Three hundred pesos

    what a long time it takes

    for a mother to earn so much money

    to buy herself free

Only on Sunday afternoons do I have the choice

    of working for coins I can save

    here they are

    just a few

so I work and work while my son does his chores

    learning trades so that someday

    when she is dead and he is free

    what a fine tailor he will become

    like his father, my own Toribio, love of my life

    sewing fragments of linen and silk

    to hold the pieces of our lives in place

    with tight, careful stitches


    buttons, hooks

like the hook-shaped fingers of the men

    who work all day in the sun in the sugar fields

    grasping each tall cane with the left hand

    then chopping it down with the right hand

    holding a huge knife, el machete

    the long knife I pray my husband will never be

    tempted to use

    in an effort to speed the slow aging of our owner

    as she moves

    step by step

    toward her natural

