Dear Reader,

Thank you for continuing our tale of Noah’s life, as we have imagined it. As you probably know by now, one of our goals in this series is to encourage readers to carefully study the Bible so that they can rightly discern fiction and biblical fact. And the main reason we want readers to examine Scripture is so that they might learn the most important message we could ever tell — the gospel, the good news that Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins, was buried, and then conquered death by rising on the third day.

As we explained in the first book, Noah could not have known all of these details since he lived long before they occurred. However, the Bible describes Noah as a righteous man who found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Even though he lived in an extremely wicked world, he faithfully completed the tasks that God gave him, and he trusted that God would remain true to His promises.

We also live in a time when many people are opposed to God’s truth. In an effort to make the gospel message more appealing, some Christians teach that trusting in Jesus will make everything better in this life. While God does grant joy and peace to believers, Jesus taught His followers to deny themselves (Luke 9:23) and to consider the cost of following Him (Luke 14:25–29). We are also told that godly people will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12).

In the climactic chapters of our book, Noah and Tubal-Cain refused to compromise their faith in the Creator even in the face of death. Serving God was more important than life itself. The same can be said of those who follow Jesus today. We understand that He gave His life on the Cross for us and grants eternal life to those who trust in Him, so His followers should be willing to give up everything for Him. This commitment to follow Him at all costs is not derived from efforts to obtain salvation. It is rooted in a desire to love and serve Him because He has first loved us and obtained salvation for us (1 John 4:15–19). 

What about you? Have you placed your faith in the risen Savior, Jesus Christ, and are you willing to stand for Him no matter the cost? The reward of serving Him makes it all worthwhile.

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10).