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Aalborg (Denmark)
airport at
bridge connecting Noerresundby and, see Limfjorden Bridge
City Council of
city jail in (see King Hans Gades Jail)
German Army in
harbor of
Pedersen family’s move to
police in
rail yard in
resistance in (see also Churchill Club)
trial of Churchill Club in
Andersen, Arthur
Andersen, Hans Christian
Andersen, Hans Jøergen
arrest and incarceration of
death of
German vehicles destroyed by
Naesby factory burned by
Arhus (Denmark)
Astrup-Frederiksen, Eigil
arrest and incarceration of
death of
first sabotage operation of
in Fuchs Construction Company raid
Jewish background of
release from prison of
sentence of
sister of, as informant for Churchill Club
Bach, C. L.
Bath (England)
Best, Werner
Bibby, Patricia
Borgerlige Partisaner (BOPA)
Boy Scouts
in First World War
German attacks on
military forces in Denmark from
postwar army of
radio broadcasts from
sabotage force organized by
submarines of
See also Royal Air Force (RAF)
Brønderslev (Denmark)
Brothers Karamazov, The
Budolfi Square (Aalborg)
Café Holle (Aalborg)
Cathedral School (Aalborg Katedralskole) (Aalborg)
barracks for German soldiers in gym at
girls at
Pedersen brothers enroll in
resistance activities of students from, see Churchill Club
return to, after release from prison
Christian X, King of Denmark
Churchill, Winston
Churchill Club
arrest of members of
books on
Churchill’s greeting of
coded messages between RAF Club and
Danish resistance inspired by
establishment of
experiments with explosives by
Fuchs Construction Company raided by
General Dewing’s meeting with
incarceration of members of (see King Hans Gades Jail; Nyborg State Prison)
information on police provided to
insignia of
luncheon honoring
meetings at monastery of
Museum of Danish Resistance exhibit on
Nibe offensive of
organization of
rail yard raided by
reunion of
rules of
secrecy of
sentencing of members of
trial of members of
True Comics featuring
vandalism by
vehicles destroyed by
weapons cache of
Art Library in
Assistens Cemetery in
bombing of shipyard in
Churchill in
court of
German occupation of
Museum of Danish Resistance in
prison in
weapons manufacturers in
Danish National Bank
Darket, Uffe
arrest and incarceration of
death of
in rail yards operation
release from prison of
sentence of
Darwin, Charles
Denmark, German occupation of
liberation from
passivity of Danish response to
resistance to (see also Churchill Club; RAF Club)
See also Aalborg; Copenhagen; Odense
Denmark’s Freedom League
Dewing, General Richard
Durbin, Deanna
eastern front, see Russia
El Alamein, Battle of
England, see Britain
European Film College (Denmark)
Fersen, Count Axel von
First World War
Fjellerup, Eva
Fjellerup, Mogens (The Professor)
arrest and incarceration of
death of
experiments with explosives by
release from prison of
sentence of
Fluxus art movement
Foxberg, Eigil, see Astrup-Frederiksen, Eigil
Frøslev prison camp
Fuchs Construction Company
Galster, Rector Kjeld
German Air Force (Luftwaffe)
German Army (Wehrmacht)
in Aalborg
in Copenhagen
after liberation of Denmark
at Nibe
at Nyborg State Prison
in Odense
Girl Scouts
Globus factory
Goebbels, Joseph
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Göring, Hermann
Great Britain, see Britain
Great Depression
Grunwald, Knud
Haneken, General Hermann von
Han Sidder ved Smeltediglen (He Sits by the Melting Pot) (Munk)
Heath, John Moore
Hedelund, Knud (Little Knud)
Himmler, Heinrich
Hitler, Adolf
attempted assassination of
confiscation of bicycles ordered by
derisive songs about
extermination of Jews as goal of
photograph of, in Fuchs office
rebuilding of German economy by
Russia invaded by
in telegram crisis with Danish king
Hitler Youth
Holm, Harald
Holy Ghost Monastery (Aalborg)
chemical laboratory at
Churchill Club meetings at
Churchill Club reunion at
safe house at
weapons at
Hornbo, Knud
arrest of
escapes from jail
mortar grenades stolen by
sentence of
Horsens State Prison (Denmark)
Hotel Phoenix (Aalborg)
Houlberg, Alf
arrest of
death of
escapes from jail
mortar grenades stolen by
sentence of
Houlberg, Kaj
arrest of
death of
escapes from jail
mortar grenades stolen by
sentence of
Houlberg, Tage
Hurup (Denmark)
Ibsen, Henrik
Jacobsen, Thune
