My dad likes to tell stories of how in the good ol’ days he or my great-grandpa Strahan cranked the handle of their old green wooden ice cream freezer while aunts, uncles, and cousins sat on the back porch fellowshipping. Now and then, they stopped to add ice and rock salt, and eventually they had ice cream. On a hot summer day, they ladled it into whatever cup or bowl was available and ate it immediately. My recipes rely on electric ice cream freezers, but they’re just as delicious as the ones my dad ate at my great-grandmother’s house. They may even taste better to him, since he doesn’t have to spend all day turning the crank.
Looking for a fun dessert to serve family and friends? My Hello Dolly Ice Cream Sandwiches, Old-Fashioned Fudge Popsicles, and Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler are just a few of the treats in this chapter that will keep everyone coming back for a little somethin’ sweet.