
accountability, 38, 114, 311

activity, 36, 53, 92, 210, 271–72

addiction, 101–7, 124, 133, 216, 286

aerobic exercise, 229–35, 249–50

Africa, 15, 46, 117–18, 119, 281, 284

aging, 20–21, 33–34, 73

alcohol, 103, 131, 164–67, 273, 277, 282

almond milk, 153–54

alternative medicine, 76–81

Alzheimer’s disease, 53–55, 122, 247–51, 259–62

American Cancer Society, 183, 267, 268, 270

American Diabetes Association, 94

American Heart Association, 74

American Institute for Cancer Research, 166, 179, 271, 273, 276

American Journal of Medicine, 165

American Stroke Association, 47

amputation, 78–79

anaerobic exercise, 237–42

anatomy, 24–25

angina, 227, 292, 294, 298, 302

Annals of Internal Medicine, 182

Annals of Neurology, 147

appearance, 185–86

appetizers, 197, 204

Archives of Internal Medicine, 86, 222, 229, 253, 305

arm muscles, 239

arteries, 19–20

blockages of, 17, 19–20, 23, 40–43, 51–52

and dementia, 259

and erectile dysfunction, 292–94

path of, 48–52

and strokes, 43–48

aspirin, 85–87

autopilot, 108–9

back muscles, 239, 240–42

bacon, 132–33, 139, 159

“bad three” fats, 126–28

baked potatoes, 203

Benecol, 140

beta-amyloid protein, 260

beverages, 202–3

bicycling, 250

blockage, 17, 19–20, 23, 40–43, 51–52, 292–94

blood pressure, 191–92

blood sugar, 192

body fatness. See obesity

body mass index (BMI), 176–78, 190, 260, 305

bone density, 238

bowel movements, 151–52, 153

bowling, 250


damage of, 40, 49

health of, 259

vs. heart, 21

bread, 200–201

breakfast, 151–55, 281

breast cancer

and alcohol, 166

and exercise, 268, 271–72

and obesity, 17

prevention of, 119–20, 265, 276–80

Breast Cancer Research, 280

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 277

British Medical Journal, 152, 285

Brown University, 213, 251

butter, 140–41, 159

calories, 186–89, 196, 199–200, 211

cancer, 11–12

and alternative medicine, 80–81

as incurable, 314–15

prevention of, 179, 265–75

candy bars, 129, 159, 211

canola oil, 140, 142, 148, 203

carotid arteries, 117

Centers for Disease Control, 95

cereal, 151–55, 248–49, 307

change, 16, 37–38, 84, 93, 150–51, 308

Cheerios, 153


alternatives to, 156

and artery blockage, 40

and LDL Cholesterol, 29, 64, 72

avoiding of, 106, 120, 137–38, 144, 159

chest pain, 227, 292, 294, 298, 302, 303

chicken, 134, 148, 156, 157, 204, 307

chips, 129–30, 159

cholesterol, 56–59, 61–65, 68–73. See also dietary cholesterol; High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol; Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol

