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Aboray, son of Esteban, 373
African-Americans, 6–8, 12, 79–89, 222–23, 303
Africans. See African-Americans
Atlantic slave trade and, 91–100 (see also slavery)
black African slaves, 85–88, 115–23, 194–95, 303–7
bozales (slaves imported directly from Africa), 28
exploitation of Indians by, 305–6
free (see free Africans)
history of, 6–8, 79–89
interracial relationships with Indians, 306
ladinos (“Europeanized” slaves) vs. bozales, 303–5
Los Negritos religious brotherhood, 125–29
in Seville, Spain, 115, 117–29
slave rebellion and, 306–11
slaves as status symbols, 55–56
agriculture, Indian, 279–83, 323
Aguar (Indian god), 32
Aguayo, Antonio de, 39–41, 193
Alanís, Jéronimo de, 223
Alarcón, Hernando de, 349–51
Alcaraz, Diego de
description of, xv
enslaving of Indians by, 17–19, 24–26, 35
meeting of Florida expedition survivors with, 17–22, 291–92
Alcazar palace, Seville, 154–55
alcohol use
by Marcos de Niza, 313
and mezcal, 355
by Spanish slaves, 119–20
Alfonso VIII, King of Castile, 160–61
Alhaja, Martín, 161
Amadis of Gaul (novel of chivalry), 43, 47, 137, 183
Anaya, Jim, 158, 366–73
animal sacrifice, 287–88
animism, 244, 246–47
anthropologists, Zuni Indians and, 359–65
Apalachee Bay, Alabama, 201–6
Apalachee Indians, 11
April Fair, Seville, 158–60
Arab, Esteban mistaken for, 82–85
Archive of the Indies, Seville, 153–57, 159
Arizona, 13, 20, 81–82
Arizpe, 287, 359, 365–66
Asia, Mexico as, 45–46
Asturiano the Priest, 216–17, 222, 230, 234
Atlantic crossings, 173–87
El Rocío, modern pilgrimage in Sanlúcar and, 177–78
of Florida expedition, 173–77, 178–79, 185–87
typical experience of, 178–85
Atlantic slave trade, 91–100. See also slavery
Audiencia of Mexico
Dorantes Report, petitions to Spanish crown, and, 162–63
Juan Garrido and, 51–52
testimony of Alvar Cabeza de Vaca for, 200–202
testimony of Florida expedition survivors for, 70–76, 150, 200–202, 295
Audobon Terrace, Hispanic Society of America, New York, 140–41
Avavares Indians, 254–56, 262
Ayapín, 318–19, 323–24
Ayllón, Lucas Vázquez de, 192–95
Ayuntamiento (city hall), Seville, 110
Azemmour, Morocco, 77, 79, 89, 91, 97–100
Aztec Empire
conquest of, 4–5, 45–48, 58, 296
human sacrifice and cannibalism in, 106, 209–10
bacanora, 355
Bahía Honda. See Tampa Bay
ball game played by American Indians in Seville, 115
Barrera, Alonso de la, 57
Bartolomé, 358
Baviácora, 287–88, 354–56, 358–59
Bay of Horses, Alabama, 205
beads, glass, 211, 324–25
bells, copper, 274, 324–25
Benevides, Pedro de, 166
Benítez, 222–23
Berbers, as slaves, 112, 117
berdaches, “two-spirit people,” 236–38
Big Bend National Park, 277, 296
bison hunters, 279–83
black Africans. See African-Americans; Africans; slavery
Black Count of Seville, 128–29
black kachina, Chakwaina, 368–69
Black Mexicans story, 361–65
blancos oscuros term, 86–88
blindness of Indians and smallpox, 269–70
Bloom, Lansing, 331–32
boats, building of by Florida expedition, 204–6
bozales (slaves imported directly from Africa), 28, 303–5
branding faces of slaves, 65, 112
Braun, Georg, 77
Brief History of the Destruction of the Indies, A (account of Spanish atrocities by Bartolomé de las Casas), 70
British Library, 142
brotherhoods, religious, 124–29
burning tree episode, 260–61
Butt, John, 83
Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez
Audiencia testimony of, 75–76
description of, xv
family background of, 145–47, 160–61
fate of, 373
as first surgeon in Texas, 275–76
as Florida expedition survivor, 11 (see also Florida expedition; survivors, Florida expedition)
on Galveston Island, 209–18
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, as home of, 102
