Chapter Five

Within the hour their company was prepared to move out. Jamie watched as Ian MacPherson helped Lindsey into the saddle. The man’s hands lingered overlong at her waist as she settled herself comfortably. And his gaze lingered overlong on her shapely limbs before she smoothed her skirts down to cover them.

Jamie felt his dislike for the man grow.

“I have lived all my life in this forest,” Ian assured Douglas Gordon. He pulled himself into the saddle and turned a smug look in Jamie’s direction. “No highwayman would dare to attack you while you are in the company of a MacPherson.”

“Then we are grateful for your protection, my lord,” the old man said as he mounted. Turning to his sons he called, “Come. Let us ride.”

As he followed, Jamie brooded. Was he the only one who had doubts about this MacPherson? When he had first spotted the figure in the forest, Jamie was quite certain that the man had been watching Lindsey for evil purposes. Despite Ian’s claims otherwise, Jamie was not convinced. He would wait and watch. Since MacPherson had agreed to accompany them all the way to Edinburgh, they would be forced to endure his company for many days.

As Jamie’s horse moved out smartly, Wolf raced along under cover of the forest, keeping Jamie always in view.

* * *

By early evening the rain had turned to a fine mist. The horses picked their way over the spongy grass of a high meadow.

“Darkness comes early in the Highlands,” Jamie said to Douglas Gordon. “We must soon make camp for the night.”

“I know the perfect place,” Ian MacPherson called. “Follow me.”

As the others fell into line behind Ian’s mount, Jamie took up the rear, glancing often over his shoulder. It would have been an easy matter for the highwaymen to follow them. There were too many in their company to conceal, even when they had been in the dense forest. Now that they were in an open meadow, they were perfect targets. Worse, since three of their number had been wounded, they had been forced to travel at a much slower pace than before.

They passed through glens and fells and made their way to the banks of a swollen stream.

“This is a fine place to spend the night.” Ian slid from the saddle and rushed to Lindsey’s side to assist her. “We will have fresh water to drink, and the trees will protect us from any further rain that might fall.”

“What is that sound?” Lindsey asked.

“The water rushing over a precipice.” Ian pointed to a bend in the stream, where the water tumbled over rocks before disappearing from view. “The stream spills out of sight into a deep gorge.” He turned to Lindsey. “ ’Twill lull you to sleep tonight, my lady.”

“I will need no waterfall to help me sleep this night, my lord,” she said with a lilt of laughter.

Ian stared after her as she strolled to where her brothers were already preparing a fire.

For long minutes Jamie remained on his mount, surveying the scene. He had not missed the look of appreciation on Ian’s face when Lindsey had walked away. Again he felt the swift rush of anger and cursed himself for his petty jealousy.

As he watched the others set up camp, it occurred to Jamie that the thunder of the waterfall would drown out the sound of approaching horses. Could there be more to Ian MacPherson’s plan than a comfortable place to spend the night? Sliding from the saddle Jamie went in search of Douglas Gordon.

The old man was speaking in low tones to his sons. They looked up as Jamie approached.

“I sense danger here,” Jamie announced without preamble.

“Aye. So you feel it, too, lad?” The old man kept his tone low. “We will post guards throughout the night. Each of my sons will take his turn making certain that the guards remain alert.”

Jamie felt a sense of relief at the older man’s words. At least he was not alone in his fears. “I will take my turn standing guard, as well.”

Douglas nodded, “Now let us eat and get some rest.”

They made their way to the campfire where Lindsey, with Ian’s help, had prepared a simple meal. The two were laughing as the others approached. Jamie noted the ease with which Lindsey and Ian conversed as they ladled out the food. Though it rankled, Jamie sternly reminded himself that the woman was nothing to him. If she chose to befriend a man of dubious background, it was her right. He turned to Murray, who was watching his sister with a frown.

“How are the wounded?”