chronological age, 31, 37, 311

Cialis, 304

cigarettes. See smoking

Circulation, 292

circulatory system, 262

Coca-Cola, 202–3

coffee, 154

cognitive function, 251–52

colon cancer

and exercise, 252, 268

and obesity, 17

prevention of, 119–20, 151, 281–84

and red meat, 272, 281, 282

and smoking, 286–87

commitment, 12, 205

case studies in, 93–99

to exercise, 212, 233–35

and food, 144–45

and goals, 109–13, 194

and prevention, 89

success in, 91–93

constipation, 151–52

cookies, 129, 159

core muscles, 240

couch potato, 22, 215–19, 228

crackers, 127–28

cream-based sauce, 160

crunches, 240

dancing, 250


fear of, 163

by heart disease, 191

life after, 313–17

as premature, 45, 86, 134, 181, 218, 245

by stroke, 43–49, 243

decision. See moment of decision


and artery blockage, 42, 50, 52–55

and exercise, 247–52

prevention of, 255–63

and stroke, 40

desire, 12, 105, 132

desserts, 201

diabetes, 93–96, 161–62, 175, 306–7

Dickens, Charles, 37


around the world, 117–23

commitment to, 12, 28–30

and ideal weight, 173–74

sustainability of, 147, 186

and vegetables, 272

dietary cholesterol, 28, 54–55, 64, 67, 126–30, 136

dinner, 157–58

disability, 45, 48, 243

disease, prevention of, 243–54

dizziness, 43–44

donuts, 129, 211

Doritos, 129–30

double–blind study, 77–78

drool factor, 52–55, 248, 262

eating habits, 104

egg yolk, 135–37, 160

electrolytes, 203

emphysema, 285

endorphin, 253

erectile dysfunction, 253

and arteries, 42

causes of, 50–51, 291–96

and heart disease, 297–300

prevention of, 301–9

estrogen, 278, 279

eternity, 314–17

exercise, 12, 27–28

as aerobic, 229–35, 249–50

as anaerobic, 237–42

benefits of, 209, 211–13

and cancer, 252, 268, 283

and cardiac output, 223–27

and cholesterol, 71–72, 221–23

and dementia, 247–52

and erectile dysfunction, 307

and losing weight, 174–75

and medication, 88

program for, 213–14

and stroke, 243–47

fad diets, 29, 169, 173–74, 186–87, 200

false hope, 81

false sense of security, 85–89

fats, 67

fiber, 151–55, 196, 281, 283–84

Fiber One cereal, 153, 154


as alternative, 134, 148, 189

and dementia, 260, 261

and diabetes, 307

and lifestyle change, 204

and meal planning, 156, 157

and weight loss, 156


around the world, 117–23

to avoid, 131–45

and erectile dysfunction, 306–7

and lifestyle change, 28–30

to live by, 146–58

as off–limits, 159–63

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 76–81, 165

formulas, 176–79

Framingham Heart Study, 218

fried food, 141–44, 157, 159, 187–88, 203–4


calories of, 188

and cancer, 272

daily requirement of, 147–48, 151

and dementia, 248–49

and diabetes, 307

and stroke prevention, 122

and weight loss, 195–96

gardening, 250

genetics, 121

glucose, 165

goals, 109–13, 194, 311

golfing, 250

Good Samaritan, 316

grilled food, 142, 156, 157, 203

grocery shopping, 124–30


formation of, 101–9, 124

and portions, 201–2

returning to, 173

hamburger, 133

handball, 249–50

Harvard Medical School, 277


vs. brain, 21

effects of weight on, 190–94

efficiency of, 223–27

importance of, 17, 24–25

as muscle, 229

strength of, 27–28

heart attack, 42, 68–69, 74, 224

heart disease, 183, 190

and dementia, 261

and erectile dysfunction, 297–300

heart rate, 230–32, 236, 245–46

heaven, 70, 314–17

heavy drinking, 166–67

herbal medicine, 76–81

high blood pressure, 217–18, 285

High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL)

and exercise, 87, 161, 220–23, 246

and obesity, 183–84

as police car, 65–67

understanding of, 57

high fiber, 151–55

hiking, 250

horseback riding, 250

hot dogs, 133

ice cream, 138–40, 143, 159

ideal weight

arrival at, 17, 206

figuring of, 169, 171–80

and food, 149

and moment of decision, 26–27, 97

and stroke, 47

ignorance, 135

immediate action goals, 112

inactivity. See sedentary lifestyle

index of oxygen demand, 225–26

inflammation, 62, 63, 222, 278

intensity, 249, 250

intermediate goals, 111–12

International Journal of Clinical Practice, 308

Japan, 121–22

jogging, 221, 229–31, 235

Journal of Clinical Oncology, 278

Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 54

Journal of the American Medical Association, 166, 246–47, 248, 267, 277

Journal of Urology, 307

LaLanne, Jack, 212

leg muscles, 238–39

Levitra, 304

Lewis, C. S., 13

life expectancy

and cholesterol, 60

and exercise, 207–8, 232

extending of, 21, 36

lowering of, 182

and jogging, 230

lifestyle, 12, 20

change in, 84, 150–51, 269, 308

habits of, 108

sustainability of, 147

lipoprotein, 57

Lombardi, Vince, 99–100, 112

longevity, 210

Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL)

