A huge thank-you to my agent, Chip MacGregor, who not only represented this story but also gave me the idea. I’ll confess, I wasn’t sure I could pull off a story about a guy running a bridal shop, but Brady ended up being the perfect hero!
As always, I’m grateful to my editor, Jennifer Leep, and to my awesome marketing team at Revell—Michele Misiak, Erin Bartels, Lanette Haskins, and many others.
I have come to depend on my line/copy editor, Jessica English, on every Revell story. I can’t fathom publishing a novel without her. What a blessing she is in my life.
More than anything, I must give thanks to Eleanor Clark, one of the finest ladies I’ve ever known. I loosely patterned the character of Queenie after her, but only the good parts. She’s truly one of the godliest women on the planet—an author, grandmother, mother, friend, and true patriot. What a blessing she’s been in lives of so many. She showed me her town—Fairfield—in all of its glory. Through her, I learned that quaint, small-town living is a lovely way to spend your life.
To the people of Fairfield, thanks for letting me poke fun at you. I haven’t been to any of your churches and took quite a few liberties with the denominational jabs, but they were all in fun. I know that you are all working hard for the cause of Christ and celebrate your efforts. Even the Presbyterians.
To my wonderful proofreaders who read the book from cover to cover before I turned it in, bless you. I rarely see my own errors, so having your eyes on the story helped . . . a lot.
To my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, thank you for one more opportunity to share a fun story with a faith message. I count it a privilege.