Jensen, Henning
Jensen, Vagn
Danish, rescue of
Kierkegaard, Søren
King Hans Gades Jail (Aalborg)
conditions at
escape from
transfer to Nyborg State Prison from
King’s Badges
Kristine pastry shop (Aalborg)
Liberation Day
Limfjorden (fjord) (Denmark)
Limfjorden Bridge (Aalborg)
Lindholm (Denmark)
Luftwaffe, see German Air Force
Lutheran Church
March of Time, The (radio series)
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France
Memory Park (Copenhagen)
Milo, Helge
arrest and incarceration of
first sabotage operation of
in Fuchs Construction Company raid
release from prison of
sentence of
weapons hidden by
Milton, John
Moeller, Karl August Algreen
Mortensen, Orla
Munck, Ebbe
Munk, Kaj Harald Leininger
Museum of Danish Resistance (Copenhagen)
Museum of Modern Art (New York)
Naesby factory arson
Narvik (Norway)
collaborators and sympathizers with
Danish government taken over by
Denmark occupied by (see Denmark, German occupation of)
executions by
hate-filled ideology of
Jews persecuted and killed by
Norwegian resistance to
propaganda of
registry of opponents of
surrender of
See also German Army; Gestapo; Hitler, Adolf
Nibe offensive
Niels Ebbesen (Munk)
Noerresundby (Denmark)
Norway, German invasion of
resistance to
slaughter of civilians and soldiers during
transport ships for
Nyborg State Prison (Nyborg Statsfaengsel) (Denmark)
art supplies provided at
censorship of prisoners’ letters at
conditions at
German takeover of
library at
prisoners released from
school at
stages of sentences at
transfer to
Odense (Denmark)
police in
resistance in (see also RAF Club)
Oliver Twist (movie)
Ollendorff, Børge
arrest and incarceration of
in Fuchs Construction Company raid
German vehicles sabotaged by
in Nibe offensive
and weapons thefts
Ollendorff, Preben
Operation Weserübung
Ottesen, Elsa
Paradise Lost (Milton)
Pedersen, Edvard (Knud’s father)
church services of
letters from prison to
moves family to Aalborg
and sons’ arrest
and sons’ release from prison
Pedersen, Gertrud (Knud’s sister)
Pedersen, Holger (Knud’s brother)
Pedersen, Jens (Knud’s brother)
arrest and incarceration of
in Churchill Club
coded letters sent to
death of
in India
moves to Aalborg
in RAF Club
release from prison of
sentence of
at university
Pedersen, Jørgen (Knud’s brother)
Pedersen, Knud
arrest and incarceration of
art interests of
beginning of resistance activities of
Bibby’s friendship with
book on Churchill Club by
Børge’s friendship with
Budolfi Square mission planned by
at Churchill Club reunion
Churchill’s encounter with
competition between Jens and
on day of German invasion and occupation
death of
enrollment and reenrollment at Cathedral School of
and establishment of Churchill Club
explosives experiments described by
in Fuchs Construction Company raid
German vehicles destroyed by
Hoose’s collaboration on book with
information on police provided to
in King Hans Gades Jail
at meeting with General Dewing
Moeller and
moves to Aalborg
Nibe offensive planning by
in Nyborg State Prison
obsession with Rørbæk of
Odense family life of
and parents’ resistance activities
in RAF Club
in rail yard raid
released from prison
sentence of
in SOE K Company
trial of
vandalism by
weapons stolen by
Pedersen, Margrethe (Knud’s mother)
letters from prison to
and sons’ arrest
and sons’ release from prison
Phoenix Cinema (Odense)
Quistgaard, Admiral Erhard J. C.
Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich
RAF Club
arrest and incarceration of members of
formation of
German vehicles destroyed by
Naesby factory burned by
vandalism by
Randers (Denmark)
Riffel Syndicate
Riskaer, Bodil (Knud’s wife)
Rørbæk, Grethe
Royal Air Force (RAF)
St. Nikolaus Church (Copenhagen)
Scavenius, Erik
Schiller, Friedrich
Schmeisser machine guns
Soviet Union, see Russia
Special Operations Executive (SOE)
K Company
Stalingrad, Battle of
State Museum of Art (Denmark)
Stauning, Thorvald
Stuka dive bombers
Svenningsen, Nils
Danish Jews boatlifted to
iron ore mines in
Tate Modern (London)
Thomsen, Mogens
arrest and incarceration of
rifle stolen by
Tietgen, Carl Frederik
True Comics
United Kingdom, see Britain
Vad Hansen, Inger
V-2 rockets
Wayne, John
Wehrmacht, see German Army
Western Prison (Copenhagen)
World War I, see First World War
Worsaae Petersen, Hugo