and arteries, 29, 293–95

and exercise, 246, 247

and food, 55, 87, 137

as lethal, 61–65

lowering of, 71, 72, 220

and obesity, 184

understanding of, 57

lunch, 155–57

lung cancer, 182, 216, 265, 274, 285–87

major goals, 111

malignancy, 274

margarine, 159

Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 291–92

medical school, 21–25

medication, 83, 88, 192, 301–4

memory loss, 54

milk, 138–40, 153–54

moderation, 105, 148, 164

moment of decision

vs. commitment, 90–91, 93–96, 100–101

and food, 204–5

and ideal weight, 26–27, 161–62

and lifestyle change, 37, 144, 193–94, 313

monounsaturated fat, 67, 140, 142, 248

mortality, 13, 134, 181, 185, 226, 269

motivation to change eating habits, 112–13

muscles, 237–38

National Cancer Institute, 274

National Center for Health Statistics, 82

National Weight Control Registry, 186

Neurology, 251

New England Journal of Medicine, 165–66

New Year’s resolutions, 92

nitroglycerine, 302–3

nonfat yogurt, 154

normal weight, 176–77

Nutrition Facts box, 67, 124–30, 153

nuts, 260

oatmeal, 152, 154

obesity, 176

and cancer, 17, 268, 282–83

and dementia, 260

and erectile dysfunction, 305–6

and heart disease, 22

penalty for, 181–84

vs. smoking, 182–83

olive oil, 140, 142, 147, 148, 160, 203, 260

omega-3 fat, 67, 148, 157, 260

orange juice, 154

osteoporosis, 238

oxygen, 225–26

Papua New Guinea, 118–20, 281, 284

Parkinson’s disease, 122

partners, 38, 311

pasta, 157, 307

pastries, 129

peer pressure, 114

penile artery, 50–51, 291–94, 302, 304–5

Penney, J. C., 100

personal testimony, 78, 80

physical activity, 210, 245, 271–72, 283

physiological age, 31, 37, 39, 98, 311

pizza, 158, 159

plaque buildup, 19–20, 39–40, 49, 64, 75, 116, 117

platform meals, 149–58

polyunsaturated fat, 67, 140, 142

portions of food, 196–98, 201–2, 206

potassium, 203

premature mortality, 45, 86, 134, 181, 218, 245


of artery blockage, 51, 57–58, 69, 75

of cancer, 265–75, 276–80, 281–84, 285–87

and commitment, 89

of dementia, 255–63

of disease, 20, 243–54

of erectile dysfunction, 301–9

as key to youth, 82–89

vs. medication, 192

need for, 91

Promise activ, 140

prostate cancer, 268, 274

quality of life, 16, 32, 210

Raisin Bran cereal, 153

red meat

avoiding of, 30, 72, 132–35

and colon cancer, 272, 281, 282

and LDL Cholesterol, 64, 120

regaining weight, 173–74, 186–87

rehabilitation, 226–27

resting heart rate, 236, 245–46

rice milk, 153–54

Rotterdam Study, 260–61, 262

Rush University Medical Center (Chicago), 110

salad, 155–56, 157, 197, 204, 307

salmon, 134, 136, 189, 197

sandwich, 156

saturated fat

avoiding of, 126–30, 132

and dementia, 54–55

as harmful, 28–30, 67, 106

and LDL Cholesterol, 64

sausage, 159

scar tissue, 62–63

sedentary lifestyle, 210, 215–19, 268

self-control, 102

shame, 171, 205

shoulder muscles, 239

side effects, 87–88

silent strokes, 262

sin, 316

skim milk, 138, 153–54, 159


and addiction, 101–5, 107

and lifestyle change, 131

and lung cancer, 265, 274, 285–87

vs. obesity, 182–83

and sedentary lifestyle, 216–17

smoothie, 147, 154, 173

snacks, 198–99, 200, 206, 210–11

sodium, 84, 203

soup, 156, 157, 197, 204

soy milk, 153–54

splinter syndrome, 62–64

steak, 30, 132–35

strength, 237

stroke, 40, 42–48, 162, 183, 243–47

stupidity, 135

sugar, 200–201, 203, 295

swimming, 250

ten-minute factor, 101–7

tennis, 22, 116, 250, 251

testosterone, 289, 291, 295–96

third world, 117–20

thirty-minute exercise program, 232–35

Total Cholesterol, 59–61, 66–67, 71, 72

trans fat, 64, 67, 106, 126–30

transient ischemic attack (TIA), 45, 47

triglycerides, 59

tuna, 136, 189, 197

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 271

Urology, 253

vascular dementia, 54, 247–48, 259–62


and Alzheimer’s disease, 248–49

and cancer, 272

daily requirement of, 147–48, 151

and diabetes, 307

calories of, 155, 188

and weight loss, 195–96

Viagra, 304

victory, 112–13

walking, 218, 231, 233–35, 250

warning signs, 56–59, 74–75, 299–300, 309


controlling of, 199–204

effect on heart, 190–94

loss of, 195–99, 277–80

maintaining of, 270–71

regaining of, 173–74, 186–87

weight lifting, 239

Weight Watchers, 155, 188

whole grain, 148, 152, 200, 307

whole milk, 138–40, 159

wine, 164, 273, 277

World Cancer Research Fund, 166, 179, 270–71, 273