Abbot, Jacob, 113
acid secretion (H2) blockers, 272
Actiheart study, 78
Acylin Therapeutics, 170
advertisements, 52
Alabama research group, 86
Ali, Muhammad (formerly Cassius Clay), 82
Alien, 177
Andretti, Mario, 83
Angelman syndrome, 214
antidepressants, SSRI, 212
antioxidant supplements, 190–1
Aryan Kultur settlements, 77
Asperger’s syndrome, 204, 205, 209–10
Atkins, Dr, and diet, 183
Atlas Sports Genetics, 67
Australian twins, 51
autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), 40, 204–217
Helicobacter pylori (HP), 272–3, 264, 265, 267
Barbie doll adverts, 221
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 145, 210, 212–13
Barr, Rosanne, 170
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, 70, 112
Beatles, The, 71
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 282
bees, 221
Beijing Genomics Institute, 272–3
Bell, Mary, 171
Bettelheim, Bruno, 115
Bifidobacillus bacteria, 265, 274
Binet, Alfred, 83
BioArts International Inc, 280
Biology, 31
Birmingham, 134
bisphenol A (BPA), 216–18, 220, 221, 238
Blackadder, 51
Blaine, David, 181
BMI (body-mass index), 167
Bonaparte, Princess Marie (Dr A. E. Narjani), 252–3
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 261
Boston, Playland club, 223
Bouchard, Tom, 43
bowel cancer, 284
bowel syndrome, irritable (IBS), 268–9, 270, 274–5, 276
Boys from Brazil, The, 288
BPA (bisphenol A), 216–18, 220, 221, 238
brain areas
after strokes or injuries, 208
anterior cingulate gyrus, 258
dentate gyrus, 85
inferior parietal lobe, 208
left orbito-frontal complex (OFC), 258
prefrontal cortex (PFC), 258
brain hormone, glucocorticoid receptor, 126–7, 148
brain waves, mu, 218
brains, abnormal metabolism in, 125
Brazil, epilepsy suffers in, 98
breast cancer, 192–3, 194–5, 196, 197, 198–9, 201
‘alternative’ medications, 196–7
and fat intake, 196
increase in, 195
response to treatment, 199
Briand, Aristide, 253
broken mirror syndrome, 206, 207
Brussels, St Luc hospital, 166
Bucharest orphanages, 122
Buddhist monks, 64
Budleigh Salterton, 130–1, 132
St Peter’s church, 130
bullying in schools, 128
Burge, David, 80
butyrate, 276
Byron, Ruth and Simon, 247
Byzantine Empire, 132
calcium, 191
California, autism in, 211, 215
Californian gifted children IQ study, 57, 83
Campbell, Keith, 279
Canada, BPA ban in, 218
Canadian calorie restriction diet, 185
cancer, 192–202, 265 see also individual entries
Carlson, Dr Mary, 123
Case of the Midwife Toad, The, 31
caterpillars, 37
Catholic Church, 137
characteristics, acquired, inheritance of (‘soft inheritance’), see epigenetics
cheese protein, 174
Chegwin, Keith, 83
Cherkas, Lynn, 253
child abuse, 130–3, 134–9, 146, 148–9
badly abused and neglected, MRI scans of, 149
bullying of, 128
differing views on upbringing, 112, 113–15, 128–9
from failing families, 150–1, 152
religious encouragement to have, 103–4
rise of behavioural and psychiatric disorders in, 111
in 17th or 18th century, 110–11
underlying genetic backgrounds, 125–6
China, sperm count study in, 220
chromosomes, 197
chronic fatigue syndrome, 269–70
circumcision, male, 101
Clay, Cassius (later Muhammad Ali), 82
Cleopatra, 101
Clinton, Bill, 96
Clone, 290
cloning, 278–9, 280–1, 281–2, 283–4, 288
Clostridium difficile, 263–4, 275
CODIS system, 143
coeliac disease, 274
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), 64, 138, 210
Cold Case, 142
Collins, Francis, 96
Colvin, Geoff, 70
Connery, Sean, 242
Cooper, Carrie, 141
Cooper, George and Henry, 82–3
