In the darkness my mother answers my songs

    with her songs

    while we are both tied to a ladder and punished

    nine lashes of the whip

    counting out loud

    nine nights in a row

    strange novena of pain

    instead of the usual novena

    of prayers

    instead of nine rosaries prayed

    for nine nights in a row

    as if someone on earth had

    so arrogantly decided

    that God would not listen

    the first one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

    eight times!

He listens

    I hear Him

He answers with Psalms whispered

    through the mouth of my mother

    a Psalm about the music of life

    and one about escaping like a bird

    from a hunter’s trap …

Is it true that King David in ancient Israel

    really wrote such sad-happy doubtful-hopeful

    back-and-forth maybe-someday


    these-are-promises absolutely-definitely