as merchant among Indians of Texas, 239–40
relatives of, 159
return of, to Spain, 163–64, 299–301
reunion of, with other Florida expedition survivors, 252
reunion of, with Spanish conquistadores, 19–22
at Rio Grande, 263–68 (see also Rio Grande)
River Plate governorship of, 147–48, 373
as shaman, 258–60, 275–76
Shipwrecks book as historical account by [see Shipwrecks (book)]
on Spanish slavers and Indians, 24–26
split of, with Alonso del Castillo and Esteban in Texas, 279–83
storytelling of, 23
in Texas, 234–38, 246, 252–56 (see also Texas)
Trinidad hurricane and, 195–98
cabin boys, 183–84
California, 51, 314
Calle Tacuba, Mexico City, 54
Camino Real, northwest Mexico, 37–41
Cananea, 359
Canary Islands, 178–79
Indian, 208–10
Spanish, 11, 103–8, 216, 228–29
Cape Bojador, Africa, 94
Casa de Pilatos, Seville, 125
Casa Lonja (merchants’ exchange), Seville, 110, 154
Casas Grandes, northern Mexico, 275
Castañeda, Alonso de, 39–41
Castañeda, Juan de, 39–41
Castañeda, Pedro de, 328, 351, 365
Castillo, Bernal Díaz del, 5, 47, 59–61
Castillo Maldonado, Alonso del
with bison hunters, 279–83
description of, xv
with Esteban and Iguaces Indians, 242–43
fate of, 373
as Florida expedition survivor, 11 (see also Florida expedition; survivors, Florida expedition)
on Galveston Island, 210, 218–19
with Karankawa Indians in Texas, 222–39, 249–56
reunion of, with Spanish conquistadors, 22–23
Seven Cities of Gold expedition and, 300
as shaman, 245–52, 256–58
Catholicism. See also Catholic Monarchs; Christianity, European; Franciscans
Christian reconquest of Islamic Spain, 8–9
Indians and, 32–34, 64, 324–25
Florida expedition survivors’ story and, 72, 216–17, 230–31
religious brotherhoods, 124–29
Seven Cities of Gold expedition and, 311–15
in Seville, Spain, 111–12, 123–29
shamanism and, 246–47
slave rebellion and, 309–10
slavery and, 28–29
Juan de Zumárraga’s peaceful evangelization mission, 68–74
Catholic Monarchs, 8–9, 45, 128, 135, 317. See also Catholicism
cattle breeders, 298–99
Cebreros, Lázaro de, xv, 19–21, 26–27, 291–92
celebrity status, Esteban’s, 302
Cervantes, Miguel de, 2, 116
Ceuta, conquest of, 93–94
Chakwaina (black kachina), 368–69
champas (floating gardens in Mexico City), 48, 312
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Hernán Cortés and, 43–46, 62
court historian of, 138 (see also Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de)
decree of, that free black Africans pay taxes, 305
description of, xv
on forbidding of American Indian enslavement, 28–29
license by, for exporting African slaves to Mexico, 304
Antonio de Mendoza reports to, 164–65
Pánfilo Narváez’s Florida expedition and, 10, 133
petition to, by Baltasar Dorantes, 162–63 (see also Dorantes Report)
Chaves, Alonso de, 197–98, 200, 222
cheta, 261
Chilton, John, 53
Chimalpahin, 308–10
Chimcamatle temple, 287
Chisos Mountains, 277
cholera, 216–18, 269
Christianity, European, 246–47. See also Catholicism
Chronicles of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea (by Gomes Eannes de Zurara), 94
Cíbola expedition. See Seven Cities of Gold expedition
Claribalte, first American novel (by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo), 137–38
Coahuiltecan Indians, 256, 258
coal, spontaneous combustion of, 261
cofradías (religious brotherhoods), 124–29. See also Corpus Christi processions; Easter celebrations; hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville; Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals; religious brotherhoods; Semana Santa festivals
Colorado River, Florida expedition survivors at, 225
Colorado River expedition, 349–51
Columbus, Christopher, 9, 45, 106, 137
