Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Adams, Frederick, 10

African Americans, 25

not admitted to Marine Corps, 77

Aichi, 62

aircraft carriers, Japanese, U.S. destruction of, xiv

Air Force, Chinese, 167

airplane engines, 54–55

Air Service Command, 63

Akagi, 1, 2, 6, 190

Akers, Frank, 67, 68, 150

Akigumo, 2, 6

Alabama College Glee Club, 95

Alameda Naval Air Station, 39, 108, 115, 116, 119, 121–24

Aleutians, 307

Alexander, Edward, Chinese airfields prepared by, 166–69

Algeria, 475

Altick, Sherman, 367

American Red Cross, 77, 407

American Volunteer Group (Flying Tigers), 102, 328, 344

Angsing, 383

anthrax, xiv, 385, 386, 387

Arcadia Conference, 28

Arisue, Colonel, 403

Arizona, 24

Army, Imperial:

planes of, 12

size of, 12

Army, U.S.:

Western Defense Force of, 76

Army Air Forces, U.S., shortages faced by, 27, 35, 54

Army Clothing Depot, 145

Arndt, Ralph, 236

Arnold, Henry H. “Hap,” 112, 165, 276, 323, 330

B-25s ordered for raid by, 66

background of, 32–33

congratulatory message on raid from, 333–34

debriefed on raid by Doolittle, 357

Doolittle given top priority by, 58

Doolittle grounded by, 45, 53

Doolittle hired by, 56–57

Doolittle ordered to meet Halsey by, 115

and Doolittle raid plan, 62, 105, 106–7, 108

and Doolittle’s blind flight, 53

and Doolittle’s desire to lead mission, 97

Doolittle’s warning on Germany’s military preparations to, 55–56

executions and, 418

farewell note to Doolittle from, 127

FDR notified about raid by, 321

FDR’s dispute with, 33

fuel for raid moved by, 107–8

letters to families of dead raiders sent by, 457

Marshall and Doolittle’s meeting with, 357–59

medals given to raiders by, 368

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26, 34

and outcome of raid, 317

and plan to bomb Tokyo, 28, 32, 34–37, 38, 318

Stilwell briefed on raid by, 106–7, 167

on success of raid, 321–22

worried about delay of raid, 169

Asahi Electrical Manufacturing Corporation, 199, 309

Associated Press, 14, 18, 319, 324, 330, 458

Atago, 190

Atlantic Monthly, 145

atom bombs, 449–50

Australia, 27, 75, 133, 136, 151

Avenger, 96, 224–26

Awata Maru, 237

B-18, 69

B-23s, 32, 36

B-25s, 32, 36, 288

California mechanics and, 112–14

cameras on, 61–62

carburetors on, 93–94, 113, 116

cost of, 59

crew requirements for, 59

design of, 59

development of, 58–59

engines of, 59

fuel capacity of, 61

meager armament of, 92

modified for raid, 58, 59–62, 92–94, 97, 111–12, 116, 177

names given to, 96

organizing crews for, 68–74

payload of, 59, 148, 160, 165, 184

Saylor’s repairs to, 153–54

size of, 101

weight of, 90, 95

wingspan of, 67

B-26 Marauder, 59

B-29 Superfortress, 59, 448–49

Backus, Edward, Chinese airfields prepared by, 166–69

bacteriological warfare, 386–89

Bailey, Forest, 39–40

Bailey, Jason, 466

Meder’s remains recovered by, 466–67

Bain, Edwin, 93, 150

in bombing raid, 227, 228–29

death of, 475

Balch, 157, 159

Barr, George, 345, 463

and Bat out of Hell, 183

China landing of, 265, 266

death of, 478

healing of, 478

illness of, 450, 455, 457–58, 459–62

mental breakdown of, 459–61

in move west, 110

in prison, 299, 347, 349, 400, 438, 439, 443, 444, 445, 450, 455, 460

recovery of, 463

sentence of, 404

as witness at international tribunal, 468

Bashi Strait, 190

Bataan Peninsula, 76, 152–53, 192, 324

Bates, James, 91, 116–17

Bat out of Hell, 96, 182–83, 185, 232–33, 265–69, 297, 307, 308, 395, 407

Baumeister, Karl, 71, 74

Bay Bridge, 32

Beardall, John, 16

Belgium, 10

Benham, 159

Benicia Arsenal, 112

Bereswill, Louis, 375

beriberi, 450

Bernstein, George, 179

Bettis, Cyrus, 48

Biddle, Francis, 21

on internment camps for Japanese Americans, 76–77

Birch, Bill, 163–64, 244, 333

in bombing raid, 222

training of, 73

Birch, John, 276–77

Bissell, Clayton, 168, 329, 330, 332, 334, 336

Bissell, Wayne, 218

Bither, Waldo, 223, 271

Bitter, Bruno, 210

Bland, W. H. P., 18

Blanton, Thad, 166, 224

blind flight, 52–53

Bloch, Claude, 13

Bogart, Larry, 121, 166

Bonin Islands, 190

Bordeaux Maru, 134

Boso Peninsula, 201, 204, 219, 308

Boston Globe, 317, 324, 449

Bourgeois, Robert, 70, 130, 155–56, 162, 245, 479

in bombing raid, 224–26

Bower, Bill, 70, 90, 123, 372

in bombing raid, 221, 223–24

in China, 328, 331, 333

departure on raid of, 128

Doolittle as hero of, 88

at launch, 182

made engineering officer, 88

Boyo Moyo, 82

Bradley, Follett, 421–22

Braemer, Fred, 179, 246, 270

bombing by, 197

in flight to Tokyo, 195, 196

wife’s inquiry about, 365

Brereton, Lewis, 102, 323

Bridge House, 395–400, 401, 438

Brown, Prentiss, 55

Browning, Miles, 100, 115

Browning, Patsy, 373

Buchanan, Jean, 371

Buckingham Palace, 148

Bungey, William, 396

Burchett, Wilfred, 388

Burma, Japanese assault on, 107

Burma Road, 107, 151

C-63, 36

California, 24

Campbell, Clayton, 224, 326

Campbell, Robert, 236

Carpenter, Edmund, 451

Carter, Amon, 34

Casey, Robert, 159–60, 161, 181, 183

Central Nippon Army, 310

Ceylon, 133

Charlie (Jai Foo Chang), 255, 292–93, 371

Cheek, Tom, 160

Chekiang Province, China, 275, 375, 387, 389

Chemical Warfare Services, 62

Chennault, Claire, 28, 63, 328

on Japanese drive through China, 383, 389–90

on secrecy of raid, 476

Chen Shenyan, 285, 296, 338, 341, 342–43

Chesapeake (floating lighthouse), 66

Chiang Kai-shek, 75, 102, 269

airfield use granted to raiders by, 169–70

China’s strategic value realized by, 104–5

Luce’s admiration for, 103–4

raiders invited to lunch by, 331–33

Stilwell’s disgust with, 103, 105, 389

Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 104, 331, 332–33, 334

Chicago Daily News, 173, 239

Chicago Daily Tribune, 74–75, 324, 360–61, 373

Chicago Sun, 24

China, 75, 81, 139, 144, 191

airfields of, 31

bombers turned over to, 112

Japanese atrocities in, xiv, 105–6, 277, 376, 381, 384, 390, 482, 397, 520n

Japanese desire to wipe out airfields in, 375–80

Japanese torture of those who helped raiders in, 384–90

as landing spot for Doolittle raid, xiii, 31, 36, 58, 63–64, 105–6, 108, 115, 129, 146, 150, 166–70, 204, 242, 244, 308

preparations for raiders in, 102–8

strategic value of, 104–5

U.S. aid to, 28

U.S. bombers in, 35

U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

U.S. use of airfields in, 27

China Relief, 284

China Weekly Review, 397

Chita Wan, 226

Chkalov, Russia, 429–37

Chokyu Maru, 237

cholera, xiv, 385, 387, 389

Choshi, Japan, 223–24

Chuchow, China, 63, 107, 108, 167, 169, 342, 376

Japanese raids against, 327, 385, 389

Chugai Shogyo, 312

Ch’u Hsien, 389

Chungking, China, 63, 329–31, 333, 457, 458

Church Committee on China Relief, 385

Churchill, Winston:

Doolittle raid and, 172

FDR’s message on raid to, 321

future of war as concern of, 151–52

and Pearl Harbor announcement, 17–18

speech style of, 19

on Time, 104

Washington trip of, 26–27

Cimarron, 125, 128, 131, 160, 162

Civil War, U.S., 21

Clapper, Raymond, 410

Clark, D. Worth, 318

Clark, John, 111, 117–18

Cleveland, Grover, 13

Cleveland Athletic Club, 374

Cleveland Press, 419

Clever, Bob, 252, 253, 337

death of, 475

injury of, 253, 282–83, 285

in landing after raid, 282–83, 284

in launch, 177

coal, 80

Cole, Richard, 95, 125, 155, 157, 245, 246, 247, 479–80

bombing by, 199

brought to Chinese military, 272–74

in flight to Tokyo, 184, 195

at launch, 181

letters to parents by, 334–35

medals awarded to, 363–64

Collier’s, 77

Colorado, 125

Columbia Army Air Base, 69, 70–71

Communication Ministry, 309

Congress, U.S., 317–18

Connally, Tom, 22

Connecticut, 165

Coolidge, 143

Cooper, Merian, 369

rescue mission and, 335–36

Coral Sea, 341, 415

Corregidor, 76, 152–53, 192, 339

Cromley, Ray, 144

Crouch, Horace, 129, 219, 220

Crow Indians, 25

Cunningham, Winfield Scott, 75, 455

Currie, Laughlin, 104

Cushing, 125

Cyclops (Japanese guard), 443

Daily News, 361

Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics, 51

Davenport, Dean, 123, 244, 251–52

in battle with Japanese vessel, 186–87

in bombing raid, 208

injury of, 253, 254, 285

in landing after raid, 280, 283

medal awarded to, 369

Davis, Dwight, 49

Davis, Elmer, 414

DC-2, 35–36

DC-3, 35–36

Death March, 153

DeMille, Cecil B., 45

Denmark, 10

DeShazer, Jacob, 110, 243

and Bat out of Hell damage, 186

in battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 175

in bombing raid, 232–33

China landing of, 265–69

in evacuation to China, 457

fears of, 157

interviewed in press, 458

at launch, 178, 182–83

missionary work of, 477–78

in prison, 297–98, 299, 347–48, 351, 398, 401, 438–39, 440–43, 444, 445, 446–47, 448, 450, 455, 456, 460

recovery of, 463

report on imprisonment by, 457

in return to U.S., 458–59

sentence of, 404

torture of, 298

training of, 72

as witness at international tribunal, 468

Detroit, Mich., 80

DeWitt, John, 76

Dickson, W. N., 391

Diet, Japanese, 143, 147, 218

Dieter, Bill, 363

in bombing raid, 206

death of, 278, 457

grave of, 465

injuries of, 465

Nielsen’s letter to mother of, 465

Dodson, Oscar, 66–67

Doolittle, Jimmy:

airplane acrobatics of, 36, 44–47, 51, 53–54

airplane racing by, 48–49, 53

ankle injury of, 49–51

Army joined by, 41–42

Arnold’s and Marshall’s meeting with, 357–59

Arnold’s congratulatory message to, 333–34

arrival back in U.S., 357

B-26 investigated by, 56–57

background of, 38–57

Barr aided by, 461–62

and battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 176

blind flight mastered by, 52–53

in bombing raid, 194–97, 209

boxing practiced by, 39–41

and California mechanics, 113–14

in charge of Mitchel Field laboratory, 51–53

charisma of, 88

in China, 270–71

departure on raid of, 127–28

desire to lead mission, 97

dive bombing contemplated by, 148–49

education of, 41, 47, 48

executions and, 418

experiments on plane, 47–48

fame of, xiii

in flight to China, 242, 246–47

in flight to Japan, 194

flying learned by, 41–44

on Germany’s World War II preparations, 55–56

Halsey’s meeting with, 115, 158

as hero to raiders, 88

Japanese park in honor of, 477

Japanese propaganda against, 415

and launch of raid, 176, 179, 180

on Leonard’s death, 475

manufacturers thanked by, 372–73

marriage of, 40–41, 42

Marshall’s call to, 127–28

Medal of Honor awarded to, 358–60, 362, 415

Meder memorialized by, 444

and modifications to B-25, 59, 60–62, 92–94, 97, 111–12, 116

in move west, 108, 109, 110, 111–12

placed in charge of raid, 37

plane for raid chosen by, 36

in press, 361

reaction to Pearl Harbor, 56

report by, 371

at Shell, 53, 54–55, 56

stature and appearance of, 38–39, 80, 88

stronger airplane engine favored by, 54–55

in talks with Chinese military, 272, 274–76

Tokyo as target of, 195–97

top priority given to, 58

and training for raid, 85–92, 94

upset with York, 369

as witness at international tribunal, 468–69

and work report incident, 117

Doolittle, Jimmy, Jr., 362

Doolittle, John, 362

Doolittle, Josephine Daniels, 40–41, 42, 48, 127

Doolittle, Rosa, 39, 40

Doolittle raid, 221–33, 368

casualties of, xiv, 197, 201, 202, 207, 220, 231, 307, 309, 311, 351, 411–12, 469

Chiang’s desire for delay of, 169–71

China as landing destination for, xiii, 31, 36, 58, 63–64, 105–6, 108, 115, 129, 146, 150, 166–70, 204, 242, 244, 308

Chinese casualties as result of, 384–90, 476

civilian property destroyed in, xiv, 201–2, 231

and concerns about planes being hit, 148–49

damage from, 197, 201–2, 205, 217, 218–20, 222, 225–26, 227–28, 231, 238–39, 308–9