“They will mend. None sustained serious injuries, and they are resting comfortably since Lindsey prepared a potion.”

“Did I hear you speak my name?”

At the sound of Lindsey’s husky voice, Jamie turned away and busied himself with his meal. Lindsey sat down beside her brother, facing Jamie, smoothing her skirts modestly.

“Jamie asked about the wounded men. I told him that you had ministered to them.”

“Aye. With Ian’s help.”

Jamie shifted uncomfortably.

“What have you learned about this MacPherson?” Murray asked his sister.

“He is a man of some importance.”

“So he has told us,” Murray said with a trace of impatience. “Though I have always found that a truly important man need not talk about himself. His reputation speaks for him. A braggart, on the other hand, must boast to all who would listen.”

Donald nodded as he joined them. “Has MacPherson a fortress or a clan?”

Lindsey glanced at Jamie, then at her brothers. With an impish grin she shrugged. “I know not. He seemed eager to share but one fact with me.”

“And that is?” Murray and Donald asked in unison. “He has no wife.”

Murray shot his sister a dark look. Beside them, Jamie got to his feet. He would not sit here and listen to such prattle. “I will join Neal in seeing to the horses.”

As he stalked away, Lindsey watched him through narrowed gaze. What imp inside her made her behave so foolishly around this man? It was obvious to her that Jamie MacDonald avoided her whenever possible. She must learn to do the same with him. Though the thought vexed her, she struggled to put it aside. It mattered not to her what Jamie MacDonald did. The man was a bully and a brute. Not at all like Ian MacPherson, whose manners were gentle and whose obvious attentions to her were like a soothing balm.

At Murray’s sudden silence, Lindsey put aside her troubling thoughts to concentrate on the matter at hand. She had been so deeply engrossed in thoughts of the Heartless MacDonald, she had not even noticed that all her brothers had joined them.

Neal, the youngest, gave her a lingering look as he repeated, “Did MacPherson reveal nothing else about himself?”

“Nay. Nothing.”

“I was hoping he would take us to his home and introduce us to many beautiful sisters,” Donald said with a laugh.

“Can you think of nothing but the wenches?” Murray asked. With a sigh of disappointment, their oldest brother emptied his tankard and went in search of his father.

Laughing and chatting, the others ate quickly. Only Lindsey did not join in the laughter. She seemed distracted as she went about her evening chores.

As night settled over the Highlands, they wrapped themselves in their cloaks and lay close to the fire.

* * *

Jamie made a slow turn around the camp and paused at each side to check with the guard who stood watch. Assured that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he turned and retraced his steps. At a sudden movement he drew his dirk and went very still, blending into the shadows.

The small, slender form nearly collided with him before he reached out a hand.

“Oh!” Lindsey’s eyes went wide when a hand closed over her mouth, cutting off her cry of alarm.

“Not a word, my lady. Do you understand?”

Lindsey felt the warmth of Jamie’s breath against her cheek and was reminded of that first time, when he had handled her so roughly. She felt the tingle race along her spine and wondered if it was fear, or the reaction she always seemed to get when she stood too close to this giant.

When she nodded her assent, he slowly removed his hand from her mouth. They continued to stand so close they were almost touching.

“What are you doing here?” Damn her for coming out here now. He had spent hours thinking about her, denying any concern for her.

Lindsey’s heart was pounding like the thunder of horses’ hooves. “I might ask you the same.”

Jamie’s eyes narrowed a fraction. “I could not sleep.”

“Nor could I.”

“The journey that lies ahead will be arduous, my lady. You should take advantage of this time to rest.”

“And you, my lord?’ She tilted her head to study him in the moonlight. “Is the Heartless MacDonald above us mortals? Do you require no rest?”

At her taunt his lips curved into a smile. “I am a man, my lady. No more. No less. When I am assured that all is secure, I will take my rest.”

He slipped the dirk into his waistband.

Seeing the movement she asked, “Do you fear that the highwaymen are still near?”