Columbus, Diego, 223
Columbus Library, Seville, 142
Coluntapan, mythical Mexican city, 298
Compostela, Capital of New Galicia, Mexico, 37, 318–19, 321
conquistadors, Spanish
defeat of Zuni Indians by, 356–58
discovery of evidence of, by Florida expedition survivors, 288–92
reunion of Florida expedition survivors with, 17–22
copper bells manufactured by Indians, 274–75, 324–25
Corazones (“Town of Hearts”), 288, 326, 354
Córdoba, Gonzalo Fernández, 137
Corn Mountain, Zuni, 353, 356, 371
Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de
attack on, by Zuni Indians, 372–73
description of, xvi
disputed discovery of New Mexico by, 82
expedition of, to conquer New Mexico and Arizona, 349
reports by, about Esteban’s death, 351
selection of, as governor of New Galicia, 315
Seven Cities of Gold expedition and, 299
testimony of, about Marcos de Niza, 332–33
treatment of American Indian slaves in New Galicia by, 317–26
Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, 224, 228
Corpus Christi processions
in Mexico City, 58–61
in Seville, Spain, 127–29
See also cofradías (religious brotherhoods); Easter celebrations; Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals; hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville; religious brotherhoods; Semana Santa festivals;
Cortés, Hernán
Baja California expedition of, 333
conquest of Mexico by, 4–5, 9–10, 296
criticism of Marcos de Niza by, 331
description of, xv
Florida expedition survivors and, 60, 295
letters of, describing Mexico, 43–46, 173
Antonio de Mendoza, Nuño de Guzmán, and, 62–66
Pánfilo Narváez’s failed expedition to arrest, 10, 175
Seven Cities of Gold expedition and, 299
Cortés, Vicenta, 86
costaleros, 124. See also cofradías
Cristóbal, 309
Cromberger, Jacob, 173
crucifixes and crosses as symbols of evangelization, 26, 33, 34
Cruz del Campo, Seville, 125
Cuba, 9–10, 39–40, 67–70, 191–92, 195–98
Culiacán, 12, 18, 26–35, 315, 317–26, 349
curanderos (medicine men and women), 306. See also shamanism
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 359–65
African, 127–28
Indian, 34, 283, 368
Daza, Juan, 102–7, 117
deer meat, eaten by survivors, 242–43
deserters from Florida expedition, 189, 191, 192
Díaz, Francisco, 191
Díaz, Melchior, xv, 27–35, 295, 323
Discovery of America, The (book), 81
diseases, 103, 108, 112, 216, 268–70, 303
Dobyns, Henry, 268–69
Dorantes de Carranza, Andrés
Audiencia testimony of, 76
description of, xv
Dorantes Report about (see Dorantes Report)
fate of, 373
as Florida expedition survivor, 11 (see also Florida expedition; survivors, Florida expedition)
at Galveston Island, 209, 214–19
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo’s History and, 149–52
as merchant among Indians of Texas, 240–41
purchase of Esteban from, by Antonio de Mendoza, 300–301
return of, to Spain, 164–68, 299–301
reunion of, with Spanish conquistadors, 22–23
Seven Cities of Gold expedition and, 299–301
in Texas, 222–39, 242, 245, 249–56
Dorantes de Carranza, Baltasar, 160–63
Dorantes de Carranza, Diego, 218, 222, 232–35, 238
Dorantes Report, 153–70
author’s discovery of, 153–57
author’s experience of Seville and, 157–60
Baltasar Dorantes and, 160–63
Shipwrecks account vs., 163–70 [see also Shipwrecks (book)]
Dowa Yalanne (“Corn Mountain”), Zuni, 353, 356, 371
Duke of Villahermosa, 135
Dulchanchellin, 203
Durán, Juan, 39
Easter celebrations
the Marquis of Tarifa and, 125
Mexico City 58,
Seville 123–27
See also cofradías (religious brotherhoods); Corpus Christi processions; Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals; hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville; religious brotherhoods; Semana Santa festivals
