Behind the Fiction

Just like in the first book in the Remnant Trilogy, Noah: Man of Destiny, the initial part of this non-fiction section, Questions and Answers, is designed to address certain questions that readers may think of during the story. Many of these issues will be apologetic in nature. That is, in this portion of the book, we will respond to numerous challenges raised by skeptics and critics. The goal is that these novels will also help you defend the truth of Scripture.

You may have noticed as you read the novel that several things didn’t line up with what you may have expected. This was done on purpose to help break certain stereotypes about Noah and the pre-Flood world that many Christians assume are from the Bible, but aren’t actually found there. We want you to see clearly what comes directly from the Bible and what comes from traditions people have developed over the years.

The second feature in this non-fiction portion is what we call Borrowed from the Bible. Since the Bible only includes scant details about Noah’s life and times, we must use artistic license to flesh out his story. We certainly do not wish to be seen as adding to Scripture and want the reader to understand that these are works of fiction, with the exception of the few details that come straight from the Bible. In some places we curbed the amount of artistic license taken by drawing from other biblical accounts instead. In Borrowed from the Bible, we highlight certain events and customs in our story that will be somewhat familiar to those who know their Bibles.

The third special feature is entirely unique to this series. We had the incredible opportunity to work behind the scenes at the Ark Encounter for the past few years. Tim was involved in the planning of nearly every exhibit and was responsible for writing or overseeing all of the content while K. Marie took part in designing various aspects of several spaces on the Ark. We wanted to use our experience to bring this series to life in a creative manner. As such, many of the objects and animals described in the book are on display in the Ark Encounter, so visitors to the theme park can see part of what Noah witnesses in our story. The Encounter This section lets the reader know what these items are and where they can be found.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about what may have been, while learning to better discern between fact and fiction.