HENRY GIROUX thanks Susan Searls Giroux for her editorial help and the numerous conversations they had about many of the chapters in this book, all of which helped to improve the manuscript. His administrative assistant, Maya Sabados, patiently read every page of this book and offered invaluable insights and editorial suggestions. He also thanks Grace Pollock for her initial constructive edit of the manuscript. He thanks Brad Evans for his brilliance, friendship, and meticulous editing and writing in bringing this book to fruition. It has been a pleasure co-authoring this book with him. He further thanks the administration at McMaster University for providing him with the support necessary to work on this manuscript, along with Ryerson University for awarding him a Distinguished Visiting Professorship, which provided an office and some time to think through many of the ideas discussed in the book. Finally, he thanks Greg Ruggiero for the spirited dialogues with him during the editorial process.

BRAD EVANS would like to extend his friendship to and continued admiration for Henry Giroux. His generosity, courage, and commitment to the value of education and public pedagogy remain a source of inspiration. Brad Evans remains humbled by this collaboration. He extends his appreciation to colleagues at the University of Bristol. He is also thankful for the time spent with members of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, New York, throughout 2013–14, during which a significant portion of this manuscript was initially drafted. His intellectual and personal debts of gratitude are far too numerous to acknowledge here, though particular mention is given to Ray Bush, Simon Critchley, Terrell Carver, Mark Duffield, Gregg Lambert, Emma Murray, Adrian Parr, Julian Reid, Saskia Sassen and Michael Shapiro, whose continued support and guidance is always appreciated. He would like to join in the acknowledgment of Greg Ruggiero and Grace Pollock; their editorial contributions improved the text considerably. His family continues to remain the greatest source of inspiration and makes everything meaningful. And at the age of six, Amelie continues to amaze with her warmth, love, brilliantly inquisitive mind, and delightful spirit.