where I learned from the best: John Searles, Andre Dubus III, Lori Roy, and Laura Lippman; the Surrey International Writers’ Conference, where I had the pleasure of a session with Diana Gabaldon; and the Salt Cay Retreat, where I received critical advice from David Ebershoff.

Another important lesson is that it is difficult to judge when your own prose misses the mark. It is essential to have sharp-eyed readers to help you. Thank you to my many critique partners, who spent countless hours on the many manuscript drafts or assisted in research. This list is not complete, but I would like to personally thank Carol Van Drie, Stephen Maher, Anne Lipton, Joan Lander, and Sue Wolfrom.

Finally, my eternal gratitude to my agent, Lucy Cleland; editor, Anna Michels; and the entire Sourcebooks team, who made my impossible dream come true.