When Ailsa stumbled, he was quick to reach out and steady her. Something ignited within him, a sudden rush that heightened his senses.

Only by a supreme effort of will did Logan resist the temptation to kiss her. She was an innocent. She had put herself under his protection and he must not abuse that trust!

“Careful now. I know you would dearly like to tell me to go to the devil, madam.”

“I should not be so uncivil,” she retorted. “It is merely
that I hardly know you.”

“How so?” he teased her. “Have you forgotten we danced together on the night of the ceilidh?”

Was it his imagination or did her hand tremble on his arm? What might she have thought if he had told her how much he had enjoyed that dance in the moonlight? What hopes might he have raised? Hopes that he could not fulfill because he had left his heart in England.

To mislead her in such a way would not be the action of an honorable man. It would be the action of a scoundrel.