He shrugged. “There are many dangers that can befall travelers. It is my responsibility to see that our company arrives safely in Edinburgh.”

“Responsibility.” She lifted her head. “I heard you speak of it today to my father and brothers. Have you always placed responsibility above all else, Jamie MacDonald?”

“What else is there, after all, except duty, honor, trust?” A wisp of her unruly hair lifted on the breeze, and he curled his hand into a fist to keep from brushing it aside. “They are the measure of a man.” She saw his eyes gleam in the darkness. “When I was but a lad, Brice Campbell, my foster father, told me that without these virtues, though a man be wealthy beyond belief, he has nothing.”

Lindsey was surprised at the firmness of his tone. This was another side to the rogue, one she had not seen before.

From the many rumors about this man, she had thought him to be a cruel and undisciplined warrior. But it would seem that he had been reared with nobler virtues.

They stood for several moments studying each other in the moonlight. The sudden tension in him caused her to shiver. He misunderstood. Instantly his hands came to her arms. “You are cold. You should have worn a wrap.”

“Nay. I...” She started to back away, but his touch had her frozen to the spot.

He removed his cloak and draped it around her. It was such a gallant gesture, it took her completely by surprise. She shivered again. The warmth of his body still lingered in the folds of his garment, driving away the chill.

His hands paused at her throat as he drew the cloak tighter. Then he went very still as he stared at her.

His voice roughened. “You should return to the fire now.”

She swallowed, but made no move to turn away.

Jamie studied her, bathed in a pool of moonlight. He was accustomed to the presence of coarse camp followers or the titled women at court who had practiced the art of pleasing a man. But this female was unlike any he had ever known. There was a wildness about her, and yet an innocence, that made her oddly appealing. And so tempting.

Jamie knew he should walk away. Now, before he gave in to the temptation to kiss her.

He allowed himself the pleasure of brushing a strand of hair from her cheek. That was his undoing. Her skin was so soft it begged to be touched.

“If your father should wake, he will miss you.” Jamie’s deep voice was barely more than a whisper.


His tone roughened. “He will send your brothers looking for you.”


A silence stretched between them. Still neither of them moved.

“God in heaven, Lindsey.” He cupped her face between his big hands and stared hungrily into her eyes. “Go back to your bed and let me get on with the business of seeing to our safety.”

Her eyes widened, mirroring her surprise at the harshness of his tone. But she did not pull away. Her voice was a low challenge. “Do you always go about ordering others to do your bidding, without regard to what they want?”

His eyes narrowed. “And what is it you want?”

What indeed? When she was standing close to this man, her mind was too befuddled to think. “I want you to leave me alone, Jamie MacDonald.”

“Do you?” For the space of a heartbeat he studied her, seeing the flare of her nostrils, the set of her jaw. “And that is why you came looking for me in the darkness?”

“I was not looking for you. I was returning to my bed when you intruded.”

His voice sent new tremors through her. “Nor was I looking for you. But now that you are here, do you know what I want?”

Before she could respond he lowered his face.

Sensing his intentions, Lindsey’s hand went to the dirk at her waist. As her fingers closed over the hilt, he grasped her roughly by the hand, forcing her to drop the knife into the grass at their feet.

“Beware, my lady. There are men who have died for less.”

Lindsey’s breath caught in her throat. For one brief moment her heart forgot to beat. Then it began racing so fast she thought surely the whole camp could hear it. She was suddenly filled with fear at the terrible feelings that swamped her. Feelings she had to deny.

She struggled to use the same tone of voice that she often used with her brothers, when she wanted to exert authority. “Release me at once, Jamie MacDonald.”

Against her lips he murmured, “Woman, you would be wiser to command the waterfall to stop.” His mouth closed over hers in a savage kiss.

Heat poured through her, searing her flesh, turning her blood to liquid fire. She steeled herself against the feelings that assaulted her. Though stunned, she managed to pull back, but her strength was no match for his.

