
NO BOOK IS WRITTEN IN A VACUUM. Vast amounts of time and patience are required by many people, leading to pressures on everyone around the wretched, possessed writer. I liken the writing process to waking up in the morning with a big, gnarly, tangled head of hair — the original notion for this book. Over the course of many months, the hair is washed, brushed, combed and teased until finally it is presentable to the public. I have had many hairdressers working on what once was a tangled knot.

Those to whom I would like to extend my wholehearted thanks and appreciation include: my wife June, for all her patient support; my son Silas for giving me hope for a greener, happier future; my mother for her steadfast trust and support (and for teaching me that electricity doesn’t grow on trees); and Josh and Judy Van Houten for countless meals and complex problem solving.

Thanks to the entire staff of the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation — a group of people who live and breathe energy efficiency and with whom I am proud to work. Specifically, I wish to thank Ken Tohinaka, Dave Keefe, Pat Haller, and the entire Residential Services Pod for their time, encouragement, fact-checking, and professional rewards and challenges. I hold much appreciation and respect for Blair Hamilton and Beth Sachs for their lifelong dedication and commitment to efficiency, and for creating a work environment that draws the best out of employees.

Many thanks to Jim Schley, a true "literary architect" whose thorough hand and gentle nature made me a better writer. Thanks also go to my family who put up with all my annoying questions, meters, and probes all around their homes, and to Susan, Mark, and Hilton for encouragement, insights, and technical review.

Many of the figures in this book were supplied by the energy experts of the US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and the information gatherers at the Energy Information Administration, many of whom took the time to answer my questions in detail.

The supportive staff at New Society Publishers has been a pleasure to work with. I am proud to be associated with their vision of a better world through books, education and a sustainable business model. Thanks go to Murray Reiss’ close and thorough editorial review.

Thanks to all of the people whose homes I have visited over many years of energy auditing — your homes were my playground, my workshop, and my training field (and no, I really didn’t see the mess in the teenager’s room). Finally, thanks to you, the reader, and everyone who is working personally or professionally towards a sustainable, efficient, and renewable future.