How to Capture Images, Videos, and Images
It is also possible for us to work with the device of Raspberry Pi in order to get audio, record the videos, and capture all of the photos that you would like.
Of course, we do need to add in a few peripherals if you would like to get any of these actions done.
For example, you can choose to work with the USB webcam, Raspberry Pi camera, USB audio, and the audio HAT.
The first option that we are able to work with is how to use the Raspberry Pi for images and videos.
There are many options when we set this up, such as using the device to help out with home security, robotics, automation, and image or video streaming.
If you have the right extras to work with it, it is even possible for us to work with videos that are high in quality as well. this stream, when it is done using the device, you will be able to view it in an asynchronously.
The only limit that we are going to see here will be the duration because if you are short on storage, you are not going to be able to tape a very long video.
To get started with this, though, we need to take the time to add a camera to your device.
You can go through and either use a USB webcam, or you can go through and purchase a camera that has been built in order to work specifically with your Pi device.
We are going to work with the option for the Raspberry Pi Camera to help make this quick and not waste time with the explanation here, but you will find that the work that comes with adding on some of the other options of cameras will be similar.
To help us get started with this process, we need to make sure that we are able to get the camera of our choice attached to the Pi device.
There are going to be a few different options that we are able to use with this one including:
- Turn the device off.
Make sure that you don’t touch the metal contacts of your ribbon cable, or you might ruin it.
- Take the lens protector off.
- Get the CSI connector and then gently pull up the housing clip.
This is going to be either white or black.
- Insert the CSI cable into its slot.
- Now you can push down the housing clip in order to let it get locked in place.
- Now that this is in place, you can turn the Pi device pack on and configure the camera.
You will be able to enable the camera with the following command:
pi@erpi ~ $ sudo raspi-config
- Reboot the device.
If you would like to go through and capture images, you would need to input the following command:
pi@erpi ~ $ raspistill -o image.jpg
pi@erpi ~ $ ls -l image.jpg
Of course, this is just the start of what we are going to do when it is time to set up this system and make sure that it is running in the right manner as well.
It is also possible for us to go through and set up our own security system for the home or even stream some videos with this feature as well if we would like.
There are a lot of great things that we are able to do with the camera and the webcam being on the Pi device, but there are a few more steps that we will need to discuss later on in order to get all of this set up to work.