Cooper, Jerome and Tyrone, 140–1
CoppaFeel charity, 194
Cornell Univeristy, 272
Coyle, Daniel, 70
CSI, 142
cultural trends and personality traits, 99–101
Dacogen, 200
Daily Telegraph, 40
dairy (lactose) intolerance, 172, 173, 174
Dance, Colin and Maurice, 131
Danish pregnancy study with low-fat yogurts, 265
Daphnia, 36
Darwin, Charles, 9, 27, 28, 29, 77, 88, 96, 105, 221, 261, 293
Darwinism, Neural, 289
Dawkins, Richard, 98, 109, 291–2
Deer, Brian, 212
Dennett, David, 97
dental caries (tooth decay), 267–8
Denver, 150
Depp, Johnny, 242
depression, heritability of, 59–62
DES (diethylstilboestrol), 201, 202
diet alterations and fur colour, 38, 176–7, 216
diethylstilboestrol (DES), 201, 202
digit ratios, 2D:4D, 226–8, 229, 242, 237
distorted tunes test, 79
Djerassi, Carl, 195
DNA, 9, 17, 34, 140–3, 278, 280, 290–1
Dolly the sheep, 288–9, 280, 283
Drayna, Dennis, 79
drugs in sport, 87
Dublin priests, 102
Duchovny, David, 241
Dundee, Angelo, 82
Dutch famine, 1944, 188
E. coli outbreak, German salad, 263
Eastenders, 131
Ecstasy (MDMA), 246
Edwards, Jonathan, 81
Edwards, Robert, 282
Einstein, Albert, 87
Eldoret, Kenya, 72
Elmira, New York, 150
England, 13th and 14th century, diet in, 181–2
English and Romanian Adoption Study (ERA), 124–5, 126
Enlightenment, 77
enterotypes, 273
enzyme, monoamine oxidase-A (MAOA), 146
epigenetic changes related to environment, 238–9
epigenetic drugs, 87, 149, 199–200
epigenetic influence in ASD, 214
epigenetic signals, 152
epigenetics (‘soft inheritance’), 27, 28, 29, 30–1, 32, 33, 34–9, 293
histone acetylation, 170
as key to cancer-forming process, 197–8, 199–200, 201
and muscle cells/growth, stimulating, 85–6
epilepsy, 98
Ericsson, Anders, 70, 71, 75–6, 78
Ethiopians, 73
eugenics, 77
Eugenics Society, 41
Eurovision song contest, 69
examinations, 11-plus, 41
faith, 91
fatigue syndrome, chronic, 269–70
‘feederism’, 166
fidgeting, 184
finger length, 226–8, 229, 242, 237
Finnish families study, 80
fish oils, 191
flame retardants, BDE-4, 217
fleas, water, 37
Flint, Larry, 100
Florida, obesity in, 167
Flowering Locus C gene, 36
folate, 176
folic acid supplements, 177, 190, 266–7
food deprivation, 188
Fowler, James, 64
fragile X syndrome, 214
Frederick II, Emperor, 111, 124
French, Dawn, 170
Fritzl, Josef, 145
G spot, 251
GABA neurotransmitter receptors, 275
Gallup world happiness survey 2011, 53–4
Gebrselassie, Haile, 73
Geek2Geek, 213
gene sequencing machine, 263–4
General Medical Council (GMC), 212
ACE (Acetyl CholinEsterase – ‘sports endurance’), 67, 68
ACE II, 67
ACTN3 (alpha actinin-3 – ‘running’), 68–9, 72–3
amylase, 169
cell hosting, 292
CNV, 205
dopamine, 126
E-cadherin, 200
Flowering Locus C, 37
HER2, 199
identical, 278–94 see also ‘cloned/cloning’ entries; twins, identical
insect, modification of, 36
ISR1, 170
KLF14 obesity master regulator, 170–1
Lcyc, 35
neuropeptide Y, 245
passenger, 263
protocadherins, 127
PTC, 174
retinoid receptor, 185
SEPT6, 200
serotonin, 144
‘talent’, see ‘talent genes’
VMAT2, 104
Genetic Saving, 280
German salad E. coli outbreak, 263
German study on shaving pubic hair, 99
Gillie, Oliver, 41
giraffes, 28
girls, childhood development of, 221
GMC (General Medical Council), 212
GOAT (Ghrelin O-Acetyl Transferase) inhibitor, 170
Goldacre, Ben, 190
Graduate, The, 216
Gräfenberg, Dr Ernst, 251
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 139–41
Greece, 167
Gretzky, Wayne, 81
Guarente, Leonard, 187
Guildford, Barley Mow restaurant near, 270
Guinness Book of World Records, 69, 168
