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I’ve never felt freer than I do right now with Hazel’s arms around me. The cold air nipping my face as I ride. I wish it didn’t have to end. That I could keep riding. Keep chasing this freedom that exists only on the open road. Nothing like it. If today was about anyone else I’d consider blowing them off, but Prez has waited far too long for today. I don’t want to share Hazel with anyone. Not her family. Not the club. Just got her back and I’m never letting her go. I pull up to the clubhouse and cut the engine.
I climb off and Hazel has a deer caught in the headlights expression on her face as she gets off as well.
“We’re here. Time to do this.”
My woman looks ready to vomit all over the parking lot. Her face has lost all coloring and gone completely pale. Not good, but there’s no time to deal with her reservations.
“I’m not ready to meet her. I’m sorry. I know you have a loyalty to your club, but she didn’t want me.”
“I gotta get in there. Can we discuss it later?” The moment the words leave my lips I know I sound like an unsympathetic ass.
“Look at me. I’m not dressed for a wedding.” She runs a hand over her worn jeans and faded tee. Her long, sun kissed hair is wild from the ride, streaked with blonde highlights and tangled, but she looks damn sexy.
“Trust me. No one in there will care what you’re wearing. All they care about is that you’re here. That’s it.”
“Holy?” I turn at the sound of Joanie.
Fuck. Forgot I invited her. “Now isn’t a good time.”
“I...” her bottom lip trembles.
Shit. I’ve really stuck my foot in it this time. Knee deep in it.
“Nothing too serious,” Hazel notes. “Meeting your girlfriend on technically our first date is bad form. No way to impress a girl. Especially one you’re trying to fuck.”
“Not what you think. And you know I want more than to fuck you.” She loves pressing my damn buttons. My palm twitches to spank her here and now. Our audience be damned.
Joanie, dressed to the fucking nines in a black strapless dress that probably costs more than my rent stares at Hazel wide eyed, and her hand moves to her throat. “You collared her,” she whispers with a mascara-stained tear rolling down her cheek.
Fucking hell. “I don’t want to be a dick, but yeah. Joanie, this is Hazel. Hazel. Joanie.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god. You said the only woman you’d ever...that she’d be the woman you marry. I thought you told me that because there was something between us. That I. That you.” She shakes her head. “You didn’t care about me at all.”
“Wasn’t that serious. Didn’t mean to give you the impression there was anything more than sex. Hate that it bothers you on that level, but yeah you should know Hazel means everything to me. I think its best that you go.”
“Actually, Joanie, was it? You should stay. Holy needs a date and this is the last place I want to be. You want his collar? Fucking take it. I don’t think I want it. Besides, it matches your dress.” Hazel jerks the leather choker from her throat and flings it at Joanie. The leather strip lands at her feet.
I pick it up as Hazel stomps toward the gate intent on doing what she does best—running.
“Holy? You can’t really want her over me?”
“Why are you still here? Get the fuck gone.”
I charge after Hazel, hooking her around the waist as Slick joins the fucking party.
I ignore him and catch shot of Joanie climbing in her car to leave. Smart move on her part. “Put the fucking collar on and stop acting like a god damn brat. You’re not really mad at me. Mad at yourself. Mad at your mother, but not me,” I growl in her ear as I wrap it back around her throat and connect the chain to it.
Slick gives me a hard look but heads inside.
“Now isn’t the time to be getting in a snit, babe. You want to discuss my relationship with Joanie we can do that later. But right now, I gotta get in there.”
“You’re a dick.”
“Not going to argue with you.” I spin her around and kiss her nose. “Cute that you’re jealous though.”
“I’m not.”
“You are. Shit turns me on. Drives me wild. Wish I could show you how damn crazy it makes me, but the clock is ticking.”
“I’m not going in there,” she huffs.
“No choice and you gave me your word that you wouldn’t give me any more trouble. Gonna enjoy giving you your punishment for it later. Don’t you ever take this off your neck unless I tell you to.” With that I bend a knee to hoist her over my shoulder and slap her ass. I carry her kicking and screaming into the Devil’s Playground wishing I was taking her to my room to spank her ass till it glows with my handprints.
