- Page numbers in italic denote an illustration
- accumulation by dispossession
- accumulation by ground rent dispossession
- Africa
- Alexandri, G.
- Amar, P.
- anti-gentrification activism/resistance
- against evictions
- and rent gap
- Anti-Gentrification Handbook for Council Estates in London
- appropriation
- Arabindoo, P.
- Argentina
- Ascensao, E.
- Asian Coalition for Housing Rights
- Asian financial crisis
- Athens
- Atkinson, R.
- Aylesbury and Heygate estates (UK)
- ‘back to the city’ movement
- Bahrain
- Ballard, R.
- Bangalore (India)
- Barcelona Model
- Bartolome, L. J.
- Bavisker, A.
- Beauregard, R.
- Beijing (China)
- historic preservation
- mega-gentrification and displacement
- Olympic Games (2008)
- rapid city-wide redevelopment
- Beirut
- Betancur, J.
- bid-rent theory
- Bilbao Model
- Blanco, I.
- Blaut, J.
- blighting
- blockbusting
- Boddy, M.
- Booyens, I.
- Bose, P.
- bourgeois environmentalism
- Bratton, W.
- Brazil
- Growth Acceleration programme (PAC)
- land value capture policy
- middle class
- see also Rio de Janeiro
- Brenner, N.
- BRIC countries
- Bridge, G.
- Bristol
- Britain see UK
- broken windows thesis
- brownfield sites
- Buck-Morss, S.
- Buenos Aires (Argentina)
- mutual-aid housing cooperatives
- Puerto Madero redevelopment
- slums
- Cabannes, Y.
- Cairo (Egypt)
- peripheral shanty towns
- suburban urbanization
- Calcutta
- Cape Town
- capital accumulation
- capital reinvestment
- capital switching
- capitalism
- capitalized ground rent (CGR)
- Cartier, C.
- centrality
- centre-periphery relationship
- chain displacement
- Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project (Seoul)
- Chicago
- historic preservation
- mixed communities policy
- Chicago School
- Chile
- campamentos
- capital switching
- household structures
- middle classes
- neoliberalization
- poblaciones
- rent gap
- resistance to evictions in Pedro Aguirre Cerda (PAC)
- see also Santiago
- China
- capital switching
- creative city policy
- displacement caused by Cultural Revolution
- displacement and metro system construction in
- displacement scale
- gender relations
- historic preservation and gentrification
- ‘land-based accumulation’
- mega-gentrification and displacement
- middle classes
- redevelopment of former rural villages
- speculative urbanization
- see also individual cities
- Choi, N.
- city (urban) peripheries
- Ciudad Juárez (Mexico)
- Clark, E.
- Clarke, N.
- class see also middle class
- Clinton, Bill
- Cochrane, A.
- Colombia
- land value capture policy
- commercial gentrification
- community land trusts
- comparative urbanism/urbanists
- complete urbanization of society
- concentric zone model
- consumption
- Contreras, Y.
- council estates
- redevelopment/state-led gentrification of in UK
- counter-urbanization
- creative city
- creative destruction
- creative gentrification
- critical political economy approach
- critical urban learning
- crowd politics
- ‘culture of property’
- Cunningham, S.
- Darling, Eliza
- Datta, A.
- Davidson, M.
- Davis, L.K.
- Davis, Mike
- De Beukelaer, C.
- de-distancing
- debt crisis
- decommodification of housing
- defamation of place
- deindustrialization
- Delhi (India)
- Bhagidari scheme
- remaking of through judicial orders
- dependency
- Desai, V.
- development studies
- development-led displacement (DID)
- infrastructure development
- major characteristics of
- developmental state
- Dharavi Redevelopment Project (DRP)
- Dharavi Slum (Mumbai)
- diffusionist logic
- displacement
- chain
- development-led see development-led displacement (DID)
- exclusionary
- hidden (global South)
- importance of previous histories
- last-resident
- mega-
- phenomenological
- and mega-gentrification
- and re-urbanization
- and redevelopment in Sanggyedong
- and rent gap
- rural villages
- and slum gentrification in Rio de Janeiro
- see also evictions
- displacement pressure
- dispossession
- divided city, concept of
- Dongguanli project (China)
- dos Santos Junior, O.
- Doshi, S.
- Dubai
- Durban
- Dutton, P.
- East Asia
- and the creative city
- gay gentrification
- housing sector
- mega-gentrification and developmental states
- middle class
- see also individual countries
- eco-city
- economic crisis (2008)
- economy
- gentrification and global
- Ecuador
- Malecón 2000 waterfront regeneration (Guayaquil)
- Eko Atlantic megaproject (Lagos, Nigeria)
- elites
- Elshahed, M.
- emancipatory city thesis
- endogenous gentrification
- Engels, F.
