Chase directed his flashlight to the left, where there were bushes that caught his particular attention. On the floor and clearly visible were the remains of a hunting shotgun cartridge, hollow and red.
- "Wow! We're in a hunting area," -he said, without paying any attention to it, except for the joke that followed it. - "I bet the balls that that cartridge would not have given Jackson in the middle of the night ...
- "Son of a bitch! -Jackson exclaimed, cutting him off. His flashlight tilted up to Chase's face and, the spotlight lit up the smiling face to the fat of the group. - "That cartridge does not even have not even to start with all the fat on your face," -he said and lowered the flashlight to the ground.
They did not stop and their feet kept crawling on the ground, which kept creaking under their feet. A mosquito was interested in Luke's neck, and he gave a smack that sounded like a sharp blow to break a dry branch.
- "What happened to you, Luke? -Asked Taylor, his girlfriend, the eternal blonde "who must always exist in a group."
-A fucking bug bit me. Now it will get infected," -Luke explained, scratching his neck. The itching was now unbearable.
- "They'll cut off your head," -Jayden said as he moved ahead of the group, next to Kevin.
The ground grind beneath their feet, and it seemed that the sound was getting louder as they entered the forest along the winding road.
- "Or the balls," -Kevin said, holding up the lantern with which he formed an arc of light, piercing the darkness that stood before them.
And suddenly, once again, Chase's laughter was heard.