Publishing takes a village, and I’m so grateful to the amazing people I had the opportunity to work with on this book.
Ali Cross, who makes sure my books are formatted perfectly! The women responsible for another amazing cover: Lani Woodland, photographer extraordinaire; and Alma Tait, my fantastic designer. Adrie Buchanan, my gorgeous cover model who spent a long winter afternoon in a strapless gown taking photos in below freezing temperatures…and is still my friend. And my mom, the amazing seamstress who managed to make the perfect wrap and belt for the dress from my explanation of, “It needs to be satin, long, and sapphire blue.”
Ashley Argyle, my editing F.o.C at InkTip Editing. Thank you for a million reasons, but especially because the first draft wouldn’t have been finished without your advice. I’m so grateful you’re always by my side, willing to endure another round of the “editing version of childbirth.” To Dan, because you calm me down, rein in my crazy, and make me laugh. I love you—with all my heart. Also, a huge thank you to all of my family and friends who have been so supportive of my books.
To my awesome betas: Lani, Natalie, Dan, and Heather, thank you for your comments! To all the wonderful bloggers who have supported this series so much, I can’t thank you enough! Jean Vallesteros, I’m so very lucky to have you in my life, my sweet friend! My career wouldn’t be where it is without you and Booknerd Tours. Thank you!!! Cristina Scutaru, thank you for being such a huge supporter of this series, creating the Eternal Starling Tumblr page, fan art, and spearheading the campaign to get the book published in Romania! Also, thank you to my Ang’s Devils Street Team and Julie Bromley, for helping me get the word out about my books!
Chris Wells, the book Jedi, and the staff at the West Jordan, UT, Barnes and Noble who are so supportive of my books. I’m very lucky to have such an awesome local store!
A huge thank you to the winners of the Sandy Hook benefit auction: Karen Versoi, and Chris and Karen DeVault. The winners got to choose the name of a character in Eternal Echoes. Karen Versoi chose the name Robert after her dad. Chris and Karen DeVault chose the name Vicki after one of the Sandy Hook teachers, Victoria Soto. I thought it was a touching tribute, and hope I did her name justice. And Chris, Snuffy is for you.
And finally, love, hugs, and a MASSIVE thank you to my readers. I absolutely couldn’t do what I do without you! xoxoxo