Chapter Seventeen

I am looking out at the tables. So many friends. So many relatives.

Before, I was terrified to do this, but with Justin’s help I have my toast ready.

The biggest problem was that my dress didn’t have any pockets to hold the paper I wrote it on. So Justin sneaked it under my plate.

Everyone loves the dumplings. Everyone is talking and laughing. Someone starts tapping a spoon against a glass. Soon everyone is tapping. The room is filled with a kind of ringing sound.

Aunt Pam leans over to me. “That’s a signal that they want the bride and groom to kiss.”


Max leans over and kisses Mom.

Everyone cheers and claps.

Some things about weddings are very strange.

A minute later, Max leans over and touches my shoulder.

It’s time.

I swallow hard and stand up. Everyone is talking and laughing, and at first they don’t notice me. Then someone at the closest table starts saying, “Shhh, shhh!”

The shushing spreads. Soon the room is quiet.

I look out at them. My heart is pounding, but it is also filled with happiness.

I raise my glass. It is filled with sparkling cider.

The grown-ups have champagne.

“I would like to propose a toast.”

Everyone is listening carefully now.

I unfold my paper and read.

“I will admit that when I first met Max, I didn’t like the idea of him going out with my mom. In fact, I was a little bratty about it.”

People nod and smile. Max blushes a little.

“Now I am so happy that they did. I did not want my life to change. But no matter what I do, it keeps happening. Some of the changes are bad. Some are very very good.

“This is one of the best changes ever.”

I don’t need to read the next part. I look right at Mom and Max.


“We had some problems on the way

But we’ve survived. It’s your big day.

Here’s the truth, I’m not pretending

It’s a fairy tale with a happy ending.

So here’s to Mom and here’s to Max—

I love you both and them’s the facts.

Now that you’re married, what do I think?

I, Amber Brown, am tickled pink!”