gum inflammation (periodontitis), 267–8
gut bacteria, 264, 265, 266, 267, 272, 273–4, 276
gut flora, 265, 267, 272–3, 274, 275, 276
Gypsies, 123
Haiti, 72
Hall, Jerry, 83
happiness surveys, 53–4, 243–4
Harlow monkeys experiment, 123, 126
Harris, Judith Rich, 115
Hawke, Ethan, 290
Heiman, Julia, 257
Heritage study, 79
Hitler, Adolf, 288
hormone disruptors, 202, 216–19, 238
as cause of increase in ASD, 213–14, 216
‘cuddle’, see oxytocin
Hungary, church attendance in, 103
hunger, hormones controlling feeling of, 169, 170, 184
Huntington’s disease, 292
Hutterites, 104
Hwang, Dr Woo-suk, 281
IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), 268–9, 270, 274–5, 276
Iliescu, Ion, 123
inheritance of acquired characteristics (‘soft inheritance’), see epigenetics
insulin, 178
International Athletics Association, 225
IQ, 40, 41–2, 43, 63, 78, 83–4
IQcuties, 213
Iran, 212
Iraq veterans, 138
Ireland, decline of church attendance in, 101–2
Ireland, depression in, 59, 60
Irish priests, 102
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 268–9, 270, 274–5, 276
Island, The, 283
Istodax, 200
IVF (in vitro fertilisation) treatment, 282–3
Jackson, Georgia, 144
Jedi ‘religion’, 88
Jesuit order, 76
John Hopkins University, 197–8
John Paul II, Pope, 261
jokes, 50
Joyce, James, 261
Kalenjin tribe, 72
Kamin, Leon, 41
Keller, Helen, 109
Kenyan athletes, 68, 72–3, 84–5
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 261
Kinsey Institute, Indiana, 257
Knowledge, The, 74
Koestler, Arthur, 31
kombucha (‘health’ tea), 276
Lactobacillus bacteria, 265, 274, 275
lactose intolerance, 172, 173, 174
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de, 27–9, 30, 33–4, 293
Laszlo (Hungarian educational psychologist) and family, 76
Laura, Dr, 137
Lebensborn project, 77
legs, restless, syndrome (RLS), 247, 248
LeVay, Simon, 221
Lewis, C. S., 96
lignans, 196
Little Britain, 51
Bellingham amateur boxing club, 82
Hammersmith Hospital, 45
Institute of Neurology, 74
Institute of Psychiatry, 61, 124, 147
Lambeth, 106
St Thomas’ Hospital, 45
Wembley Stadium, 82
Louisiana families study, 79
Lucas, George, 88
Lykken, David, 55
Mahler, Alma, 30
maize hybrids, breeding of, 33
Malaysia, ‘sissy camps’ in, 235
Manning, John, 227
marshmallow experiment, 180
McDonald’s diet, 178
McGuire, Billy and Benny, 168
MDMA (Ecstasy), 246
Meaney, Mike, 126
measles, 212
Medical Research Council (MRC), 215, 218
meditation, 64
Memphis, 150
methyl donors, 149
methylation, 34–6, 85, 86, 148, 151, 177, 185, 186, 266
and cancer, 197–8, 199, 200, 214, 215, 216–17
antibiotic study on, 267
dietary experiments on, 178, 275
fecal study of, 273
male deer, BPA study on, 217
mutant, 68
Mincu, Dr Iulian, 122
mineral supplements, 190
Ministry of Agriculture, 215
Minnesota adopted-twin study, 22, 43, 45, 46, 55, 92, 116
mirror neurones, 206, 207, 258
mirror therapy, 207
Mischel, Walter, 180
mitochondrial activity, 188
MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
Monroe, Marilyn, 170
Montreal research team, 126–7, 148
MORI 2007 poll, UK, 52
Mormons, 104
Mozart, Leopold, 70
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 70–1, 80
MRC (Medical Research Council), 215, 218
MRI brain scans, 147, 149, 258
MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 263–4
Muhammad Ali (formerly Cassius Clay), 82
Multiplicity, 283
MuTHER Consortium, 170
Napoleon Bonaparte, 261
Narjani, Dr A. E. (Princess Marie Bonaparte), 252–3
NASA scientists, 272