He lifted his head. With one hand he cupped the back of her head, while his other slid to her back, holding her firmly against him.

She could feel every one of his fingers along her spine. He lowered his head and she watched him as if in a trance. As their mouths touched again, she gave a little moan and closed her eyes.

His lips were surprisingly soft. Soft and agile. She absorbed the first shock and struggled to show no reaction.

Jamie felt the initial tremors of fear that rippled through her and sought to soothe her. It was obvious that she was distraught by their kiss, and struggling to deny any pleasure in it. Impatiently he rubbed his mouth over hers until he felt her gradual response. Her fingers curled into the front of his tunic. Tension coiled through her, leaving her movements stiff and awkward.

Lindsey breathed in the distinctly masculine scents of horses and leather, and the clean fragrance of rain that would always remind her of him. And then, as his mouth moved over hers, she was lost in the dark, mysterious taste of him. Against her will her body strained toward him, no longer stiff and awkward, but eager, anxious.

She heard him moan softly as he took the kiss deeper. His mouth plundered hers. His hands at her hips drew her closer, tormenting them both. And then his hands moved along her sides until they encountered the soft swell of her breasts.

Shocked at his boldness, she tried to pull back, but her strength was no match for his. She stood very still, fighting the tremors that rocked her. “Nay. You must not... .”

Lindsey felt herself tumbling into some wild, dark place she had never gone before. A place that frightened her, yet exhilarated her. She felt the sting of his breath as his lips roamed her face, then returned to claim her lips once more. Her heart was racing, spinning dangerously out of control.

Jamie was stunned by the feelings unleashed by this little female. Since their first kiss, he had been haunted by the taste of her. So wild. So sweet. He’d wanted to feel the thrill of desire once more, to experience the wild, soaring need. But this. This had him stunned and reeling. He knew he must end it. He must step away or be consumed by the fire. But first, he would savor one more touch, one more taste.

He inhaled the fragrance of evergreen and wildflowers that clung to her. He tasted the honeyed sweetness of her. And then, with one last burst of control, he released her.

Lindsey stood very still, fighting the tremors that rocked her. Taking a deep breath she filled her lungs.

Jamie bent and retrieved his cloak, which had fallen from her shoulders and had dropped, unnoticed, to the ground. As he did, his fingers encountered the cold steel of her knife, and he remembered the way she had struggled against him.

She had not invited his kiss. Nay. In truth, she had fought it. She seemed genuinely afraid of his touch. He felt a flood of remorse that he had forced himself on her.

He draped the cloak around her shoulders and handed her the dirk. In a voice gruff with emotion he whispered, “Now you see that you must go back to the others. You are not safe here.”

For a moment she made no response, terrified that her voice would betray her. When at last she dared, she whispered, “See that this does not happen again, my lord. Or I will be forced to defend myself.”

As if to emphasize her words she wrenched the cloak from her shoulders and tossed it into his arms. As she did so, their fingers brushed. They were both aware of the jolt. Instantly she withdrew her hand and turned, praying that her legs would not fail her.

She could feel Jamie’s gaze upon her as she made her way to the fire. As she walked she kept her spine rigid, her head held high. When at last she lay down and covered herself with the plaid, she gave in to the violent tremors that shook her.

Jamie turned away and began to stalk around the camp once more. He glanced at the clouds scudding across a full moon. Sleep, he knew, would elude him this night.

Why did thoughts of Lindsey torment him so? She was not at all the sort of woman he would choose for himself. She was neither soft-spoken, nor humble, nor shy. If truth be told, she was... prickly. Aye. She was a prickly little female. And the sooner he was rid of her, the better.

When at last he had satisfied himself that there was no immediate danger, he lay down beside the fire. His dark thoughts were of lips that tasted wild and sweet, and a lithe young body that tormented him with promises of endless delight.