- entrepreneurial city-building
- entrepreneurial state
- Euro-American gentrification
- Europe
- evictions
- forced
- resistance against
- Sanggyedong
- exclusionary displacement
- Fangzhicheng Integrated Development Office
- Fangzhicheng project
- favela
- Fernandes, L.
- financial crisis (2008)
- financialization
- Floor Area Ratios (FARs)
- Florida, Richard
- Foshan (China)
- gated communities
- gay gentrification
- gender
- generalized gentrification, rise of
- gentrification
- alternatives to
- blueprints
- characteristics of
- coining of phrase by Ruth Glass
- in the context of planetary urbanization
- definition
- economics
- enabling and necessary factors
- focus on inner-city areas
- and the global economy
- and redevelopment
- relational understanding of
- resistance to
- urban development characteristics influencing
- gentrification frontier
- ‘gentrification generalized’
- ‘gentrification of the mind’
- gentrification models
- Barcelona Model
- Bilbao Model
- gentrification policies
- creative city policy
- mixed communities policy
- zero-tolerance policing
- geographical switching
- Germany
- Ghertner, A.
- GINI indices
- Giuliani, Rudolph
- Glass, Ruth
- ‘Gaps in Knowledge’
- ‘London: Aspects of Change’
- global class
- global economy
- global elites
- global gentrifier
- global gentrification blueprint
- global habitat
- global suburbanisms
- global urbanism
- globalization
- Goertz, Geoffrey
- Goetz, E. G.
- Goldman, M.
- González, S.
- governance
- Greece
- Greenwich Village (New York City)
- Grimsrud, G. M.
- ground rent
- Guayaquil (Ecuador)
- Malecón 2000 waterfront regeneration
- Guggenheim Effect
- Guggenheim Museum
- Hackworth, J.
- Harris, A.
- Hart, G.
- Harvey, David
- Haugaard, M.
- Haussmannization see also neo-Haussmannization
- hegemony, of dominant interests
- Heidegger, M.
- heritage conservation
- hidden displacement better under displacement
- historic preservation
- Hong Kong
- middle class
- property boom
- public housing provision
- and transit-oriented development (TOD)
- Urban Renewal Agency
- vertical accumulation
- HOPE VI programme (US)
- housing
- decommodification of
- social/public
- unaffordability
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (US)
- Huang, L.
- hutongs
- hybrid gentrification
- Hyra, Derek
- Ibero-American Centre for Strategic Urban Development (CIDEU)
- IMF (International Monetary Fund)
- inclusive city
- India
- and Barcelona Model
- mega-urbanization in cities
- middle class
- mixed communities policy in Kolkata
- slums
- see also Delhi; Mumbai
- informal districts/settlements
- gentrification of formerly
- informal housing see also slums
- informality
- infrastructure development
- injustice
- inner-city areas
- focus on
- regeneration of
- and rent gap
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- Inzulza-Contardo, J.
- Istanbul (Turkey)
- slums
- Taksim Square anti-gentrification protests
- Jacobs, Jane
- Johannesburg (South Africa)
- joint redevelopment programme (JRP) (Seoul)
- Karnaaka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB)
- Keil, Roger
- Kharas, Homi
- Kim, S.-H.
- Kingsley, G. T.
- Kolkata (India)
- Kong, L.
- Koo, H.
- Kotze, N.
- Krijnen, M.
- laissez faire
- Lama-Rewal, S.T.
- Land Acquisition Act (1894)
- land-based accumulation
- land grabbingland rent
- monopoly of land value capture policies
- Latin America
- and Barcelona Model
- gentrification in
- historic preservation and gentrification
- land value capture
- middle classes
- neoliberalism
- resistance to gentrification
- sexual politics
- see also individual countries
- Lau, S.
- Lebanon
- Lees, L.
- new build gentrification
- displacement
- spatial capital
- emancipatory city thesis
- new middle class in China
- gentrification of council estates
- reconceptualization of gentrification
- Lees, Shin and Lopez-Morales
- Global Gentrifications: uneven development and displacement
- Lees, Slater and Wyly
- Gentrification
- mutation of gentrification
- Ruth Glass
- Chicago School of urbanism
- rural gentrification
- The Gentrification Reader
- Lefebvre, H.
- Lemanski, C.
- lesbian gentrification
- Lett, D.
- Ley, David
- lifestyle
- Lim, H.
- Lima
- ‘liveable’ city agendas
- localized action plans
- Loftus, A.
- London
- Aylesbury Estate
- coining of term ‘gentrification’
- Docklands regeneration
- inflated property market
- redevelopment of council estates and displacement
- slums
- super-rich
- López-Morales, E.
- displacement
- floor area ratio
- gentrification by ground-rent dispossession
- inner-city redevelopment
- redlining
- rent gap
- resistance to gentrification
- Ma, L.
