Even though I am not free

    there are things that I love

    in this world, this mansion, palace

    this strange home where I live

    even though it doesn’t always feel exactly

    like living

    or home

I love to sit in the central courtyard

    looking up at a ceiling of sky

    looking around at the fragrant garden

    of jasmine and tuberose

    looking down at mosaics on the floor

    chips of tile swirled into stories

    of kings and castles

    jungles and beasts

I love the singing fountain, ripening fruit trees

    a view of high balconies dancing in wind

    the rhythm of archways and columns

    railings of wrought iron in the shapes

    of black metal peacocks

    and angels playing harps

    I like to think that the angels are real

    the music mine

I roam the vast rooms

    filled with paintings and statues

I dance in the ballroom when no one is looking

I try out the musical instruments

I sit in the rocking chairs, swaying

    to my own secret song

    a silent moment

    of peace