Chapter 2
About halfway there,” Noah said as they crested a rise in the road. “Are we going too fast for you?”
“No, I’m alright.” Emzara ducked behind Noah’s broad shoulder, thankful for his presence. The whole moon was bright and cast many shadows over the cobbled streets they raced through. Since Havil was built into hilly terrain, several retaining walls rose up, supporting other roads that followed the curvature of the landscape. The way the roads crisscrossed over each other reminded Emzara of a braided hairstyle in which lengths of hair looped and intersected and were tucked out of sight behind other strands. I sure hope Noah knows where we are.
Her lungs burned as she followed Noah down yet another hill, but the distinct sound of the waves slapping the shore told her they were close. Suddenly, Noah stopped and gently moved her against the stone retaining wall that towered over their heads on the left. Little bits of grass poked brazenly between the edges of some of the rocks. The cool grit grated against her skin as she looked up at her husband’s face. Making no noise, he jerked his head in the direction of the wall, signaling her to move toward it, before flattening himself against it.
Emzara tucked herself even farther into the protective shadows. “What is it?”
“We’re close to the shore. I just want to make sure we can reach the boat without any interference.” He leaned forward and scanned both directions. “Looks clear from here. Come on.”
They walked quickly toward the beach. Finally reaching the gravel road that ran parallel to the water, she spotted the gentle curvature of the peak which formed the bow of their boat. The light hanging from the edge was lit. Farna and the crew are on board! Rejuvenated, Emzara readied herself to burst toward it, but Noah stopped her and pointed.
Four guards sat where the dock met the shore, blocking the path. Emzara shrank back and followed Noah, ducking out of sight behind a large building. She looked at him wide-eyed, wondering if he would come up with a solution.
He blinked. “So what now?”
“I’m scared.” She ventured the words as quietly as she could.
Noah pulled her close and she clung to him. “Hang in there,” he whispered against her ear, tendrils of her hair brushing against his cheek. “It’s not over yet.”
“What can we do?”
“I don’t know.” Noah let out a breath of frustration.
“Are they from Naamah?”
“Hard to say, but I don’t think so. They’re not paying too much attention.” Noah ruffled his hair. “How do we get through?” He lightly pounded his forehead with his fist, as if such an action could speed up his thoughts.
Be brave. Don’t give up now. Suddenly, an idea came to mind. She placed a hand on his chest and looked at him with a gleam in her eye. “Let’s go swimming.”
“Well, you’re not as fast as Aterre, but we don’t need speed, just silence. Forget about using the dock. Let’s swim to the boat.”
“They’ll see us for sure.” He stared at the sky. “Unless those clouds block the moonlight.” He pulled his head abruptly back down and looked at her. “Wait. I didn’t know you could swim.”
“I grew up on the water, with a shipbuilder for a father. Of course I can swim.”
Noah shook his head and tightened his grip on her, pride and amazement spreading over his features. “I could just kiss you right now.”
She tilted her head and studied his eyes as he looked into hers. His love and admiration shone back at her without a trace of deception or guilt. Whatever had happened earlier with Naamah, his conscience was clear. She smiled. “Well, since we have to stay here for a bit, what are you waiting for?”
He eagerly accepted her offer. Suddenly pulling away, he looked at her closely.
“Em, you should know what happened earlier tonight. And I’d rather tell you sooner than later.”
“Very well.”
“Here.” He led her parallel to the water, circling around to approach the boat from the other side. Hiding behind an outcropping of trees, they made their way close to the shoreline, putting them more than two hundred cubits from the guards.
“There, I can see them between the leaves of the brush.”
“So tell me about today.” She nestled close to him.
“Em. . . .” Noah paused, looking serious. “This whole thing . . . the arrest. . . . All of it was a setup. Naamah, she, uh, offered herself to me.”
“What?” Emzara took a step back so she could see his face.
“She staged the execution so she could pretend to rescue me. She wanted. . . .” He stopped.
Emzara gently rested her hand on his cheek, and he drew a deep breath.
“The whole point,” he went on, “was to get me to her room where she did her best to seduce me. One moment we were talking about the ceremony, and the next I had to keep my eyes closed.”
The gaze he fixed on her showed no deceit, but she couldn’t stop the question hovering on her lips. “So nothing happened?”
“Absolutely nothing. She repulses me.”
Emzara balled up her fists while she turned and glared at the ground. How dare she! How dare she try to take my husband! For a long moment she stood there, warring with the anger at Naamah and, she realized, even at Noah.
Closing her eyes, Emzara pulled in and released a deep breath. No. She could not blame Noah for being pure, for being blind to Naamah’s trap. Unsure of what to say, she softly leaned her head against her husband’s chest.
“I got out of there as soon as I could. Garun was on duty, and he helped me reach you at the ceremony. He also cautioned me that she may not give up and might seek revenge as soon as the ceremony’s over.”
She shuddered. “I need to know. Were you ever attracted to her?”
Though she wasn’t looking at him, she felt Noah shake his head. “I can’t deny that she’s beautiful and talented, but she could never measure up to you in any way. You completely captivate me.”
Straightening her shoulders, she turned back to face him. “I trust you. It’s hard to hear, but I’d rather know than not.”
Noah nodded. “And I wanted you to know right away, but not in front of the others.”
The two sat together in the silence as Noah watched the sky. She closed her eyes and silently thanked the Creator for giving her a faithful husband. After some time, Emzara’s thoughts drifted to home. She imagined walking hand-in-hand with Noah near the waterfall where he had proposed to her, but her brief reverie ended as Noah kissed her forehead. “It’s as dark as it’s going to get. And you have some swimming skills to show me.”
Emzara reached up and brushed his face with her hand. “Do you really think this is a good plan?”
