October 1, 1970

Dear Penpal

After school I went on a patrol of the nayberhood. I know all the streets and short cuts and alley ways and which fences to jump if I was under attacked. I know who likes to sit around doing nothing and who lives in what house. One time I found in the lane way between Henry street and McCaul street near Skinny farts house a empty garage that looks like it was ready to fall down. The ground is all dirt and paint cans and bottles of different colored lickwits are every where. I do not think any body has been inside in a long time but me. Nobody goes there so it is my favorite hiding spot except when it gets dark I go home but first to Rollie’s room .

I told Rollie that I had to rite. He said far out man. Reading and riting is good. It is the key to stopping capitalising and 3rd world explorations. Then he gave me a dictionary. He said he will give me a nickel for every time I use it. He said he would trust me to keep a honest count. Man to Man. This time when he said man I knew what he was talking about. Then he gave mother another bottle of wine and more flowers. I am very happy that he is mothers friend too.

Your friend,

Johnny Wong