- McCann, E. J.
- McFarlane, Colin
- Mahigeer Tahreek (Pakistan)
- Malécon 2000 waterfront redevelopment (Guayaquil, Ecuador)
- Manila (Philippines)
- rail project and displacement
- Maragall, Pasqual
- Marcuse, Peter
- marginality
- marginal gentrification
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism/Marxists
- Massey, D.
- Mbembe, A.
- mega-displacement
- and public housing estates
- and slum clearance
- mega-events see also Olympic Games
- mega-gentrification
- China
- and displacement
- and East Asian developmental states
- and hidden displacement in the global South
- in neo-authoritarian socialist states
- mega-projects
- Mehta, Mukesh
- Merrifield, Andy
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- Programa de Rescate (rescue programme)
- Sante Fe area
- zero-tolerance policing and ‘Plan Giuliani’
- middle class(es)
- East Asia
- emergence of
- emergence and rise of ‘new’
- as global gentrifiers
- and politics
- and the state
- Middle East
- see also individual countries
- Millstein, M.
- mixed communities policy
- mobility
- Monclús, F.J.
- Monje, P.
- Montevideo (Uruguay)
- Morocco, slums
- Mueller, G.
- Mumbai (India)
- Dharavi Slum
- mega-urbanization
- slum gentrification
- mutual-aid housing cooperatives
- Myers, Gareth
- Mysore-Bangalore Information Corridor (India)
- Nangok (Seoul)
- neighbourhood redevelopment
- Nathan, R.
- neighbourhood transformation
- neo-authoritarian socialist states
- neo-Haussmannization
- neoliberal urbanism/urbanization
- neoliberalism/neoliberalization
- Chile
- and the creative city
- Latin America
- new build gentrification
- New Deal for Communities regeneration programme (UK)
- New Deal (US)
- new economics
- new urban renewal
- new urbanism
- New York City
- historic preservation
- zero tolerance model
- Nigeria
- Nogueira, Colonel Celso
- Norway
- Nuttall, S.
- Obrador, Andrés Manuel LÓpez
- obsolescence
- Ocaranza, M.
- Occupy movements
- Ocean Estate (Tower Hamlets)
- O'Connor, J.
- Olympic Games
- Barcelona (1992)
- Beijing (2008)
- Rio de Janeiro (2016)
- Seoul (1988)
- Organization of American States (OAS)
- Pakistan
- redevelopment projects
- resistance to gentrification
- slums
- Panama
- redevelopment of Casco Antiguo
- Paris
- Haussmannization
- historic preservation
- Park, B-G.
- Parnell, S.
- Peck, J.
- People's Action Party (Singapore)
- peripheral urban development
- peripheralization see also centre-peripheral relationship
- Pedro Aguirre Cerda (PAC) (Chile)
- planetarity
- planetary urbanization
- gentrification in the context of
- police pacification
- policies, gentrification see gentrification policies
- policy discourse
- middle-class politics
- Portugal, slums
- post-crisis gentrification
- postcolonial theory
- postcolonial urbanism
- potential ground rent (PGR)
- Poulantzas, N.
- poverty
- Pradilla, E.
- primary circuit of capital (industrial production)
- Prince, R.
- privatization
- property rights
- property-based interests
- property-led redevelopment
- public housing estates
- Puerto Rico
- Las Gladiolas housing estate
- mixed communities policy
- zero-tolerance approach to crime
- Qianmen (China)
- Quito Letter
- re-urbanization
- real estate
- role of in capitalist societies
- redevelopment
- and gentrification
- and rent gap
- and resistance
- of slums
- regulation
- relational comparative approach
- Ren, X.
- rent
- rent gap
- and anti-gentrification activists
- Ciudad Juárez
- and class struggle
- and displacement
- and inner city
- role of state
- Santiago (Chile)
- Seoul
- and territorial stigmatization
- towards a comparative urbanism of planetary
- Rerat, P.
- residential rehabilitation
- resistance to gentrification
- evictions eviction is not resistance, put on its own
- revanchism
- reverse-gentrification
- Ribeiro, Queiroz
- Right to the City
- right to the urban
- Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- ‘favela chic’ phenomenon
- Metrocables
- Olympic Games host (2016)
- slum/favelas gentrification
- Special Group for Urban Control
- Vila Autódromo
- zero tolerance policing
- Zona Portuária
- Robinson, Jennifer
- Rodan, G.
- Rofe, M.M.
- Rogers, Sir Richard
- Rojas, E.
- Rose, Damaris
- Roy, Ananya
- Ruiz-Tagle, J.
- rural gentrification
- rural villages
- land dispossession and displacement
- Samara, T.
- Sandroni, P.