National Health and Nutrition Examination (NHANE) study (US), 218
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (US), 232–3, 238
NEAD (non-shared environment in adolescent development) study, 119–21
‘nerd’ mating theory, 212, 213
Nerd Passions, 213
Netherlands children with ‘pubo-phobia’, 99–100
neurones, mirror, 206, 207, 258
New Guinea, Sambia tribe in, 234
New Testament, 91
New York
cab drivers, 74
Carnegie Hall, 112
Sloane Kettering Cancer Center, 199
New York Times, 30
New Zealand, male criminality study in, 146
New Zealand forensic service, 142, 143
Newton, Isaac, 42
NHANE (National Health and Nutrition Examination) study (US), 218
NIH (National Institutes of Health) (US), 232–3, 238
nipples, 251
Nobel, Alfred, 261
Noble, G. K., 30
Norwegian study of twins with IBS, 270
Nueva Germania, Paraguay, 77
Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), 150
Nurture Assumption, The, 115
nurture ‘blank slate’ concept, 76–7
Obama, President Barack, 150
obesity, 12,
extreme, 166
and gastric bypass/banding surgery, 265–6
obesity clinics, 166
oesophagus, cancer of, 265
Olds, David, 150
olms (cave-dwelling salamanders), 29
$100,000 Pyramid, 203
orgasms, female, 247–8, 249–54, 255–6, 257, 258–9
osteoarthritis, premature, 279
Owen, Clive, 242
oxytocin (‘cuddle hormone’), 127, 147–8, 168–9, 245–6, 259
oxytocin nasal spray, 246, 256
pain relief and orgasms, 259
paracetamol (acetaminophen), 215
paranormal, beliefs in the US in, 108
parenting, books on, 70, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115
parenting, 110–29, 133–4, 149–51, 152
Pashtun men, 234
Peck, Gregory, 288
Peltonen, Leena, 78
peptic (stomach) ulcers, 261–3
periodontitis (gum inflammation), 267–8
Perry, Bruce, 149
personal identity, 289
personality disorders, 40
personality feature studies, 56
personality traits and cultural trends, 99–101
piglets, cloned, 291
pitch, absolute/perfect (AP), 80–1
plants, epigenetic changes in, 34–6
Playboy, 100
Positive Psychotherapy Intervention, 63–4
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 136, 138–9
Prader-Willi syndrome, 214
Prainsack, Barbara, 284
proteins, TET, 200
Prozac, 211
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 136, 138–9
breast cancer studies on, 201
hormone disruptors reducing sexual attraction in, 238
male, epigenetic effects on offspring’s health, 178
maternal licking and grooming experiments, 126–7, 148
memory research on, 86
pregnant mothers’ epigenetic effects on daughter’s and granddaughters’ genes, 177
and running, 85
Reiss, David, 120
restless legs syndrome (RLS), 247, 248
Rett syndrome, 214
rifaximin, 276
Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 206
RNA, non-coding, 248
RNL Bio, 291
rodents, experiments, 126–7, 148
Rossellini, Isabella, 83
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 113
Royal Institution Christmas Lecture, 175
Russia, religion in, 102–3, 108
Rutter, Michael, 124
SAHA histone-modifying drug, 292
St Ignatius Loyola, 76
St Louis fecal study, 273
salamanders, cave-dwelling (olms), 29
Sambia tribe, 234
schizophrenia, 40
Science, 30
Sears, Dr Bill and Martha, 114–15
Semenya, Caster, 225
sensory processing sensitivity (SPS), 243
sex addiction (hypersexual disorder), 240–1
sex-change operations, 223, 224
sex determination and development, 221–2, 225, 227
sexual abuse of children, 130–3, 134, 146
common effects of, 136–8, 139, 146, 148–9
Shenk, David, 70
Silicon Valley, 212
skin colour, 73
Skinner, Mike, 238
Sleeper, 283