Once through the door I place her on her feet.
The bar has been transformed. Tables decorated with flowers and shit.
Murder stomps toward me looking ready to cut my dick off and feed it to me. He’s one intimidating bastard. He’s a large man with brutal features and hard lines in his face that tell you he’s led a rough life with no apologies. For Hazel though, I’m willing to go to war. She’s mine.
He stops short of Hazel. “Who the fuck are you,” she screeches in his face throwing full attitude. Not giving a damn he’s the Prez of an outlaw motorcycle club.
I bite back my laughter and tame the urge to have her right here. Jesus she’s a fuckin’ nut in the best way.
“Your Uncle James.”
“So, you’re the one who set this nightmare in motion?”
“Not exactly. Tracked you down for your mother. My sister.”
“You can’t hold me prisoner. I have rights.”
Prez’s brows furrow as he blanks at Hazel’s statement. He stares her down and then he assesses the situation.
“You collared my niece?” he roars.
My shirt collar seems to grow tight around my neck like a noose. “Putting in my claim,” I tell him. Full stop. The simple and beautiful truth.
“I’m not your property,” Hazel whirls on me in attack mode. Her hand flies up, but I shut down her tantrum fast.
“Baby doll, you can play hard to get all you want, but we both know deep down you enjoy it.” I shoot her a wink and yank on the chain tethered between us. I know it and she knows it, that she can put on this front all she wants, but tonight it’s my bed she’ll be in. My cock that will be buried inside her. My name she’ll be crying out. My back her nails will scratch.
“Un-fucking-believable.” Prez shakes his head. “You’re giving me a migraine.”
“She’s a runner. Did what I had to do.”
“You delivered her in one piece. Let her go. That’s an order.”
“Don’t stray too far, pet.” I can’t help myself.
“I’m going to kill you after you officiate this wedding,” Prez warns. “Hazel, we’ll talk later. Was hoping to do things differently, but I’ve been waiting twenty years for today. Make yourself at home. Whatever you need, my good friend Slick over there will take care of you and get you to your mother.”
Hazel shoots us both a dirty look as I unclasp the chain to her choker.
“You.” Prez grabs hold of my cut. “Save your freaky shit for once Lily’s not around to see it.”
I lick my lips and say, “I’ll try.” I can’t make any promises when it comes to her.
Murder doesn’t know the history Hazel and I have, but I’ll fill him in later.
I leave Hazel with Slick and hope she’ll still be here after the ceremony. If I have to chase her down again, she’ll regret it. I glance around at everyone in attendance.
There’s members from several charters of the club present today including the national Prez, Jameson and his Ol’ Lady.
Only thing on my mind though is getting Murder and Alexa hitched as quickly as possible so I can get back to Hazel. So I can lose myself between her heavenly thighs for the next month. Soon as I get her in my bed, we aren’t leaving it unless it’s to rehydrate.
I take my place under the large tent behind the clubhouse. Murder and Alexa are lucky the weather is cooperating.
Murder stands to my left in his best jeans and his leather cut as we wait for Alexa to walk down the aisle. Bastard even cleaned up his beard. If things go my way this could be Hazel and I before long. I don’t want to wait. I’ve lost enough time with her. I keep thinking that I’m going to wake up having imagined finding her. A daydream walking.
The music starts signaling the beginning of the ceremony.
Alexa’s gorgeous in her ivory wedding gown being escorted by her daughter Wylla Mae on one arm and son-in-law East on the other. She reaches Murder and me radiating with nothing but love for her man.
“Who gives this woman in marriage?”
“Her daughter and I do,” East answers, placing Alexa’s hand in James’s.
I stare into the crowd of guests seeking out Hazel and find her in the back shooting daggers at me. I need to get through this so I can explain about Joanie. We weren’t serious, but guess she read more into the relationship than I thought.
