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I’M A BIG GIRL. THAT’S what I kept telling myself as Siegfried followed me up the hall to the elevators that went to my dorm room. I could feel the sweat as it started to collect like everywhere. I knew I wasn’t ready for him to take me to bed, but I also knew that I wanted nothing more than his hands all over me. How could I manage one without the other? How was I supposed to ask for that and not have to reciprocate in some ungodly fashion, with something that I didn’t know how to do? I swallowed hard as we got on the elevator, joined by a couple other students, I was glad for it. I wasn’t quite ready to be all alone with him. I was bouncing on the balls of my feet as they got off the elevator, two floors later, we still had two to go.
“Hey, now?” Siegfried grabbed me by the hands. “Are you okay, Aella?”
I nodded, squeezing his hands tightly as I suddenly burst out laughing. “I’m sorry, I have no idea what I’m doing here.”
“Aww, babe.” He grabbed me by the head, pulling me into him, hugging me and kissing the top of my head. “Look, when we get to your room, why don’t you just pack a bag and then we can go back to my place. We’ll curl up on the couch, eat ice cream, and watch some movies. No pressure. No expectations, just hanging out. After your classes tomorrow, I’ll take you back to get your car and you can watch as I fix a giant window. Sound good to you?”
His sincerity was all the courage I needed. I inhaled deeply, his scent was nice; musky. The cologne he wore wasn’t thick, it was sorta woodsy and reminded me of the forests back in Ireland, when the Summer Court still reigned there, but under it was the hint of sulfur. A deep, thick matchstick taste, that for some odd reason relaxed me. I took his hand with a nod and led him down the hallway to my room.
“It’s not much, but it’s mine for now. Have a seat, I’ll just be a second.”
I ran into my room and grabbed the bag I had packed for the trip, dumping it out completely, sort of glad that it had all been cancelled. I’d packed jeans and T-shirts and not much else, seeing as I didn’t really own much else. I had a bit of lacy underwear, but that was the extent of it. I grabbed my boots, my kitten heels, jeans, two blouses, a tank to sleep in, and a pair of shorts. Plus, some fresh undies for the morning. I snatched up my travel bag for my hair supplies and nabbed my toothbrush and was back in the living room in record time. I found Siegfried going through my refrigerator.
“Are you hungry still?” I asked with a winded little laugh.
“Nope, just looking. Glad to see you keep it well stocked. Ryane always forgets to shop.”
“Actually, I have Keegan’s dad to thank for all that, and most of those appliances too. If it wasn’t for him and Collette’s family, I wouldn’t be here. Hell, I’d probably be dead.”
Siegfried looked at me with concern.
“Let’s get out of here and I’ll try to explain, okay. Maybe I should tell you a bit more about Amsterdam.”
TELLING SIEGFRIED WHAT happened started off well, until I got to the part about King Teague sensing my weapon. When I said this he pulled over and stared at me, listening more intently. As I unfolded everything to him, he grabbed me to him and I broke into tears. I thought I had shed them all. I was wrong. I felt so lonely, and at my core I was afraid, I clung to him for Gods know how long. He held me, stroking my hair and not saying a word.
He didn’t offer me any words of consolement, no false hopes, telling me it would all be okay. He simply let me ride it out until I felt I was done. It was odd, but at the same time, I think it was exactly what I needed. A no bullshit approach to my feelings. When I looked up at him, he was looking down at me with his brows softly knitted and a gentle smile.
“I don’t know that I can help you, but I do know something about this binding they have put on you. It’s also negated your weapons magic, because I didn’t realize you had it and I tend to feel them. Also, if it was seen by the Underdark Fey and by others sensitive to its vibrations, it’s a formidable weapon indeed. I would be careful who I chose to swear myself to as well, if I were you. I understand where you are. I was there once myself. Young and impressionable, but my hands were forced and my weapon taken. My second brand saw me to a terrible Master. One who bade me take more lives than I care to admit, for the sake of his purist agendas.”
His voice shook, whether from anger or sadness I wasn’t sure, but it damn near broke my heart to hear him talk about it. Seemed we both had our share of demons. We were a good pair, sitting on the side of the road, holding each other in the oncoming darkness.