effect on Japan of, 311–12

effect on U.S. of, 317–19

enemy patrol boats and, 236–37

erroneous Japanese reports on, 306–7

FDR’s reaction to, 318–21

as iconic, xii

Japanese anticipation of, 189–92

Japanese editorials on, 312–14

Japanese fighters against, 201, 203

Japanese government’s reassurances after, 309–11

Japanese leaders’ response to, 375

Japanese report on, 414–15

launch of, 176–85, 192

length of flights for, 93, 177

military targets and, 148, 468–69

radio reports of, 239–40

risk of, xiii, xiv–xv

Roosevelt administration deception about, xiv, 412, 476

secrecy of, 172

targets of, xiii, 144–45, 146–47, 148, 195–97, 468–69

Tokyo bombed in, 196–214, 215–21

see also Hornet

Doolittle raid, plan for, 28, 31–32, 34–37, 38

aircraft carrier in, 65–66

aircrews chosen in, 68–74

cities chosen in, 62

and dumping of fuel tins, 150

launch of B-25s in, 116

liftoff time decided in, 146

night attack envisioned in, 63

number of bombers needed in, 35

oil moved for, 107–8

outline in, 62

planes chosen in, 35–37

practice in, 66–67

report on, 62–63

route in, 130

safety as paramount in, 130–31

Stilwell briefed on, 106–7

takeoff in, 58, 89–90, 132, 163

targets chosen in, 146–47

weather and, 63, 162

wide front in, 146–47

Doolittle raid, raiders of, 479, 480

bombs inscribed by, 165–66

capture of, xiv

Chiang’s lunch invitation to, 331–33

courage of, xiv–xv, 475–76

departure of, 126–29

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 330–31, 334, 367–69

Eglin field training of, 85–97

execution of, 407–9, 412–13, 416–17, 418, 438, 456, 457, 475

gambling by, 156–57, 163

gear carried by, 149

hair length of, 162

hiding in China by, 292–95

hunt for remains of, 465–67

Imperial Palace as favored target of, 147–48

inoculations of, 95, 150

internment escape planned by, 427–28, 430–37

Japanese trial of, 400–401

meals of, 155–56

missionaries’ aid to, 376–84

mission training for, 70–72, 85, 87–92, 94, 96–97, 108–18, 122, 129

in move to California, 101–2

naval etiquette course of, 95

North Africa reunion of, 474

ordered west, 101, 108–13

parties for, 462, 474–75, 476–77, 478–79

personal preparations for mission, 163–64

pre-raid ceremony of, 165–66

in prison, 438–48, 450, 454–57, 458

recovery of, 463–64

relaxation by, 95–96, 114–15, 156–57, 163

reports on capture of, 409–19

response to executions of, 418–19

in Russian internment, 287–91, 391–407, 420–37, 477

sailing toward Japan by, 153–58, 160–68

sentencing of, 438–39

targeting of residential areas and, 148

torture of, 396–97

waterboarding of, 299, 301–2, 457

whiskey given to, 150

Dorn, Frank “Pinkie,” 103, 329–30

Douglas, William, 416

Duncan, Donald:

Doolittle ordered west by, 101, 108–11

Halsey’s meeting with, 115

Japanese attack plan of, 31–32, 64, 65–66, 67, 68, 318

at practice takeoff, 67, 68

on secret visit to Nimitz, 98–101

Dunker, Steve, 376–78

Dunker, Wendelin, 371, 377–79, 380, 381, 383

Duquette, Omer, death of, 475

Dutch East Indies, 11, 75, 82, 151, 152

Dwyer, Robert, 469

Dykema, Mrs. T. J., 362

Dynan, Joseph, 214

dysentery, 385

Early, Steve, 14–15, 16, 20, 21, 419

Eastern District Army, 310

East Indies, 27

Edgewood Arsenal, 62

Eglin Field, 71–72, 85–97, 110, 113, 129

Egoricheff, Ivan, 141–42

Eierman, Jacob:

in bombing raid, 227, 228–29

final letter of, before raid, 114–15

at launch, 178, 179

Eighty-Ninth Reconnaissance Squadron, 68

Eikichi Maru, 237

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 322

Electric Machinery Works, 231

Eleventh Army, 375

Elizalde, Joaquim, 18

Ellet, 159

Emmens, Bob, 69, 74, 91–92, 122, 129, 164, 355, 356

in bombing raid, 215–16, 217

in flight to Tokyo, 187, 188, 189

in internment escape, 433, 435

at launch, 182

and low gas gauge of, 188, 189

and move to south of Russia, 420, 477

in move west, 109–10

in Russian internment, 287, 289, 290, 392, 393, 394, 420–21, 422, 424–27, 429, 430, 431, 433, 434, 477

Russian landing of, 257–61

training of, 72

Emmens, Justine, 393

Enemy Airmen’s Act, 403, 469, 470

England, Frank, 336–37

Enterprise, 5, 32, 65, 75, 101, 130, 159, 160–61, 162, 164, 172, 173, 183, 184, 234, 235–36, 237, 239, 241

En-Tse Hospital, 285

Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Unit of the Kwantung Army, 385

Executive Order 9066, 76–77

Fairbanks, Douglas, 49

Faktor, Leland, 271, 326, 333, 363, 364

Fanning, 159

Farrow, Billy, 71, 95–96, 125, 155, 243, 419, 477

and Bat out of Hell damage, 186

in bombing raid, 226, 232–33

burial of, 467

China landing of, 257, 269

execution of, 407–9, 411–12, 438, 457, 464, 465, 475

final letters of, 405–7

at launch, 178, 183, 234

letter from mother of, 366–67

personal testimony of, 410–11, 418

in prison, 350, 399, 400, 405, 410

remains of, 465–66

sentence of, 404

Farrow, Jessie, 411

Fat Man, 449–50

Federal Reserve Building, 28

Fengtai, 454

Fickle Finger of Fate, 96, 223–24

Field, John, 130, 163, 183

Fiji, 136

First Fleet, 190

Fitzgerald, John, Jr., 66, 67

Fitzhugh, Bill, at launch, 181

Fitzmaurice, Donald, 249

death of, 278, 419, 457

grave of, 465

injuries of, 465

Flying Tigers, 102, 328, 344

Ford, John, 159

Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 34

Fourth Cruiser Division, 190

France, 10

Fuchida, Mitsuo, 6, 135, 315, 316

baptism of, 478

and preparations against Doolittle raid, 190

Fujita, Chosei, 407

Fukudome, Shigeru, 137

Furusawa, Yukiteru, 202

Futsin, China, 387

Gardner, Melvin, 94

in bombing raid, 221

death of, 366, 475

fiancée’s inquiry about, 365–66

last letter of, before raid, 115

gasoline, 80

Genda, Minoru, 135

Geneva Convention, 403, 413

Genghis Khan, 83

Germany, 75

countries invaded by, 10, 59

Japanese alliance with, 11, 80

World War II preparations of, 55–56

Gilbert Islands, 134, 135

Ginza, 143, 210

glanders, 385

Glines, Carroll, 479–80

Glynn, Bill, 328

Golden Gate Bridge, 323

Grand Peking Hotel, 456

Gray, Robert, 91

bombing by, 198, 202, 309

death of, 475

inquiries by parents of, 366

at launch, 181

Grayson, 125, 128

Great Britain:

and fall of Singapore, 75

German bombing of, 10

Greater Japan Airlines, 230

Green Hornet, 96, 187, 205–7, 395

crash of, 248–50, 277, 419, 465

Greening, Ross, 71, 86, 94, 244

B-25 modified by, 92–93

in bombing raid, 221–22, 312

in China, 327, 332

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 367

at Doolittle’s party, 475

at launch, 176, 177–78, 180, 182

made flight commander, 88

relaxation by, 114

suburbs as target of, 146

Grew, Joseph, 211–12

Griffin, Tom, 372

Griffith Stadium, 18–19

Gripsholm, 315

Gross, Sid, 419

Grow, Malcolm, 461–62

Guam, 4, 20, 104, 448

fall of, 25, 27, 153

Guggenheim, Harry, 52

Guillain, Robert, 210–11, 314–15

Gwin, 125, 128

Haguro, 190

Hallmark, Dean, 114, 187, 248–49, 363, 364–65, 470, 471

in bombing raid, 204, 205–7

burial of, 467

dysentery of, 399, 401

execution of, 407–9, 438, 457, 464, 465, 475

final letter from, 405

Hite’s letter to family of, 464

in prison, 300, 302, 304, 399, 400, 404–5

remains of, 465–66

sentence of, 404, 405

Tokyo landing of, 345

torture of, 302

Hallmark, Ollie, 464

Halsey, William, “Bull” Jr., 100, 101–2, 130, 164–65, 172–74, 318

departure on raid of, 115

Doolittle admired by, 362

Doolittle’s meeting with, 115, 158

Hornet’s merging with task force of, 160–61

at launch, 179

Marcus Island attacked by, 135

Nimitz’s meeting with, 159

in return to Pearl Harbor, 158–59

secrecy of, 159–60

Hamada, Dick, 451, 452

Hannibal, 82–83

Hanson, James, 50

Hari Kari-er, 96, 221–22

Harmon, Millard, Jr., 97, 371

Harp, Edward, Jr., 157–58, 163, 240

Wall’s injury and, 235

Harper’s Magazine, 104

Harriman, Averell, 17

Harsch, Joseph, 417

Hassett, Bill, 319

Hastings, Everett, 373–74

Hata, Itsuro, 400, 401, 407

death of, 467

Hata, Shunroku, 402–3, 404

arrest of, 467

Hattori, Takushiro, 211

Hawaii, 101, 133

Japanese invasion planned for, 134, 136

martial law in, 17

Hayes, Rutherford, 9

Henderson, George, 121

Hendren, John, Jr., 468, 472

Heng-yang, China, 169, 328, 344

Henry Snyder High School, 411

Herndon, Nolan, 257, 356, 430, 479

in bombing raid, 216–17

in flight to Tokyo, 188

Hibiya Public Hall, 191

Hilary P. Jones, 66

Hilger, Jack, 94–95, 149, 271–72, 364

in bombing raid, 226–28, 229

in China, 325, 328, 333, 335

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 367

industrial cities as target of, 146

at launch, 178

and list of crew in order of expertise, 116–17

made flight commander, 88

in move west, 111

target selection by, 146–47

training of, 71, 72, 73, 86, 88

Hill, Joseph, 318

Hilton, James, 319

Hindrava, Alexander, 401

Hinner, Ralph, 473

Hirohito, Emperor, xiv, 143, 311, 316, 402, 403

birthday celebration of, 193

FDR’s message to, 12, 15

public appearance of, 82

surrender of, 451

Hiroshima, Japan, 140

nuclear bombing of, 449

Hiryu, 190

Hite, Bobby, 155, 243, 479

and Bat out of Hell damage, 186

in bombing raid, 233

China landing of, 264, 266–67

daily struggles of, 478

illness of, 447, 450, 457

interrogation of, 307

at launch, 182

letters to families of raiders from, 463–65

in prison, 347, 350, 398–99, 400, 401, 410, 438–39, 440–43, 444, 445, 446–47, 448, 450, 455, 456, 460

recovery of, 463

report on imprisonment by, 457

in return to U.S., 458–59

sentence of, 404

as witness at international tribunal, 469

Hitler, Adolf, 10, 55

speech style of, 19

on Time, 104

Hiyo, 231

Hokkaido, Japan, 307, 308

Holcomb, Leslie, 367–68

Holstrom, Everett “Brick,” 85, 114, 129, 185

in battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 175

in China, 333

at launch, 178

in move west, 108

in raid, 198, 202–4

Hong Kong, 11, 20, 191

Hoover, Herbert, 13

Hoover, Travis, 96, 124

bombing by, 198, 199, 309

in landing after raid, 270

at launch, 181, 184

made flight commander, 88

northern Tokyo as target of, 146

supplies overseen by, 88

Hopkins, Barbara Duncan, 31

Hopkins, Harry, 10, 16, 26

and FDR’s congressional message on Pearl Harbor, 20

illnesses of, 74

Hori, Tomokazu, 312

Hornet, 30, 32, 36–37, 60, 64, 90, 101, 116, 129, 239, 360

and battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 173–76, 234

capacity of, 65–66

departure of, 115, 136

design of, 119–21

Doolittle’s quarters on, 121

loading of, 108

merged with Halsey’s task force, 160–61

Mitscher put in charge of, 65

in move west, 119–21

in raid practice, 66–67

sailing toward Japan by, 153–58, 160–68, 172–89

House of Representatives, Japanese, 82

Houston, 139

Howze, Harry, 63

Ho Yang Ling, 275

Ho Ying-chin, 330

Hull, Cordell, 13, 16, 21, 74, 353, 393

and execution of raiders, 413

FDR’s Pearl Harbor speech and, 19

Hypothe Bank of Japan, 313

Idaho, 125

Ihrig, Russell, 119, 131

battle instructions of, 162

Ihwang, China, 376, 381

Imperial Diet, 143, 147, 218

Imperial General Headquarters, 375

Imperial Hotel, 144

Imperial Palace, 143, 209, 305, 360

as raiders’ favored target, 147–48

Imperial Theater, 311

Independent Tribune, 417

India, 75, 133

Indonesia, U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

Industrial Bank of Japan, 313

International Military Tribunal of the Far East, 467–73

International News Service, 14–15, 478

International Red Cross, 410

Inubo Saki, 185, 194, 198, 204

iron, 80

iron ore, 11

Ishide, Minosuke, 202

Ishii, Shiro, 385–87

isolationists, 74–75, 80

Italy, Japanese alliance with, 11, 80

Ito, Akinobu, 407

Jacot, Nestor, 451

Jai Foo Chang (Charlie), 255, 292–93, 371


aircraft industry in, 62–63

alliance of Germany and Italy with, 11, 80

atomic bombing of, 449–50

B-29 bombings of, 448–49

bacteriological warfare by, 386–89

Bataan overrun by, 152–53, 192

British declaration of war against, 17

Chinese war crimes of, xiv, 105–6

effect of Doolittle raid on, xiii–xiv

King’s desire for offensive against, 29, 30–32

Manchuria invaded by, 11

material bankruptcy of, 11, 27, 83

naval call signals changed by, 5

Pearl Harbor euphoria in, 79, 81–82

rationing in, 82

Soviet intelligence on, 141–42

supplies of, 11–12

surrender of, 451–52

U.S. break with, 4, 11

U.S. invasion contemplated in, 83

U.S. spying on, 139–40

Japan Diesel Manufacturing Corporation, 201, 309

Japanese Americans, in internment camps, 76–77

Japanese embassy, 16

Japanese Special Steel Company, 218

Japan Oil, 224

Japan Steel Fuji Steelworks, 206–7

Japan Steel Piping factories, 209, 224

Japan Times & Advertiser, 82–83, 138, 192, 211, 311, 313

Jarman, Fontaine, Jr., 451, 452

JOAK, 187, 218, 229, 238

Johnson, Allan, 58

Johnson, Harry, 149

Jones, Aden, 110, 201

Jones, Davy, 73, 91, 156, 242, 344

in bombing raid, 202, 204–5, 309

in China, 325, 326, 327, 333, 340

China landing of, 271

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 367

at Doolittle’s party, 475

in flight to Tokyo, 185, 188

made flight commander, 88

parade in honor of, 385

relaxation by, 114

Tokyo city center as target of, 146

training of, 8, 86–87, 88, 89–90

Jordan, Bert, 185

training of, 72–73

Jordan, James, 362

Joyce, Richard, 186

in bombing raid, 219–21, 309

hit by antiaircraft fire, 242

inquiries by father of, 366

Judd, Walter, 415

Jurika, Stephen, Jr., 124–25, 145, 149, 165, 187, 238, 263, 269

background of, 138–39

and flight plan of raid, 147

intelligence work of, 139, 140–42, 415

Justice Department, U.S., 16, 20

Kabukiza, 311

Kaga, 6, 190

Kagoshima, Japan, 306

Kaijin Maru, 237

Kamimura, Vice Admiral, 84

Kanagawa, Japan, 146, 221–22

Kappeler, Frank, 94

at launch, 177

Kasumigaura Lake, 221

Katori naval air station, 222

Kawai, Chiyoko, 306

Kawai, Kazuo, 211

Kawasaki, Japan, 62, 63, 140

Kawasaki Dockyard Company, 231

Kawasaki Truck and Tank plant, 218

Kearsarge, 165

Kelley, Ed, 15

Kelsey, Ben, 52

Ken-kwo-gee, China, 379

Kent, Fred, 152

Kernan, Alvin, at launch, 179, 183


Khabarovsk, Russia, 288–89, 352, 354–55

Kian, China, 107, 167, 169

Kiangsi Province, China, 276, 375, 389

Kiangwan Military Prison, 400–407, 438, 440, 446

Kido, Koichi, 403–4

Kimmel, Husband:

on night before Pearl Harbor, 4

warned about possible Japanese attack, 4

worried about Japanese carriers, 5–6

Kimura, Heitaro, 402

King, Ernest, 28–32, 68, 105, 127

aircraft raids urged by, 100–101

FDR informed about Pearl Harbor by, 26

offensive against Japan favored by, 29, 30–32

secrecy order of, 66

King Kong (film), 335

Kinhwa, China, 387

Kinney, Herbert, 145

Kisarazu Air Base, 190

Knobloch, Richard, 150, 376

in bombing raid, 225

at launch, 180

on secrecy of training, 96

volunteering for raid by, 74

Knox, Frank, 12–13, 16, 21, 22, 165, 318

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26

Pearl Harbor surveyed by, 23–24

Kobayashi, Asasaburo, 312

Kobe, Japan, 62, 63, 83, 306

air raid drills in, 191

bombing raid in, 226, 230–31, 310

Koiwa, Kazuei, 226

Kojima, Shigeru, 197

Kollsman, Paul, 52

Kolya, 429, 430–32

Kondo, Nobutake, 190

Konoye, Fumimaro, 80–81

Korea, 189, 257

U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

Koshien stadium, 230

Kowa Maru, 237

Kuhn, Irene, 466, 467

Ku Klux Klan, 25

Kumano, Tatsuo, 269

Kumashiro, Moritada, 470

Kunming, China, 459

Kuroshima, Kameto, 136, 316

Kusaka, Ryunosuke, 3

Kusama, Kazuko, 191

Kwei, Joseph, 377

Kweilin, China, 107, 108, 167, 168

Kweiyee, China, 383–84

Kyoto, Japan, air raid drills in, 191

Laban, Theodore, 189, 215

in internment, 420, 430, 431

Lae, 135

Landon, Alf, 24

Lang, Frederick, 424–25

Langley Field, 69

Larkin, George, 128, 330

in bombing raid, 220–21

death of, 475

Laurey, John, 165

Lawrence, David, 410–11, 418

Lawson, Ellen, 251, 369–70

Lawson, Ted, 60, 70, 123, 125, 129, 154–55, 166, 188, 244, 295, 344

arrival in U.S., 369–70

on B-25 mechanics, 113

in battle with Japanese vessel, 187

in bombing raid, 204, 207–10

injury of, 251–52, 253–54, 255, 285–86, 296–97, 336–40, 341–42, 343, 369–71

in landing after raid, 250–56, 270, 281–82, 283–84, 291–92

landing in U.S., 369

in launch, 177, 181–82, 185

on modifications of B-25, 93

in move west, 110

raiders’ search for, 295–96

on size of B-25, 69

Thatcher’s saving of, 479

Layton, Edwin, worried about Japanese attack, 5–6

Leahy, William, 322

Leonard, Paul:

Birch’s meeting with, 277

bombing by, 197

brought to Chinese military, 274

death of, 475

in flight to Tokyo, 195

landing in China by, 247–48

at launch, 179, 180

Lexington, 4–5, 29, 32, 75, 132

Life, 103, 130, 163, 183, 329

light metals, 80

Linchwan, China, 376, 377, 383, 384

Lincoln, Abraham, 21, 80

Lindbergh, Charles, 51–52

Lindley, Ernest, 438

Lindsey, Robin, 162, 237

Lishui, China, 107, 167, 169, 376, 389

Little Boy, 449

Long, Breckinridge, 26, 151, 412–13

Long Island, 31

Los Angeles Times, 26, 44, 76, 324, 390

Lost Horizon (Hilton), 319

Louisville, 139

Low, Francis, 29–30, 31, 101, 318

Luangshuan, China, 388

Luce, Henry, 103–4, 329

Ludlow, 66, 68

Luxembourg, 10

Lynch, John, 129–30

Maas, Grace, 461

MacArthur, Douglas:

in escape from Philippines, 152

General Shimomura protected by, xiv, 472–73

in retreat to Bataan, 76, 129

Wako’s sentence commuted by, 471

Macia, Herb, 126

in bombing raid, 226–28

Doolittle as hero of, 88

at launch, 178

letter to Hallmark’s mother from, 467

training of, 73

Ma Eng-lin, 384

Magpie, 451–52, 455–57

Magruder, John, 330

Majestic Theater, 19

malaria, 152

Malaysia, 4

Manch, Shorty, 163, 271

in bombing raid, 201

and Doolittle’s party, 475

in launch, 177

Manchuria, 385

Japanese invasion of, 11

U.S. search for prisoners of war in, 451–52

Manila, 25

Manske, Joseph, 70, 150, 158, 162, 185, 327, 333, 419

Mao Zedong, 103

Marcus Island, 135, 161, 189, 306

Marianas, 448

Marine Corps, blacks not admitted to, 77

Marshall, George, 16, 152, 165, 323, 330, 334, 353

Chinese government not trusted by, 105

Doolittle and Arnold’s meeting with, 357–59

Doolittle called by, 127–28

farewell note to Doolittle from, 127

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26, 27

worried about delay of raid, 169–71

on York’s crew in Russia, 322

Marshall Islands, 134, 135, 189

Martin B-26, 32

Doolittle’s examination of, 56–57

Maryland, 24, 125

Masutani, Maruo, 407

Matsuhigecho oil storage, 227

Maya, 190

McCabe, Robert, 424, 425

McCarthy, James, 67

McClellan Field, 108, 111, 112, 121

McClure, Charles, 122–23, 126, 147, 194, 244, 337, 340–41, 369

in battle with Japanese vessel, 187

in bombing raid, 208–9

Doolittle as hero of, 88

injury of, 25, 281, 283, 284–85, 371

in landing after raid, 250–56, 281, 282, 283, 284–85, 286

at launch, 180

in move west, 110

onboard gambling and, 156, 157

McCool, Harry, 70, 204

Doolittle as hero of, 88

McElroy, Edgar, 69, 150, 244, 328, 344

in bombing raid, 221, 224–26

and launch of planes, 176

training of, 72

McGuire, Frederick, 382

McGurl, Eugene:

in China, 326, 331

death of, 475

McIntyre, Marvin, 16, 318

McKenzie, Marjorie, 77

McKissick, J. Rion, 411

McMahon, W. A., 417

McQuay Company, 61

Meder, Bob, 206, 249

burial of, 467

captured in China, 279

farewell letter of, 443–44

illness and death of, 442–44, 446, 457, 464, 468, 475

morse code developed by, 442

mother notified of death of, 419

in prison, 300, 302, 304, 400, 438, 442–43

remains of, 466–67

sentence of, 404

Tokyo landing of, 345

Meeus, Charles, 384–85

Mehle, Roger, in battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 175

Mele, Tony, 373

Meredith, 128, 162

Mexico, 80

Michela, Joseph, 392, 421–23

Mid-Continent Airlines, 60

Middle East, 75

Midway, Battle of, xiv, 415, 476

Midway Island, 20, 101, 136–37, 211, 316

Mike (interpreter), 355, 426, 427

Miles, John, 24

Military Law Concerning the Punishment of Enemy Airmen, 403, 469, 470

Miller, Edmund, 357

Miller, Henry, 85, 96, 124–25, 131–32

crew listed in order of expertise by, 116–17

at launch, 177, 178, 179, 181, 184

and loss of B-25, 91

in move west, 109

takeoff procedure formulated by, 89–90

training of, 86–87, 89–90

Miller, Richard:

