Kings’ Day doesn’t exist for us

    in the way it exists for them

We have to dance

    at the carnival

We’re free to dance

    at the carnival!

We dance in honor

    of the Wise King, the one with dark skin

    does anyone remember his name?

We dance in the streets

    and on the plantations

    the drums are allowed on that day

    the same drums that are hidden

    all year

They let us make costumes

    that mock them

    believe it or not

    costumes so we can make fun of the





We’re even allowed to make fun of




    and armored conquistadores with uplifted

    ominous swords

We make fun of everyone, light skin or dark

    light heart or heavy

    light sky or cloudy

We make fun of ourselves

We make pain

    feel like fun

Aren’t we clever?