El Dorado legend, 302
elotes, 355
El Paso, Texas, 20, 279, 286
emeralds, 286–87, 314
Enote, Jim, 368–69
Enríquez, Alonso, 225
esclavos blancos, 112
Esquivel, Hernando de, 229
abandonment of Marcos de Niza at Vacapa by, 314
anthropologists’ accounts of death of, 359–65
author and this book about, 7–8, 11–13
author’s theory about fate of, 373
with bison hunters, 279–83
as Black Mexican of Zuni Indian oral history (see also Chakwaina), 361–65
celebrity status of, 302–3
description of, xv
famine in Azemmour and, 98–100
as first African-American, 88, 222
as Florida expedition survivor, 11 (see also Florida expedition; survivors, Florida expedition)
at Galveston Island, 214–19
historical accounts of, 2–8, 133–39
with Iguaces Indians, 242–43
Indians and, 29–35, 242–43, 253, 263–64, 322–23, 328–29
in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 101–8
journey of, to Vacapa with Marcos de Niza, 326–34
with Karankawa Indians, 221–23
Antonio de Mendoza’s orders for, for Seven Cities of Gold expedition, 320–21
Antonio de Mendoza’s selection of, for Seven Cities of Gold expedition, 300–303, 314–15
as merchant among Indians of Texas, 241–42
as negro alárabe, 79–89
northern passage of, along Rio Grande River, 270–73
owner of (see Dorantes de Carranza, Andrés)
purchase of, from Andrés Dorantes by Antonio de Mendoza, 300–301
relationship of, with Franciscan friars, 328
reports about the murder of, 346–51, 353, 357–58
reunion of, with Spanish conquistadors, 19–22, 291–92
at Rio Grande River, 263–68
role of, in North American crossing, 20–22, 152, 169–70
Seven Cities of Gold expedition of, 13, 73, 163, 166, 311 (see also Seven Cities of Gold Expedition)
in Seville, Spain, 109, 112, 116–17, 120–21
as shaman, 30, 245–52, 259–60, 263–69, 282, 289–90, 327
slave rebellion and, 310–11
Sonora valley stories about Zuni Indians and, 340–42
in Texas, 224, 232–39, 249–56
women and, 38, 289, 302–3, 328, 357
Zuni oral history about death of, 367–70
Estrada (conquistador), 222–23
in Azemmour, Morocco, 98–100, 101–8
in Seville, Spain, 112
infanticide as a response to, 237
farming, Indian, 279–83, 323
Ferdinand, King of Spain, 8–9, 45, 128, 137, 317
Feria de Abril, Seville, 158–60
fiction, history and, 3. See also storytelling
by Indians during Seven Cities of Gold expedition, 328–30
in Mexico City, 57–61
in Texas, 243
Figueroa (conquistador), 227–30, 234
Figueroa, Cristóbal Suárez de, 86
Fiske, John, 80–81
floating gardens, (champas), 48, 312
floats, in Seville processions, 124
Ayllón colony in, 193 95
expedition to (see Florida expedition)
governorship of, 150–51
name of, 173
Florida expedition
arrival of, in Cuba, 192–93
arrival of, in Florida, 199–206
arrival of, in Santo Domingo, 189–92
Atlantic crossing of, 173–79, 185–87
author’s discovery of Dorantes Report on, 153–57
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s historical account of [see Shipwrecks (book)]
historical accounts of, 133–43, 153–70
Pánfilo Narváez and, 10–11, 13 (see also Narváez, Pánfilo)
Gonzales de Oviedo’s history of [see General and Natural History of the Indies, The (book)]
return of ships from, 39–40
survivors of (see survivors, Florida expedition)
Trinidad hurricane and, 195–98
Atlantic crossings and, 176–77, 181–82
banquet in Mexico City, 59–61
deer meat, 242–43
pecans, 242, 258
pine nuts, 274–75
prickly pear cactus fruit, 249–53, 263
Franciscans, 66–67, 73, 311, 328, 361. See also Catholicism; Seven Cities of Gold expedition
free Africans. See also Africans
Esteban as, 301
in Mexico, 50, 305
in Seville, 115
Gage, Thomas, 55
Galque, Adrián Sánchez, ii Galveston Island, 144–45, 207–19, 223–24, 243–44.