bombing by, 198–99

death of, 475

Mills, William, 74, 91–92, 109

training of, 71, 72

Milwaukee Sentinel, 60

Mindanao, 138

Ministry of Railways Supply Bureau, 220

Minneapolis, Minn., 60

Misake (guard), 445

missionaries, 376–84

Mississippi, 125

Missouri, 452

Mitchel Field, 48, 51–53

Mitchell, William “Billy,” 58

Mitscher, Marc, 64, 121, 129, 159, 238

background of, 64–65

and departure of raiders, 127

drills run by, 162

escorts of, 130

formation of bombers ordered by, 66

Hornet commanded by, 115

and launch of raid, 176, 183–84

and onboard gambling, 157

at practice takeoff, 67, 68

at pre-raid ceremony, 165

Mitsubishi, 62, 63, 227

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 233, 309

Miura, Yasutoshio, 407

Miwa, Yoshitake, 133, 134, 135, 215, 305, 307, 310, 317

on Japanese propaganda, 310

Miyako, 312

Miyano, Masatoshi, 403

Miyo, Tatsukichi, 136–37

Mizumoto Primary School, 202

Mochi, 312

Mongolia, 77

Monssen, 125, 128

Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 26, 318, 371

financial market worries of, 12

White House ordered protected by, 15

Morris, John, 210

Moysey, Frank, 213, 314

Mukden, 458

Mulder, Karel, 457–58

Muñiz Lavalle, Ramón, 213, 314

Murphy, Clarence, 376–77, 380

Murray, George, 65

Myoko, 190

Nagano, Osami, 316, 401–2, 448

Nagasaki, Japan, nuclear bombing of, 449–50

Nagato Maru, 237, 307

Nagoya, Japan, 62, 63, 306, 309, 350, 354, 395, 458, 478

air raid drills in, 191

bombing raid in, 226–29, 232, 309

leveling of, 449

Nagoya castle, 227

Nagumo, Chuichi, 4, 6, 7, 130, 133–34, 136, 190

Pearl Harbor worries of, 1–3

Nakajima, 62

Nakajima Type 97, 83

Nakajo, Toyoma, 400

death of, 467

Nakamura, Yoshiro, 207

Nanchang, China, 265, 266, 269, 276, 376

Nancheng, China, 343, 382–83, 384

Nanking, China, xiv, 106, 376, 381, 387, 453, 520n

Nashville, 125, 128, 160, 164, 236–37

in battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 173–76, 237

National Hemp Dressing Corporation, 309

National People’s Party, 103

Navy, Imperial:

planes of, 12

strength of, 2, 12

U.S. intelligence on, 139, 141

war games of, 81

Navy, U.S.:

Bureau of Aeronautics, 86

FDR’s worries about weakness of, 25

Pacific drive of, xiv

worried about Japanese attack, 4

Navy General Staff, 189

Netherlands, 10

New Caledonia, 136

New Guinea, 135

New Mexico, 125

News, 415

News Digest, 240

New York Daily News, 74–75

New York Herald Journal, 419

New York Herald Tribune, 24

New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, 19

New York Times, 11, 38, 53, 59, 75, 143–44, 153, 164, 214, 243, 323–24, 390, 414, 458, 459

Nichi Nichi, 218, 234, 312

Nichols, Ray, 451, 452, 453–54

Nielsen, Chase, 147, 149, 248–50, 419

in bombing raid, 206

captured by Chinese, 277–80

and Doolittle’s party, 475

in evacuation to China, 457

on grave-finding mission, 465

injury of, 395

JOAK listened to by, 187

and launch of planes, 177

letter to Dieter’s mother from, 465

letter to FDR from mother of, 366

outraged at tribunal verdict, 471

in prison, 300–304, 345–49, 398, 438, 441, 444, 447, 455–56, 460

recovery of, 463

report on imprisonment by, 457

in return to U.S., 458–59

sentence of, 404

Tokyo landing of, 345

torture of, 300–304

as witness at international tribunal, 468

Niigata Prefecture, 306

Nimitz, Chester, 101–2, 135, 318

background of, 99–100

Halsey ordered to meet Doolittle by, 115

Halsey’s meeting with, 159

ordered to conduct Pacific raids, 100–101

Ninety-Fifth Squadron, 68

Nippon Machine Works, 209

Nishi Nasuno train station, 217

Nisshin, 80

Nitto Maru No. 23, 173–76, 189, 198, 234, 237, 242, 307

No. 1 Iwate Maru, 237

No. 2 Asami Maru, 237

No. 3 Chinyo Maru, 237

No. 26 Nanshin Maru, 237

Noone, Robert, 166

at launch, 183

Norden, Carl, 95

Norden bombsights, 95, 112, 347–48

Norfolk Naval Air Station, 66

Norfolk Naval Operating Base, 64

North Africa, 35

North American Aviation Company, 58–59, 314, 372–73, 417

Northampton, 159, 160, 164, 172

Northwestern National Life Insurance Company, 411

Norway, 10

Oahu, 4, 6, 135

O’Brien, Pat, 18

Office of Strategic Services, 98, 214, 315, 451

Ohara, 345–46

oil, 11, 80, 133, 151, 167

U.S. exports to Japan shut off, 11

Okada, Ryuhei, 400

arrest of, 468

Sawada’s desire for release of, 471

trial of, 466, 470

Okazaki Hospital, 196

Oklahoma, 18, 24, 99

Ollivier, Ivor, 25

Omi, Heijiro, 306

Operation Plan No. 20–42, 159

Operations Office, 88

Opper, Frederick, 398

Osaka, Japan, 62, 83, 307, 354

air raid drills in, 191

bombing raid in, 226, 230, 232

leveling of, 449

Osaka Mainichi, 82, 451, 486

Osborne, Edgar, at launch, 180

O’Shea, John, 378, 381

Osterloh, Edwin, 235

Ozuk, Charles, Jr., 70, 271, 364

in bombing raid, 201, 202

injuries of, 327

training of, 72

Pacific Fleet, 100

Pacific Fleet, flattops of, 32, 35, 36, 60, 101, 124

Japan’s underestimated number of, 189

as Yamamoto’s target, 101, 135–36

Pacific Fleet, redeployed to Hawaii, 11

Page, Edward, Jr., in Russian internment, 392–93

Palm Beach Post, 24

paratyphoid, 387

Parker, James, 164

Patrick, Mason, 47, 49, 50

Pattison, Alfred, 395

Patton, George, 13

Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, xiii, 1–7, 70, 153, 189, 324, 330

blame for, 22, 26

casualties from, 14, 17, 18

damage from, 14, 23–24, 34, 99, 101, 206–7

Doolittle’s response to, 56–57

FDR informed about, 12–14, 16–17, 18

FDR’s cabinet meeting on, 21–22

FDR’s congressional speech on, 19–20, 23

FDR’s statement on, 14–15

fear after, 25, 34

Knox’s survey of damage from, 23–24

night before, 4–5

preparations for, 2–3, 133

risk of, 1–2

U.S. announcement of, 9

U.S. public opinion on, 18–19, 24–25

U.S. ships tied up at, 22

Yamamoto as architect of, 79, 81, 82, 84, 137

Pennsylvania, 4, 24, 125

Perkins, Frances, 21–22

Perkins, Mahlon, 451, 453

Philadelphia Daily News, 470

Philadelphia Inquirer, 24, 420

Philippines, 4, 20, 152

Japanese attack on, 25, 27, 76, 104, 129, 412

Pillsbury, 226

Pingfan, China, 385

Pittsburgh Courier, 77

Pittsburgh Press, 305, 323

plague, xiv, 385, 386, 387, 388

Pohl, David:

in bombing raid, 216, 217

in internment, 420, 430

low gas gauge of, 188

Poindexter, John, 17

Poizat, Michael, 384

Poland, German invasion of, 10, 59

Polish-Soviet War, 335

Popular Mechanics, 42

Portal, Charles, 34, 35

Potter, Hank, 126, 155, 245, 246, 362

brought to Chinese military, 273–74

in flight to Japan, 194, 195

at launch, 178, 179

Pound, Bill:

in bombing raid, 223–24

at launch, 182

Powell, John, 397

Poyang, China, 376

Poyang, Lake, 276

Pravda, 394

Preston, 125

Prince of Wales, 25

Pringle, Henry, 397

prisoners of war, search for, 451–57

Public Cemetery no. 1, 407

Pulitzer race, 48

Pyle, Howard, 474

Quigley, Daniel, 165

Quinn, Charles, 379, 381–82

Rabaul, 135

Radio Tokyo, 164, 409

Radney, Douglas, 200, 366, 479

Rangoon, 151

Rape of Nancheng, 382–83, 384

Rape of Nanking, xiv, 106, 376, 381, 520n

Rayburn, Sam, 22, 416

Reddy, Ken, 94, 95, 128, 155, 166, 173, 244, 287, 372

in bombing raid, 221, 222

in China, 327, 328–29, 330, 331, 332

on church service, 158

death of, 475

injury of, 333

money lent by, 163–64

in move west, 109

relaxation by, 114

Reilly, Mike, 15

Remedios, Caesar Luis Dos, 401, 404, 407, 409, 466

Repulse, 25

rice, 11

Richter, Melvin, 451

Riefkohl, Frederick, 184

Ring, Stanhope, 240–41

Roberts, John, in battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 175

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 10, 14, 25, 26

column of, 78, 318

revenge against Japanese Americans disapproved by, 77

Roosevelt, Franklin D.:

Arnold’s dispute with, 33

“arsenal of democracy” speech of, 10–11

bombing of Japan desired by, 28, 32, 77

at cabinet meeting on Pearl Harbor, 21–22

Churchill’s call to, 17–18

congressional message on Pearl Harbor from, 19–20, 23

Doolittle given Medal of Honor by, 359

effect of war news on, 74, 150–51

executions kept secret by, 412, 413–14, 416

on fall of Wake Island, 75

on hopes to avert war, 12

and Japanese aggression in China, 11

Japanese assets frozen by, 11

Latin American trip of, 139

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 23, 26–28, 34

message to Hirohito, 12, 15

naval weakness as troubling to, 25

Nielsen’s mother’s letter to, 366

Pearl Harbor information given to, 12–14, 16–17, 18

Pearl Harbor statement of, 14–15

Philippines worries of, 76

reaction to raid, 318–21

on secrecy of Doolittle raid, 172

stamp collection of, 10

study of, 9–10

on Time, 104

U.S. public opinion buoyed by, 27, 78

war production and, 82

worries for safety of, 25–26

Roosevelt, James, 12, 16

Roosevelt, Theodore, 10

Roosevelt administration:

bond offering by, 12

Doolittle raid deceptions of, xiv, 412, 476

Rosenman, Sam, 318, 319

Rotary Club of St. Louis, 373

Rowe, James, Jr., 76

rubber, 11

rubber tank, 61

Ruptured Duck, 96, 122–23, 162, 177, 181–82, 208, 209–10, 244, 250–56, 280, 286, 291–92, 296, 371, 479

Russia, 35, 75, 188–89, 352–56

landing of raiders in, 257–61, 271, 322, 369

raiders interned in, 287–91, 391–407, 420–37, 477

Russo-Japanese War, 80, 84, 305

Rutherford, Al, 71

Ryuho, 225

Sabine, 159, 160

Sagami Bay, 203

St. John, Robert, 416

St. Louis, 125

Saipan, 448

Sakai, Saburo, 315–16

Sakasegawa, Minami, 231

Salamaua, 135

Salt Lake City, 159, 160, 161, 164, 172, 173, 181, 239

Samoa, 136

San Diego Consistory of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 373

San Francisco Chronicle, 24, 153

Sanrakuso apartment building, 202

Saratoga, 5, 31, 32, 75, 85, 132, 139

Sasebo navy arsenal, 226

Sato, Naotake, 353–54

Saturday Evening Post, 65

Sawada, Shigeru, 402, 466, 471, 472

arrest of, 467

trial of, 466, 470

Sawara, Japan, 306

Saylor, Edward, 153–54, 244, 337, 479

in bombing raid, 230, 231, 232

China landing of, 261

hiding in China by, 294

Japanese vessel spotted by, 186

Schmaring, Mihaiel Constantinovich, 290–91

Schneider, Jacques, 49

Schneider Cup race, 48–49

Scott, Eldred, 186, 244, 271

in bombing raid, 218, 219

Searles, Wilson, 14

Secret Service, 15

Sessler, Howard, 229, 231, 337, 418

China landing of, 262

Seventeenth Bombardment Group, 68, 69–70

Shanghai, China, 63

fall of, 106

Shanghai Military Police, 407

Shanghai Telephone Company, 397

Shell Petroleum Corporation, 53, 54–55, 56

Sheridan, Martin, 449

Sherman, Boyd, 50

Sherwood, Robert, 10, 19

Shiga, Fumiko, 6

Shiga, Yoshio, 6

Shigemitsu, Mamoru, 312

Shimada, Maszumi, 466

Shimomura, Sadamu, investigation of, 472–73

Short, Walter:

on night before Pearl Harbor, 4, 5

warned of possible Japanese attack, 4

Showa Electric factory, 224

Sims, Jack, 69, 244–45

in bombing raid, 227

and launch of planes, 176

sailing toward Japan by, 153

Singapore, 11, 75, 78, 152, 192

Sisters of Charity, 379–80

Smith, 125

Smith, Donald, 337

in bombing raid, 226, 229–32

in Chinese hut, 291

Chinese landing of, 261–62, 270

death of, 475

Japanese vessel spotted by, 186, 187

training of, 90

Smith, Merriman, 20

Smith, Mrs., 338, 341–42

Smith, Vincent, 380, 381, 384

Smith-Hutton, Henri, 139–40, 212

Snyder, John, 318

Solomon Islands, 415

Somiya, Shinji, 469

Soryu, 190

Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact, 27

Soviet Union, 133, 141, 477

Japanese intelligence of, 141–42

Spaatz, Carl, 62

Spatz, Harold:

China landing of, 265–69

execution of, 407–9, 438, 457, 464–65, 475

final letter from, 405

Hite’s letter to family of, 464–65

interrogation of, 307

in Japanese captivity, 351

in prison, 400, 405

remains of, 465–66

sentence of, 404

Special Aviation Project No. 1, 167

Special Service Section, 395

Sperry, Elmer, 52

Spurrier, Lieutenant, 168

Stalin, Joseph, 322, 352

raiders’ letter to, 426, 427

and U.S. use of Vladivostok, 27–28

Standard Oil of Calcutta, 107

Standley, Joseph, 421

Standley, William, 322, 351–53, 393

Stark, Harold:

FDR informed about Pearl Harbor by, 13–14, 16–17

and FDR’s safety, 25

Japanese attack expected by, 4

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26

and planning of Japanese bombing, 35

State Department, U.S., 105–6, 412, 414

Stein, Bill, 380

Stephens, Robert, 204

Stern, General, 288–89

Stewart, Tom, 416

Stilwell, Joseph, 75, 102, 169–71, 452

acerbic personality of, 102–3

briefed on raid, 106–7, 167

Chiang as viewed by, 103, 105, 389

on Madame Chiang, 331

and raid planning, 106–7, 184

Stimson, Henry, 13, 16, 21, 322–23, 410

at meeting on U.S. entry into World War II, 26

Stintzi, Vernon, ulcer developed by, 109

Strategic Bombing Service, U.S., 476

Suckley, Daisy, 318, 319

Sugamo Prison, 471, 472

Sugiyama, Hajime, 349, 402–3, 404

Sui-ning, China, 168

Sumatra, 191–92

Sumida River, 195, 199

Sutherland, John, 130

in battle with Nitto Maru No. 23, 174

Suzuki, 397

Suzuki, Teiichi, 82

Tachikawa railroad, 195

Tactical Method No. 3, 308

Taft, William Howard, 13

Taigei, 225, 306

Takahashi, Lieutenant General, 453

Takao, 190

Takasu, Shiro, 190

Takung Pao, 383, 388

Tama River, 147

Tanabe, Moritake, 402

Tanaka, Ryukichi, 402, 403

Tanaka, Shinichi, 316

Tan Do San, 264

Tashima, Goyo, 408–9

Task Force 16, 115–16

Tatsuta, Sotojiro, 472

arrest of, 468

as executioner, 404

at executions, 407–9

and remains of raiders, 465

Sawada’s desire for release of, 471

trial of, 466, 470

Tega Numa, 195

Tennessee, 18, 24, 125

Texas, 80

Texas, 30, 85

Thailand, 4

Thatcher, Dave, 154–55, 244, 337, 371

in bombing raid, 208

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 365, 369

Japanese vessel fired on by, 186

in landing after raid, 280, 284, 286

Lawson saved by, 479

Third Division Military Headquarters, 227

Thirteenth Army, 375, 404, 472

Thirty-Fourth Squadron, 68

Thirty-Seventh Squadron, 68

Thresher, 115

Tibbets, Paul, Jr., 449

Tillitse, Lars, 213

Time, 99, 104, 329

Times Square, 19

Tinian, 448, 449

TNT, 96, 229–32, 261–64, 291

Todd, Charles, 42

Togane, Japan, 306

Togo, Shigenori, 311

Toho Gas Company, 233, 309

Tojo, Hideki:

arrest of, 467

ouster of, 448

raiders’ fate decided by, 401–4

sailor’s mock letter to, 241

threat to Japan dismissed by, 83–84, 243

Tokkaido line, 140

Tokyo, 458

air raid drills in, 191, 192–93, 305, 315

air-raid sirens in, 200–201

bombing of, 196–214, 215–21

design of, 142–43

earthquake in, 144–45, 239

as inviting target, xiii, 144–45

leveling of, 449

plan for attack against, see Doolittle raid, plan for

population of, 142

Tokyo Gas, 62

Tokyo university, 191

Toles, Rollie, 417

Tolischus, Otto, 143–44, 214

Tomioka, Sadatoshi, 136, 211, 316

Towns, Eleanor, 461, 478

Trans-Pacific, 145

Treasury Department, U.S., 25

Trout, 115

Truelove, Denver:

in bombing raid, 204–5

death of, 475

Truman, Harry S., 471

Tsurumaki national school, 196

Tsurumi, Japan, 63

Tsushima Strait, Battle of, 80

Tsuzuki, Ishichi, 226

Tully, Grace, 15–17, 19, 318

Twenty-Sixth Air Flotilla, 190

typhoid, xiv, 385, 387

Udet, Ernst, 55

Ugaki, Matome, 309

on casualties from raid, 307

and fallout of raid, 306, 308

on future attacks by Japan, 133

ordered to invade Hawaii, 134

on Pearl Harbor attack, 1, 7

U.S. attack as viewed by, 135

Umekawa, Ryosaburi, 312

Unit 731, 385–89

United Church of Canada, 385

United Press, 14, 317, 458

United States:

isolationism in, 74–75, 80

Japanese break with, 4, 11

post-Pearl Harbor racism in, 76–77

spying on Japan by, 139–40

war production of, 79, 82

United States Rubber Company, 61

Universal Pictures, 373

Utah, 99

Valentine, Lewis, 323

Van Buren, Martin, 13

Vandenberg, Arthur, on Pearl Harbor, 23

Vandenberg, Herbert, 376–78

Van Norman, Jack, 458

Verdini, Humbert, 379, 382

Veterans Administration, 478

Victoria, Queen of England, 9

Vincennes, 125, 128, 160, 162, 164, 184

Vixen, 28–32

Vladivostok, Russia, 27–28, 61, 166, 352

Vormstein, Henry, 165

Wainwright, Jonathan, 152–53

Wakayama, Japan, 306

Wake Island, 20, 104, 161

siege of, 25, 27, 75, 153, 306

Wako, Yusei, 400, 407

arrest of, 468

sentenced to death, 471

trial of, 466, 470

Wall, Robert, injury at launch, 182–83, 234–35

Wallace, Henry, 21

Wall Street Journal, 144

Walter Reed Hospital, 369–70

war bond posters, xiii

War Department, U.S., 49, 353, 410, 459

Ward Road Jail, 468

War Ministry, Japanese, 84

Warner Brothers, 373

Wartime Sufferers Protection Law, 313

Waseda Middle School, 196–97

Washington Evening Star, 21

Washington Post, 317, 319, 323, 361, 418

Washington Times Herald, 74–75

Watanabe, Yasuji, 136, 137, 316

Watson, Edwin “Pa,” 34

Watson, Harold, 164, 186, 328, 371, 376, 476, 479

in bombing raid, 217–18

Chinese aid given to, 384

Doolittle’s letter to father of, 365

in launch, 177

training of, 90

Watson, John, 397

Webb, Spike, 85

Wedemeyer, Albert, 452, 453

rescue telegram of, 458

Well-Well, 346

Western Electric Company, 372

West Virginia, 24, 99

Whirling Dervish, 96, 185–86, 218–19, 244, 371

Whiskey Pete, 96, 201

White, Edith, 295

White, Thomas, 94–95, 371

on bombing raid, 229, 230, 231–32

China landing of, 261–64

at Chinese army headquarters, 295

in Chinese hut, 291, 292

in dispute with medical supply officer, 114

Distinguished Flying Cross awarded to, 367, 369

in hiding in China, 294–95

at launch, 180–81

Lawson’s injury and, 336, 337, 338–39, 341–42, 343

medical kit packed for raid by, 95

in search for Lawson, 296

Stintzi diagnosed by, 109

vaccinations administered by, 150

White Snow, (Hirohito’s horse), 82

Wickard, Claude, 21, 22

Widhelm, William “Gus,” 156

Wilder, Hoss, parade in honor of, 385

Wilder, Rodney, 418

Wildner, Carl, 243

bombing by, 198, 199

in China, 325–26

at launch, 178–79, 184–85

Williams, Adam, 326

Williams, Griffith, 229, 230, 336, 337, 372

China landing of, 261, 262

Willoughby, Charles, 473

Wilson, Frank, 15

Winant, John, 17

Wiseman, Osborne, 173

World War I, 41–43, 97

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 144

Wright, Orville, 33

Wright, Wilbur, 33

Wright Aeronautical Corporation, 54, 372, 417

Wright Cyclone engines, 59, 154

Wright Field, 60, 112

Yaeger, George, 384

Yahagi, Nakao, 414–15

Yamagata, Seigo, 190

Yamamoto, 79, 189, 305

Yamamoto, Isoroku, 173

annihilation of U.S. Pacific fleet sought by, 133–34

as architect of Pearl Harbor, 79, 81, 82, 84, 137

background of, 79–80

and evacuation of Japanese cities, 84

flattops as target of, 101, 135–36

on future of war, 79, 80–82

on Japan’s material inadequacies, 83

long-range patrols ordered by, 84

Midway attack desired by, 136–37, 211

outraged at raid, 308

reaction to raid, 305–6, 315

United States education of, 80

U.S. attack feared by, 79, 84–85, 133, 189

Yang Kang, 388

Yashiro, Yukicki, 134

Yasukuni Shrine, 314

Yasukuni Shrine Festival, 192, 193

Yintang, China, 383

Yokohama, Japan, 62, 83, 140, 144, 145, 146, 165, 306

air raid drills in, 191

bombing of, 221–22, 239, 305

Yokosuka, Japan, 306

Yokosuka navy yard, 146, 219, 226

Yokoyama Industries, 205

York, Edward “Ski,” 70, 71, 86, 91, 112, 122

in bombing raid, 215–16, 217

and change of carburetors, 116

in flight to Russia, 242

in flight to Tokyo, 188

in internment escape, 434, 435, 436

at launch, 182

low gas gauge of, 188

made flight commander, 88

made operations officer, 88

and move to south of Russia, 420, 477

in move west, 110

relaxation by, 114

in Russian internment, 287–88, 391, 392, 394, 395, 420–22, 424, 425–26, 427–28, 429, 430, 431–32, 433, 477

Russian landing of, 257–61, 271, 322, 369

southern Tokyo as target of, 146

training of, 88

on volunteers for Doolittle raid, 74

Yorktown, 32

Youngblood, Lucian, 203

Yukiang, China, 381

Yukihiko, Yasuda, 81

Yushan, China, 107, 167, 169, 376

Japanese raids against, 385, 387, 389

Yuzawa, Michio, 311

Zacharias, Ellis, 239–40