“You’re safe now.”
Jordan sat next to her and Courtney instantly felt the air charge around her. Attraction replaced fear. His arms opened to her and she embraced the invitation, burying her face in his masculine chest.
Memories flooded her as she breathed in his all-male, uniquely Jordan scent. It would be so easy to get lost in it and let him be her strength. There was a baby to think about now. She took in a breath meant to fortify her, but it only ushered in more of Jordan’s scent.
Pulling on all the strength she had left, she moved away from him and hugged her knees to her chest. “I’m sorry about that. I won’t make it a habit.”
“Promise me that anytime you need someone to lean on you’ll call me.” There was so much honesty and purity in the words that she almost gave in.