- Sanggyedong (South Korea), redevelopment
- sanitization of space
- Santiago (Chile)
- Efecto Metro
- mixed communities policy
- rent gap
- resistance to eviction in PAC district
- Sassen, S.
- Schill, M.
- Schindler, S.
- Schulman, S.
- Schumpeter, J. A.
- securitization
- secondary circuit of capital (built environment)
- SecoviRio
- Seoul (South Korea)
- Cheonggye Stream Restoration Project
- Joint Redevelopment Programme (JRP)
- Nangok neighbourhood redevelopment
- new-build gentrification
- role of state in rent gap formation
- shacks
- Shanghai (China)
- historic preservation
- mega-gentrification and displacement
- middle class
- Xintiandi redevelopment
- Shanghai World Expo (2010)
- Shaw, W.
- Shenzhen (China)
- Shin, H. B.
- speculative urbanization in China
- speculative urbanization in South Korea
- mega events
- metropolitan-scale gentrification
- rent gap
- new-build gentrification in Seoul
- mega-displacement
- Nangok
- cross-class alliance
- Sidaway, J.
- Sigler, T.
- Simone, AbdouMaliq
- Singapore
- creative city policy
- public housing provision
- Singerman, D.
- Slater, T.
- Slim, Carlos
- slum gentrification
- China
- Mumbai
- Rio de Janeiro
- and the state
- slum redevelopment and gentrification
- Slum Rehabilitation Scheme (SRS)
- slums
- definition and characteristics
- hidden economic potential of
- numbers and location of
- use of term
- smart city
- Smith, Neil
- Gentrification and uneven development
- The new urban frontier
- social cleansing
- social mobility
- Solidere
- Soto, Hernando de
- South Africa
- Abahlali movement
- mixed income housing
- slums
- South Asia
- South Korea
- mega-gentrification and displacement
- middle class
- middle classes and politics
- public housing provision
- resistance to gentrification
- student protests
- see also Seoul
- space
- regulation and securitization of
- sanitization of
- spatial capital
- spatial elitism
- speculative urbanization/urbanism
- speculative urban accumulation
- Spivak, G.
- state
- and historic preservation
- intervention in gentrification
- key actor in planetary gentrification
- state-led gentrification and middle classes
- role of
- and slum gentrification
- state developmentalism (see developmental state)
- stigma
- Straw, Jack
- street protests
- sub-prime mortgage crisis
- Subaltern Studies School
- substandard settlements
- suburban gentrification
- suburban sprawl
- suburbanization
- super-rich
- Swanson, K.
- Sweden
- Sykora, L.
- Taipei
- Da-an Forest Park construction
- Taiwan
- tenure (restructuring of)
- Teo, S.Y.
- Teppo, A.
- Theodore, N.
- Tiger economies
- touristification
- transferable development rights (TDRs)
- transit-oriented development (TOD)
- transnational elites
- transnational gentrification
- transport
- Tuan, Yi Fu
- Turkey
- Taksim Square anti-gentrification protests (Istanbul)
- UAE (United Arab Emirates)
- Human Development Report (2014)
- United Kingdom (UK)
- New Deal for Communities Regeneration programme
- redevelopment of council estates and displacement
- urban renaissance policy
- zero-tolerance policing
- see also London
- United States
- critical economy
- HOPE VI programme
- see also individual cities
- upper-income families
- urban accumulation
- urban development
- characteristics influencing gentrification
- peripheral
- urban entrepreneurialism
- urban policy
- globalization of
- making
- transfer
- urban regeneration models
- Urban Renewal Agency (Hong Kong)
- urban renewal schemes
- Urban Revolution
- urban rights
- right to the city
- urban–rural differences
- urban–rural breakdown of binary
- urban social movements
- urban studies
- ‘comparative urbanism’ in
- ‘cosmopolitan turn’ in
- and development studies
- Urban Task Force (UK)
- Towards an Urban Renaissance
- urbanism
- Chicago School of Sociology
- urbanization
- counter-
- dominance of Euro-American discourse
- planetary see planetary urbanization
- speculative
- spectacular
- Vainer, C.
- Vancouver (Canada)
- Vicario, L.
- Vila Autódromo project (Rio de Janeiro)
- Visser, G.
- vulture international funds
- Wang, J.
- Ward, K.
- Ward, P.
- Waschsmuth, D.
- Washington Consensus
- Washington DC
- Watt, Paul
- Weber, Rachel
- weiquan
- wilderness gentrification
- Wilson, W. J.
- Winkler, T.
- World Bank
- world cities
- worlding
- Wright, M.
- Wu, F.
- Wyly, Elvin
- Xi'an (China), redevelopment of
- Xintiandi (China)
- zero tolerance policing
- Zhang, Y.
- Zimbabwe
- Zukin, Sharon