
Chapter 17



This is happening much faster than I meant for it to. Truth be told, I didn’t mean for this to happen at all. Yet, I’ve spent the last three days charging recklessly ahead anyway. There’s little Max to consider, there’s always Max, and I have no idea how this thing with Lizzy could possibly fold into the mess that is my life. She doesn’t even know about the situation with my ex. Once she does she might decide she doesn’t want to be in the middle of it anyway, so I don’t know any better than she does where this is going. But right or wrong, I’m going to find out.

As for how this might impact Max, I can keep him separate from this for now. I’m taking risks with my own heart, but that doesn’t mean I need to do the same with his.

I’m dressed again, and leaning on the door jamb of Room 701’s bathroom, watching amusedly as Lizzy tries to put herself to rights. She’s fussing with her hair, trying to comb it with her fingers. It’s taken a bit, but it’s finally gone from an adorable just-been-fucked look to something mostly presentable. Unless people are looking too closely, her secret should be safe enough.

True, her lipstick’s gone. And the hem of her shirt is slightly wrinkled from the way she threw it on the floor.

My dick twitches as I remember the way she pulled off her shirt, unveiling her beautiful breasts and slim torso, her long hair falling loosely on bare shoulders. That heated, intimate look on her face. God, every moment with her has been arousing as hell.

Even when she bared her soul to me. Especially then. That gentle uncertainty of hers was like a velvety, little hook, grabbing my heart and pulling it right into hers. Her vulnerability and honesty brought out the same in me. It’s soon, but this does mean something to me, even if it’s too new to put to words exactly what it means.

Meanwhile that hook she planted is still there, wedged in. My blood’s been pumping thickly the entire time I’ve been watching her scramble around getting put back together. Not just because she’s sexy as hell either, but because everything she does affects me one way or another.

Leaning toward the mirror, trying to get her hair to lie the way she wants it, she glances at me then back again. “Does this amuse you, Mr. Carmichael?” The corner of her mouth tilts up and her green eyes sparkle.

“Yes, it does.”

She exhales and straightens, looking at her reflection with resignation. “I may as well wear a sign that says, ‘I just fucked this guy right here.’” She points at me with her thumb, not taking her eyes off the mirror.

I grin wider and pop off the door frame, going to her and snaking my arms around her waist from behind. As I start to bury my nose in her soft mane of hair, she bends away.

“No, no,” she says, but I hear the heat underneath. “It’s bad enough and I just fixed it.”

I nibble at the soft skin on her neck, and she softens in my arms, her body curving against mine. My cock is coming to life as I imagine being inside her soft folds again.

She pushes weakly at my arms around her waist. “You do enjoy tormenting me,” she says, her voice breathless.

“Mm-hmm. Come on, lemme torment you some more.” I take another taste of her neck. God, she tastes incredible. I have a few more hours before I have to pick up Max. We have time. This sure is a contrast to how my weekends usually are, lonely and work-filled.

“Not here,” she whispers, my forearm slipping under her soft scarf as I reach for her breast. “Not again.”


“My place?”

I raise my chin slightly and our eyes meet in the mirror. Her face is flushed with desire.


I release her and we hustle to the door, slightly feverish, or maybe that’s just me. Though, judging by the red bloom on her cheeks, it’s not. Maybe we should go down separately. Her cheeks alone are a dead giveaway.

We do leave the room together, though, and see no one else on the way to the elevator, aside from two guests who pay us little mind. But the problem of what to do about her blush is solved in a way I’d rather it wasn’t.

Once we’re in the elevator, my phone rings, and as soon as I hear Jessica’s ringtone, I know what it means. Lizzy notices the look on my face and tilts her head in question.

“Max’s mom,” I say apologetically as I pull out my phone. She gives me an understanding smile. As I swipe to accept the call, she averts her eyes to, it seems, give me what privacy she can in this small space. “Yeah?”

I instantly hear Max crying in the background and straighten. “You need to pick up Max,” she says without preamble. She never asks. Just assumes.

