I am the big brother of two freeborn babies, twins

    a brother and sister, my own,

    free, so free,

    while I am not.

Eleven years old and now it has happened

    there she is

    on her deathbed

    arms crossed

    eyes closed

    ghostly mask of powdered eggshells and rice

    still in place

    hiding her darkness

No matter how much I scream, shriek, weep, pray

    she will not live again

    she who called me the child

    of her old age

Don’t cry, my other mother, the real one, whispers

    this is the end

    of your sadness

    now you are free!

But I’m not

    it’s a trick

    one swift trip

to the house

    of my godparents

    and then to La Marquesa

    instead of the long-promised