See also Texas
Garrido, Juan, xvi, 49–52, 162, 174, 310
General and Natural History of the Indies, The (book)
Audiencia testimony of Andrés Dorantes as basis for, 76, 163, 167–70
copy of, in Hispanic Society of America library, 139–43
as history, 13
on shamanism, 246, 251, 256
on Texas experience of Florida expedition survivors, 231–34, 240–41
writing of, by Gonzalo Oviedo, 134–39 (see also Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de)
Giralda (cathedral tower), Seville, 110
Girón, P., 354
glass beads, 211, 324–25
gold, 9–10, 46, 144, 201, 296
Gómara, López de, 52
Gonçales, Antam, 94
gourd rattles, 30, 267, 289
gradas, Seville, 112–13, 154, 174–75
Granada, Spain, 8–9, 45, 92, 122
Granada, Sebastian, 164
Great Plains, 298–99, 333–34
greyhound, Esteban’s dog, 350
Guadalajara, 12, 38–40, 318
Guastesco Indians, 247–48
Guatemala, 312
Gutiérrez (conquistador), 222–23
Guzmán, Alonso de, 146–47
Guzmán, Nuño Beltrán de
arrest of, 315
confiscation of properties of, 323
description of, xv
meeting of, with Florida expedition survivors, 37–38
Pánuco settlement of, 204–6
as ruler of New Galicia, 18, 28–29, 41
Seven Cities of Gold story told to, 297
treatment of Indians by, 63–66, 71, 322
Hallenbeck, Cleve, 82–83, 331
Henry, Prince of Portugal (the Navigator), 92–95
hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville, 124–29. See also cofradías (religious brotherhoods); Corpus Christi processions; Easter celebrations; Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals; religious brotherhoods; Semana Santa festivals
Hernández, Mari, 40
Herrera, Juan de, 154
high court appeals decree, 307
Hispanic Society of America, New York, 139–42
Hispaniola (Santo Domingo/Haiti), 138
of black Africans, 50
Alvar Cabeza de Vaca’s Shipwrecks as, 76 [see also Shipwrecks (book)]
Esteban and African-American, 6–8, 12, 79–89, 222–23, 303
Gonzales de Oviedo’s, 76 [see also General and Natural History of the Indies, The (book)]
storytelling and, 2–8, 12, 133 (see also storytelling)
Zuni Indian oral, 361–65, 367–70
History of the Conquest of Mexico, The (by William Prescott), 3–5
Hoffman, Paul, 195, 199–200
Hogenberg, Franz, 77
Hohokam pueblo, 275
Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals, 123–27
the Marquis of Tarifa and, 125
See also cofradías (religious brotherhoods); Corpus Christi processions; Easter celebrations; hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville; religious brotherhoods; Semana Santa festivals
homosexuality, 183, 236–37
Honorato, Brother, Franciscan, 317, 324–25, 327, 329
Hopi Indians, 296
horros (freedmen), 115. See also free Africans Hospital of the Five Wounds, Seville, 111
Hotel San Francisco, Baviácora, 354–56
House of Trade, Seville, 109, 115, 154
Hueco Tanks, Texas, 279
Huelva, Diego de, 222–23, 232, 235, 238
Huntington Library, 139
hurricane, Trinidad, 195–98
Iguaces Indians, 238–39, 246
Immaculate Conception, Madonna of, 123