I’m too concerned about Max to care. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Lizzy’s eyes swing to me.

“Nothing. You just need to come get him.”

“Why is he crying?”

She sighs exasperatedly. “Oh calm the fuck down. He’s just upset because he got into trouble.”

“For what?”

“For not listening.”

The elevator comes to a stop on the fifth floor. “To who? You or Kurt?” I say, unable to stop myself from baiting her. I can’t help it. My son’s crying and I have no idea why or what’s going on over there and I’m twenty fucking minutes away.

“Max has to listen to him too,” she says shortly.

Even when he’s being an unreasonable ass? I think, but manage not to say it, partly because the elevator doors open to admit a group of middle-aged women into the car.

I take a resolute breath as Lizzy and I scoot apart to make room and try to keep my cool about this. I don’t know what happened and it’s not like Max has never cried after being in trouble with me. Even though Kurt can be a real ass wipe, it’s possible whatever’s going on over there with Max is just normal parenting stuff.

But the problem is, I’m not there, so I don’t know.

Instead I have to trust my son to two people I don’t trust at all, and this is exactly why I can’t wait until I’m no longer legally obligated to leave him in their care. It pisses me off that one of those two people is his own goddamned mother, but there’s nothing I can do about that. Court’s in two days and I can’t get this shit out of the way soon enough. Meanwhile, I’m going to ignore the twinge of regret I feel at losing time with Lizzy—and my accompanying guilt over that regret—and go pick up my boy.

“I’ll be right there. Let me talk to him.”

She gives me another exaggerated sigh.

I wait while she puts Max on the phone. Meanwhile, Lizzy gives me a quick, thoughtful look, then turns her attention to the ladies in the elevator with us. She introduces herself as Max comes on. “Daddy?”

His voice always sounds so tiny on the phone. It’s even worse when he’s upset, but at least he’s not crying anymore.

Lizzy is engaging the women in conversation, asking them about their stay. I’m grateful for the diversion so I can kind of talk to Max privately. I lower my voice a touch. “Hey buddy. You okay?”


“Is that a yes or a no?”

“Yes. Are you coming to get me?”

“Yes, I am. Is that all right?”


I don’t correct his hemming, knowing what he means this time and not wanting to push it.

The group on the elevator are talking animatedly with Lizzy about something. I don’t know what. Someone says something that gets them all laughing. Even though Lizzy’s playing along, the flash of concern in her eyes when she glances at me tells me enough.

I turn slightly away and lower my voice further. “Did Kurt hurt you?”

“No, daddy.”

“You’re sure?”

The elevator comes to a stop and the doors ding open. “I had time out on the chair.”

I relax a little. Kurt has a fierce temper and I once caught him handling Max pretty rough—I came the fuck unglued on him—but I’ve never seen worse than that and Max has reported no more than him “yelling great big.” As for the time outs, I know for myself that sometimes Max will go relatively calmly and other times he’ll holler about it awhile. Maybe everything’s okay and Jessica has just had her fill of acting like a responsible mother.

The ladies pour out of the car, bidding their farewell to Lizzy. I step out as well, but move to the side and stop, hanging back. Lizzy’s waiting next to me. “Okay, I’ll be there soon, all right?”


“Say yes.”

“Yes, daddy.”

I end the call and look at Lizzy apologetically. The guests have gone their way and she’s turned her full attention to me. “Everything all right?”

“I have to pick Max up early. I’m sorry.”

“I figured, and don’t be. Everything okay?”

I surprise myself because I want to tell her exactly what’s going on. I don’t share this stuff with people outside my immediate family. I just don’t. I’ve certainly never gotten into it with any of the women I’ve been out with. Of course, those women have been few and far between, and short-lived to boot.

But Lizzy is different, somehow. It seems almost impossible that our first date was just last night. She already feels so much more a part of me than that.

