Chapter 9

Whistling a tune, Noah lifted the large hatchet from its hook on the wall of the shipyard’s supply room. He walked out of the building and across the beach. The half moon and stars provided more light than the pinkish glow on the eastern horizon signaling the coming morning. The ever-present lapping of water on the shore blended with squawks of seabirds searching for their first meal of a new day.

Usually asleep at this time, Noah rose early after tossing and turning throughout the night, unable to contain his excitement over the announcement of Emzara’s pregnancy. He had spent a long while watching his wife rest peacefully while he imagined what their child would be like. Finally, he gave up on any illusion of slumber and decided to get an early start at work. Despite the lack of rest, Noah still felt fully alert. Creator, thank You for giving us a child. Help us to raise him, Noah chuckled softly, or her, to love and serve You.

He set the heavy tool down and started to turn back to get more supplies when a faint orange glow farther down the beach arrested his attention. Is he back? Moving quietly toward the glimmering light, Noah smiled when he heard the unmistakable sounds of the blacksmith’s forge. He hurried to the building and peeked through a thin gap between two boards in the outer wall. Tubal-Cain, back to the door, was bent low feeding chunks of charcoal to the furnace. Noah gently pushed the door open just enough to sneak through it. Stealthily, he entered the shop and tip-toed across the floor until he stood a few cubits behind the blacksmith.


Tubal-Cain jolted. He scrambled to catch his balance and spun around, wielding a metal bar above his head.

Noah held his hands up. “Whoa! Easy. It’s just me.”

Tubal-Cain paused for a moment before recognition spread across his face. With a deep breath, he set the tool down. “Noah.” The blacksmith stepped forward and embraced him. “It’s great to see you. What are you doing here so early?”

“That’s what I was going to ask you. I didn’t realize you were back.”

“We made it home late last night.” Tubal-Cain leaned against a worktable. “I needed to check on the shop since I haven’t been around for a few weeks.”

“Everything look alright to you? From what I’ve seen, your apprentices have been doing a fine job.”

“I think so.”

“So, how was it?” Noah asked.

“Our trip?” Tubal-Cain smiled broadly. “Zain was right. That place is the most beautiful spot on earth. You’ll have to take Emzara there sometime. There was a massive waterfall that you could walk behind, and the trees.” He stretched his arms out wide. “Noah, some of them had trunks bigger than this shop, and they must’ve been more than 200 cubits tall.”

“Sounds amazing.” Noah glanced to the side. “But you missed all the excitement around here.”

“What excitement?”

“Your father showed up. In fact, you just missed him. He left yesterday.”

Tubal-Cain’s smile faded. “What did he want?”

Noah sat down and filled Tubal-Cain in on the details, carefully avoiding the disturbing specifics he had heard from Garun the day before.

“I wish he’d stayed for one more day.” Tubal-Cain bit his lip and stared at the wall for a moment. “You know, we were never very close, but it still would’ve been good to see him.”

Noah gazed out the window at the back of the shop. Even though this angle hid the water, the early sunlight revealed a blue sky with a few wispy clouds. A playful smile crossed his lips. “That wasn’t the most exciting news though.”

Tubal-Cain cocked his head. “Really? What was?”

Noah shrugged. “I guess I should tell you before Aterre does. Let’s just say that it won’t be long before Baby Noah is here.”

“Baby Noah?” His eyes shot wide open. “You mean Zara’s . . . that’s great!” Tubal-Cain enthusiastically clapped Noah’s shoulder.

Wincing a bit, Noah tried to conceal the discomfort caused by the hard hit. “I guess we might have Baby Emzara instead.”

“That’s fantastic. I can’t wait to tell Adira.” He paused. “No, I’m sure Zara will want to do that.”

“I think you’re right. Maybe the two of you can join us tonight and Em can tell . . .”

A gut-wrenching wail rang out in the distance.

Tubal-Cain looked around. “What was that?”

Noah jumped to his feet and bolted for the door. With Tubal-Cain right on his heels, Noah raced down the beach road toward the sound of the cry. As he rushed past the shipyard office, he spotted Emzara staggering down the path from Ara’s house. “Em!”

She glanced up, dropped to her knees, and screamed. Her hands and robe were dappled with blood and tears streamed down her face.

Noah’s heart sank. He sprinted to her and slid to his knees, catching her as she collapsed in his arms. “What’s wrong?”

She dug her fingernails into his back and gasped for air. “They . . . he’s . . .” She moaned in agony, unable to force another word out.

“This blood. Are you hurt? Is it the baby?” Helplessness filled Noah’s body. He held her out in front of him as he checked her for any injury. Finding none, he brushed aside a stray piece of hair from her eyes. She hid her face in his chest, sobbing. He looked up in confusion at Tubal-Cain.

With concern etched across his face, Tubal-Cain said, “I’ll check it out.” He ran toward Ara’s house.

Emzara pulled back a little and her terror-stricken eyes met Noah’s momentarily. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly buried her face into his shoulder, her body wracked by sobs.

Holding her tight and unsure of what else to do, he stroked her head softly as she attempted to gather herself.

At the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, Noah turned his head. “Nmir.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.”

The old woman knelt beside them and rested a hand on Emzara’s shoulder.

Emzara slowly turned toward Nmir. She let go of Noah and her lower lip trembled. “Ba . . .” Whimpering and shaking her head, Emzara fell into Nmir’s arms.

Tubal-Cain stepped out of the house, his face downcast.

Noah stood and ran to him. “What happened? Where’s Ara?”

Wiping his eyes with a blood-streaked hand, Tubal-Cain bit his lip and looked away.

His mind racing to make sense of the anguish of Emzara and Tubal-Cain, a miserable thought sprang into Noah’s mind. “No. Please, God, no.”

Tubal-Cain turned back to Noah and shook his head. “He’s dead.” He held up his hand to show the blood. “Someone killed him.”

Noah’s stomach contorted into a knot and he bent down, putting his hands on his knees. Through hot tears he glanced back at Emzara, who was being cradled by Nmir.

Tubal-Cain put a hand on Noah’s back. “That’s not all.”

Noah groaned from deep within his being.

Tubal-Cain pursed his lips and looked to the sky as he stammered and covered his mouth. His grief-stricken eyes met Noah’s and he voiced the name on Noah’s mind. “Aterre too.”

“No!” Breathing seemed impossible as he dropped to his hands and knees. Overwhelmed by sorrow and pain, he felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. Time seemed to slow. The milknut trees blurred in his vision, and everything went silent except for the throbbing pulse inside his ears. He heaved, but only air came up.

His gaze locked onto Ara’s front door. He reached for it as his grief turned to anger. Forcing himself to his feet, he balled his fists as his anger turned to rage. Seething through clenched teeth, Noah started for Ara’s house. “I need to see.”

Tubal-Cain blocked his way. “Don’t. Go to your wife.”

Noah plowed into him, but the blacksmith stood his ground and wrapped his brawny arms around him.

“Let me go.” Noah thrashed against him. “Let go.” He twisted, but could not break free. “Let me . . .” Noah moaned and slumped in Tubal-Cain’s grasp, his fury draining.

“There’s nothing you can do for them, but Emzara needs you, and you need her.” Tubal-Cain let him go.

Noah nodded and shuffled over to Emzara. He lowered himself to the ground next to her.

Emzara let go of Nmir. She hugged Noah and they wept together.