It is with incredible gratitude that I thank my friends from high school. The laughs you delivered this past year, as well as the photos, journals, notes, and memories you unearthed, were the seeds I used to grow my part of the book. Thank you for trusting me with them and for finding me in our youth and sticking with me in adulthood.
To Mom, Dad, and Bruce, though you never signed up for the exposure that comes with being the parents of public people, you have handled it with so much grace. My greatest hope is that anyone who reads this book will come to the conclusion I have—nothing in my life would have been possible without each of you clearing the path for me to achieve all that I have.
To Sofia, thank you for letting me read you every verbose and bloated chapter I wrote. Even though you were clear that you preferred to read the stories yourself, I love that you let me disregard what you wanted to get what I needed.
To Nita and Naomi, thank you for the patience you showed as you carved out what Sara and I set out to tell, even as we threatened to bury ourselves in unnecessary details and an excess of characters and stories.
To Sean, thank you for believing we had a story worth telling from those first half-dozen chapters we let you read. And thank you for fighting to have our names come alphabetically and for the guidance and wit you produced along the way.
To Sarah, thank you for your encouragement and enthusiasm through each draft.
To Piers, Nick, and Kim, thank you for letting us abandon music to write a book only to find our passion for music again. And thank you for protecting the perimeters of our lives to ensure we have the time and space to do what we do.
To Marc, thank you for your early belief in us. And for the light trickery you used to get us to write the proposal in the first place.
To Sara, thank you for elevating, enriching, and improving everything I set out to accomplish in my life. I endeavor to always do the same for you.