But my instinct to protect Max overrides my inclination to open up to her, so I just nod my head. “Yes. Fine. Thank you for distracting those women.”

“I figured you wouldn’t want everyone overhearing.”

“I’m sorry about our plans changing.”

She softens and I see the disappointment on her face. I’m disappointed too. But she gives me a warm smile. “Don’t be. We’ll have another time. Can I walk you out?”

I nod and we head for the lobby. Before we get there, she tucks her arm into mine. In spite of the worry I feel over Max—a worry that I know from experience won’t completely go away until I get there, even though things do seem to be more or less okay—this gesture of Lizzy’s lifts my heart. I don’t miss the significance of it. I smile down at her and she’s smiling back. God, this woman tugs at me.

“I hope you enjoyed your tour.” Her heels click on the marble floor of the lobby as we head for the door.

“I did, thank you.”

“Did you get to see everything you wanted to see?”

Her eyes twinkle mischievously, knowing I can’t answer the way I’d like, given the fact that we’re now within earshot of the doorman.

“Yes,” I answer, grinning. “I hope to see it all again sometime soon.”

She laughs as the doorman pulls open the door for us. She nods at him briefly, saying, “Thank you, Zack,” before turning her attention back to me.

I’ve noticed she tends to call people by name. Hell, she even remembered Isaac’s name, after meeting him just once. “Do you know all your employees’ names?”

“Oh, no. I wish, but there’s way too many. I do my best, though.”

The valet approaches, and I give him my ticket before pulling out my wallet.

Lizzy puts her hand on my forearm to stop me, saying to the valet, “This will be with our compliments.”

He nods in understanding and hurries toward the entrance to the underground parking garage.

She turns to me easily, still smiling.

“That’s really not necessary.” I’d rather pay.

She furrows her brows briefly, glancing in the direction of the parking ramp, then waving her hand dismissively, as if she’s already forgotten about it and moved on. “It’s nothing, truly. Besides, anyone coming out here with one of us would get the same treatment, so don’t go getting a big head about it, Mr. Carmichael.”

She’s grinning at me and is so easy-going and genuine about it, she manages to set me at ease. I pull out money for the tip anyway. She’s not going to stop me from doing that. Not that I think she would.

“How far away is little Max?”

I smile, liking that she called him that. “His mother’s in south Swan Pointe.”

“So you still have to cross town.”

I nod.

“Have you ever taken him to Crab Cove?”

Crab Cove is on that side of town, but even though it’s really not that big of a deal to get there from where I live, I’ve always been on the north side of town and usually take Max to Ivory Beach, as it’s closer.

I shake my head, still smiling at her. I can’t seem to stop. Maybe because she’s still resting her hand inside my arm, in plain sight of everyone.

Usually getting a call like that from Max’s mother puts me in a mood, but not only am I not feeling terrible, I’m feeling fantastic. I don’t know whether to be grateful for Lizzy’s soothing company, or ashamed for letting myself get so distracted from Max’s problems. Even though I keep reminding myself he’s probably okay this time.

“My parents used to take us all the time when we were kids. It has this long, shallow beach that’s perfect for little legs to go wading in.”

“I’ve heard that.”

And there’s a shaved ice shack nearby.” She gets a childlike gleam in her eyes. “You can’t beat that.”

I laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind.” My car pulls under the stone portico and she walks with me toward it.

“Drive safely,” she says, as the valet gets out and hands me the keys. I give him his tip and he thanks me, leaving the door open and stealing silently away.

Dropping our arms at last, I take hold of her hand and turn to her. She’s looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers, and that velvety hook in my heart sinks in a little deeper. I hesitate for just a moment, then lean in, take her chin in my fingers, and give her a brief but meaningful kiss.

Maybe this isn’t the place, but hey, she started it. Her hand on my arm was her mark on me. This kiss is my mark on her.

I pull back to see she’s surprised, but smiling.

I say goodbye, squeeze her hand, and let go at last so I can get in my car. I’m missing her before I even get out of the drive.