Swings and roundabouts

The centre of the pond has been planted with a gigantic elephant’s ear (Colocasia esculenta). Today the shallow pond is home only to little goldfish, as the large koi proved too tempting for hadedas, who swept in and speared them.

A handcrafted Mexican table shows the innovative use of a tree stump, with its glass top fixed into place by a metal surround. Sizigiums and leopard trees provide semi-shade, while the brunfelsias add fragrance to the evening air.

This metal sculpture by Eduardo Villa was inspired by the crystal formations known as desert roses found in the sands of the Namibian desert. Under certain conditions, sand, salt and moisture crystallise to form these delicate and fragile ‘roses’ in the earth.

Despite the disproportionate sizes of the aged, wrought-iron day bed and the large oriental vessel, there is a confident style that lends a certain stature and mood to the garden.

The interplay of light and shade, and unusual reflections in the water, create a sense of mystery in Minky’s koi pond with its touches of Eastern influence.

Quiet moments may be enjoyed on this tiled platform set against the koi pond.

A maple tree planted in a hand-carved, sandstone container from Rajasthan, India, bathes in the golden glow of late afternoon sunlight.

Minky Lidchi’s lush garden in an established suburb of Johannesburg has three large jacarandas, two large palms, a wonderful Pride of India and a syringa tree. A small, typical early Transvaal mine house is centrally situated on this one-acre property.

Explains Minki, ‘I lived in a very beautiful apartment block for 18 years. Then one day I got cabin fever. I missed the smell of morning dew and the feeling of grass under my feet at sunrise. My mother used to say, “A garden gives you a gift every day. Look and you will find it.”’

As an architect, Minki was primarily interested in the structure of the garden, defining the different levels and considering mass, form, texture and light. ‘I didn’t know much about plants, but one thing I have learned is that if a plant is in the right place and you feed and water it, it will never let you down. My trusted garden accomplice of 15 years, Lot Chaukwe, has taught me more about plants and how to care for them than any garden manual. We walk around the garden four times a week. Lot complains that my biggest problem is that I lack patience with plants. They don’t grow or flower quickly enough for me. I tell him that I’m running out of time!’

The garden lures one to discover its many surprising and quirky details, from the oriental swing to whimsical sculptures, a koi pond and tinkling fountains. Minki feels strongly that a garden needs a mass of water, large or small, moving or still, to create soothing sounds, to cool the surrounding area, to attract birds and frogs, and to reflect the sky and mirror the surrounding trees.

‘I like to create a sense of playfulness and wonderment in my garden. Children and friends love it. It reminds me of when my grandfather constructed a swing for me as a child,’ Minki reminisces. The hand-made swing was fashioned from an assembly of interesting pieces such as the chain bearing little elephants from India, but reinforced with local steel chain.

‘Have you ever seen a garden that is the same as any other garden? I think I am a designer, until I look at nature …’