“Let’s get straight to it. These two crazy kids have danced around each other for years,” I state. “Marriage is sacred. A bond between souls.” I stare at Hazel as I speak. “Alexa and James knew from the moment they met that there would never be anyone else. No matter what life has thrown at them their love has stood through the test of time.” Hazel returns my gaze, and I hope she gets that I’m partly speaking to her. “Enemies and grief. Nothing will come between them. Today in front of their Royal Bastard family they pledge their eternal devotion.” I pause for a breath. “I’m gonna spare you the bullshit and get right down to it. Prez, Murder, my man. Do you promise to be the man Alexa needs?”
“I do.”
“Fine ass, Alexa. Fucking beautiful, woman. Mean that.” Prez glares at me, but Alexa looks beautiful. She’s glowing with such damn happiness its nearly contagious. “Do you promise to be a down ass chick who’ll ride or die for Prez here? To love him and be true to him?”
“I think I’ll keep him.”
“Good. East, give’m the rings.”
Alexa and Murder exchange their rings, and I’m ready to be done with this and get to Hazel. I can tell she’s getting antsy and is ready to bolt. I can’t have that. I need her by my side. To sleep next to. That I awaken to. I need her in every way, and she needs me too.
“By the power vested in me by the wild and wonderful state of West Virginia I pronounce you Prez and his Old Lady. Kiss your woman.”
Murder grabs his woman and lays a big kiss on her sealing their union.
I make for Hazel the first chance I get nodding my hellos on the way avoiding getting sucked into any conversations.
“See that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“I need a drink or five. You might want to get a different day job other than officiating wedding ceremonies. I can’t believe you told the bride she has a fine ass.”
“It’s true. Alexa is a beautiful woman.”
“And the chick in the parking lot?”
“Babe,” I mutter and put an arm around her as I lead her into the bar for the reception.
I grab us a few beers and find a table out of the way of everyone else. I know this is the last place Hazel wants to be right now and don’t want to overwhelm her with introductions. I can’t duck out early though. Would be disrespectful to my Prez and my club.
Prez fought like hell to give Alexa the perfect wedding and we all owe it to him to celebrate the union that’s been twenty years in the making.
I take a hard pull of my beer. “You say hi to Lily yet?”
“No. I met Slick. I told him to let her know that I’ll approach when I’m ready.”
“So, you’re going to meet her?”
“Listen, about Joanie.”
“Was she like your submissive?”
“Not exactly.”
“Then what is she to you? You liked her enough to invite her here today.”
“Was before I got a lead on you and yeah, she’s a decent fuck. Didn’t realize she thought what we were doing would lead somewhere. Wasn’t my intention to rub you in her face either, but she needed to know that a good time is all she’ll ever be to me. No one could compare to what I feel for you. You’ll see that right here at my side is where you belong. You’re it for me, Hazel. Always have been.”
“How can you sit here so sure after all this time?”
I hate that Joanie showing up has made her doubt me and her own emotions. I get why she’s questioning me on this, but it fucking sucks. All I want is to wrap her in my arms and hold on tight forever. “Because.” I lean in close. “There’s never been anyone in my life I’ve loved except you. No one I wanted to let get that close. No one I’ve ever needed. Craved like you.”
“How do you know that this is going to work? My life is in Nashville. Your life is here.” She throws a hand out, waving it toward the party.
“I could always ask to patch over to Kingpin’s club. Would do that for you.”
“You’d give up your life here for me? Just like that?”
“Just like that.” I kiss her sweet lips with thoughts of how to make us both happy running through my head. Hallow patched over without issue. It’d have to go to a vote before both clubs, but I could ask Jameson since he’s here and the national Prez. Wouldn’t want to go over Murder though. That’d piss him off. Hazel is his family. Doubt he’d be happy if I tried to take her away. Man has lost enough as it is. He deserves some wins. We all do.
Hazel’s tongue sweeps against mine in return.
“Stop overthinking this, yeah?”
“I’ll try.”
It’s gotta be good enough for now. I’ll take this as my own win too.