Sloane Kettering Cancer Center, 199
smoking, maternal, 220
Southampton diet study, 185
Soviet Union, 32, 33, 102–3, 108
soya beans, 202
Space: 1999, 210
sport, drugs in, 87
sporting abilities, 78
‘sports endurance gene’, 67, 68
Stalin, Josef, 32
Stepford Wives, The, 283
Stockdale, Vice Admiral James Bond, 58
stomach (peptic) ulcers, 261–3
stomach cancer, 260–1, 265, 266–7
Strange, Curtis, 83
stresses, life, 61
Sulston, Sir John, 175
Summer, Daniel, 145
Sun, 254
supplements, mineral and vitamin, 190
Surrogates, The, 283
Tamoxifen, 193
Tampa, 204
Tanzania, 55
taxi drivers, London, 74, 75, 208
temperature changes, effect of, on species development, 221
Terman, Lewis, 83
Terman Study, 57
testicular cancer, 220
testosterone, 213, 220, 222, 225, 229, 233, 251–2
Thomas Aquinas, 96
Treffert, Dr Darold, 204
triclosan, 218
Trudghill, Nigel, 270
Turkheimer, Eric, 119
absolute pitch study, 80
adopted, and religious upbringing, 88–90, 92
adopted, brought up in different surroundings, 115–18, 128
with Asperger’s syndrome, 209–11
Australian, 51
autistic studies of, 205, 214, 215
average heritability of, 78
and belief in God studies, 92
differing Ghrelin hormone levels in, 169
with differing religious beliefs, 94–5, 106–7
digit ratio studies on, 228, 230, 237
dishonourable discharge from US military of, 145–6
female, and orgasms, 249–51, 255, 257
and fidelity, 245
heritabilities for aggressive behaviour and psychopathic personality, 146, 147
with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 268–9, 270
motivation study of, 84
in obesity research, 170, 171–2, 174, 179–80, 184, 185
produced by IVF, 283
similarity in weight of, 167–8
and sporting abilities, 78
studies of, 39–43, 45, 46, 47 see also humour
talented, with non-famous twin siblings, 83
in taste experiment, 175
as victims of abuse, 134–6, 137, 138, 139
in willpower experiment, 181
world’s heaviest, 168
twins, identical, 284
female, with differing attitudes to men, 241–43
and pain relief studies, 259
in same classroom study, 121–2
Twinsburg, Ohio, annual festival, 51
United Kingdom
breast cancer in, 195
census 2001, 88
cost of children with problems and in care, 118
decline of religion in, 102
diet in 13th and 14th century England, 181–2
Muslim population in, 104
religious people as voters in, 108
Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 19: 118
United States
beliefs in the paranormal in, 108
breast cancer in, 195
breeding of maize hybrids in, 33
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 256
Food Standards Agency, 218
General Social Survey, 245
military, dishonourable discharge of twins from, 145–6
NEAD (non-shared environment in adolescent development) study, 119–21
religious beliefs and practices in, 103
United States Army CSF (comprehensive solder fitness) programme, 64
US Open golf tournament, 2011, 71–2
Vargas, Alexander, 31
Viagra, 255
Vidaza, 212
Vienna, University of, 31
Vietnam War, 58
vitamin A, 190
vitamin B12, 176
vitamin E, 190
vitamin levels before birth, 215
vitamins at time of conception, 215
Waddington, Conrad, 33
Wakefield, Andrew, 212
Wang Jun, 273
Ward, William Arthur, 59
Wessely, Professor Simon, 139
Wilmut, Professor Ian, 279, 283, 284
Wonder, Stevie, 80
Woo-suk Hwang, Dr, 291
World Values Survey 1984 to 2004, 103
Wright, Sewell, 176
X-Factor, The, 74
Yamanaka, Shinya, 291
‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’, 79
yeast, male and female forms in, 238
yogurts, ‘gut-friendly’, 265, 275, 276
Zolinza, 200
Zoloft, 211