Noah nodded. “We’ll make it.”
She pursed her lips and turned away. Why are you always so optimistic? Then she shook her head, realizing that his confidence was one of the many aspects she admired about him. “Well, either way, we’re in this together.” She hitched up the loose fabric that hung around her ankles and wove it into the sash in the middle of her garment, noting that her husband was fully aware of her preparations. Queasiness struck her as her mind pictured his earlier encounter with Naamah, but it dissipated as she reminded herself of his faithfulness to her. “Ready?”
The two eased slowly into the cool water, packs strapped around their waists. They paddled noiselessly into deeper water, and she could feel the tug of the extra weight from the soaked belongings. Kicking harder and keeping her nose above the water, she concentrated on the safety of the boat. Noah kept close to her as they made slow progress. Just a few more strokes. She kept her limbs beneath the water, ensuring silence and minimal splashing.
She slowly turned toward the dock, still paddling in place to keep her head above water. The guards now stood and blocked two figures from stepping onto the dock.
Noah gestured for her to hurry. “I don’t know what’s going on, but let’s take advantage of the diversion.”
When the side of their vessel loomed above them, Noah pulled himself aboard, then turned to haul up the sodden bundles Emzara handed to him. She held up a hand, and he lifted her from the water with a gush of sound that made her wince. Across the deck, a crew member turned.
Emzara held up a finger in front of her mouth, and the man’s lips snapped closed as he recognized her. A familiar voice rang out from the shore, causing the crewman to spin in that direction.
“Look, we simply want to get onto our ship. That one.” There was a pause, as if the unseen speaker were pointing. “We’ve no interest in the other. Why would we try to steal the king’s vessel, when we’re with the company that brought it?”
“He speaks truth.” Farna’s strong voice joined the conversation. “You may let them pass.”
“You know this man?” one of the guards asked.
“Of course,” Farna said, sounding almost bored. “He came with our delegation. Ashur, what are you needing this time of night?”
“We couldn’t sleep after the festival, so we decided to pay you a visit.”
It’s Zain! Emzara slid behind a large cargo crate, squatting so Noah could crouch over her as they both peeked around the corner to see the action on the dock.
“Do they have your permission to proceed then?” the guard called.
“Sure.” Farna chuckled. His sandals made a hollow slap as he jumped onto the dock and strode toward the cluster of men. “Well, maybe not the shorter fellow. You may want to detain him.”
One of the soldiers reached for Ashur but was stopped by his leader’s hand on his chest. “He was being sarcastic, Kotic.”
“Sorry about that.” The guard pointed to the other side of the dock, where Lamech’s boat rocked in the gentle swell. “The king wants to make sure his new acquisition is protected.”
“Can’t be too careful,” Farna said. He led Zain and Ashur to the boat and helped them climb aboard. Keeping his voice down, he said, “Now we just need Noah and Emzara.”
Noah shifted and stuck his head out from behind the crate, speaking barely above a whisper, “We’re here.”
“How did . . . ?”
“We saw the guards and didn’t want to risk it.”
Farna took in their soaked state and then looked at his crew. “Get us moving now.” He turned back to Noah and Emzara. “Two of those men are the ones I’ve been teaching to sail the ship. But I’m glad you played it safe.”
Noah turned to Ashur. “I can’t believe Zain found you so fast. What happened?”
Ashur shrugged. “I was having a good time when I looked up and noticed that you had all left. I made my way through the crowd, toward the guesthouses, and ran into Zain.”
Zain shook his head. “I’m just thankful I didn’t have to wade through that mob again.” He shot Noah a sober look. “Naamah was already gone, and things were rapidly getting out of hand.”
Farna gestured with his hand and stated in a husky growl, “Loose the ropes, men. Let’s get out of here.”
The crew jumped to obey, freeing the boat, then grabbing pushpoles to shove away from the dock.
“You there!”
Emzara looked up to see about a dozen men with torches approach the dock. The leader called out again. “You! Guards!”
The four soldiers stood at attention as Emzara ducked out of sight.
“Have you seen a man and a woman come this way? We’re under orders from the princess to find them.”
“No woman, sir. Just the captain and crew and a few of the delegation.”
“Be on lookout. No one gets on or off that ship.”
On the deck, the puddles left by Emzara and Noah now glowed faintly gray as the first flush of dawn eased over the horizon. “Guess it was worth that swim.”
He flashed a grin. “Completely worth it.”
“Why is that ship moving?” the leader of the newcomers asked.
“It’s — hey! Stop!”
“Move.” Farna barked the order, and their sail shot up, flapping then stretching taut as the wind filled it. The ship jerked forward.
Emzara wrapped her arms tightly around her middle as the men on the dock rushed into the king’s ship.
Farna glared at the sail. “Come on,” he muttered, rapidly tapping his fingertips. “From where they sit, they can still cut us off.”
Emzara stood with the others, watching breathlessly as the bow of the Havilite ship pivoted, facing theirs. A few hard shoves from the shouting men would make Farna’s warning a reality.
Suddenly a long screech accompanied by a dull groan filled the early morning air. A yell and two distinct splashes followed. Emzara gripped the side of the boat. What now?
Farna swabbed his face and let out a laugh. “Looks like they forgot their lessons already.”
Puzzled, Emzara squinted toward the other boat. The last upright of the dock was severely bent. In fact, the whole dock looked lopsided, and the stern remained in its original position. It’s still attached! In their haste and inexperience, the new crew had forgotten to check all of the moorings and the last one held their ship firmly in its grip. Two crewmembers were in the water. One swam for the dock, and the other struggled to stay above water. A guard on the boat quickly shed his armor and jumped in to help him.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Emzara turned her eyes to what she hoped would be her last view of Havil before taking her place at Noah’s side.