Inca civilization, Peru, 296, 364
Apalachee Indians, 11
Avavares Indians, 254–56, 262
Aztec (see Aztec Empire)
berdaches (“two spirit people”) and homosexuality, 236–38
black African exploitation of, 305–6
bison hunting, 278–83
bribed with baubles, 211, 324–25, 327
cannibalism of, 208–10
Coahuiltecan Indians, 256, 258
Melchior Díaz and, 28–35
diseases of, 268–70, 303
Esteban and, 20–21, 23–24
in Florida, 200–206
Guastesco Indians, 247–48
high court appeals decree and, 307
Hopi Indians, 296
Iguaces Indians, 238–39, 246
Inca civilization, 296, 364
Jumanos Indians, 284, 296
Karankawa Indians (see Karankawa Indians)
legal system of, 367
Mariames Indians, 239, 242, 245, 251
Mayo Indians, 373
Antonio de Mendoza’s policy toward, 319–21
Navajo Indians, 371–72
Opata Indians, 26, 286–87
Pima Indians, 26
Pueblo Indians, 296
rebellion of, in New Galicia, 318–26
of Rio Grande Valley, 273–78
in Seville, Spain, 114–15
slave rebellion and, 306–11
Sonoran (Sonoli) Indians, 361–63
Spanish enslaving of, 10, 17–20, 23–26, 192–93, 290–92, 303, 317–26 (see also slavery)
Spanish terms for, 46
Susola Indians, 258
Tejos Indians, 297
treatment of, by Francisco de Coronado, 317–26
treatment of, by Nuño de Guzmán and, 63–66
Juan de Zumárraga, Bartolomé de Las Casas, and peaceful evangelization of, 66–74
Zuni Indians (see Zuni Indians)
infanticide, 237
influenza, 269
Inquisition, 246–48, 306
Internet documents, 156
interracial relationships, 117, 306
Isabella, Queen of Spain, 8–9, 45, 128, 137
Islamic Spain, 8, 91–92
Jaén, Spain, 127–28
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain, 101–8, 146
Jews, anti-Jewish sentiment in Spain, 9
Jumanos Indians, 284, 296
Junta de los Rios, Rio Grande, 285, 296
kachinas, 368
Karankawa Indians
coal and, 261
Corpus Christi Bay as center of, 227–28
escape of Florida expedition survivors from, 249–52
Esteban’s relations with, 221
first encounter of, with Florida expedition survivors on Galveston Island, 207–19
shamanism of, 243–44
women’s work of, 234–38
Kiakima, 353, 356, 361–63, 371
Krieger, Alex, 274
labor, Spaniards and, 231–34, 303–4
Ladd, Edmund, 365
ladinos (Latinized African slaves), 303–5
La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier de, 189–90
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 67–70, 118, 179–80
American Indian, 366–67
slavery and Roman, 118
León, Francisco de, 225
Lisbon, Portugal, 120, 127
Logan, Rayford, 82–84, 88
Los Negritos brotherhood, 83, 125–29
Lunel, Pedro, 175
Mala Cosa legend, 261–62
Maldonado, Cristóbal de, 183
Malhado, 144–45, 207–19, 223–24, 243–44
Manzanilla wine, 178
Mariames Indians, 239, 242, 245, 251
Mariner’s Mirror (manual), 197–98
Mexico City, 44–46
Seville, 113–14
Marquis of Tarifa, Seville, 125
marriage, interracial. See interracial relationships
Martín, Aurelia, 87
Martyr, Peter, 118
masarrones, 286
Matagorda Bay, 200, 208, 224, 226
Matagorda Island, 227
Maura, Juan, 240
Mayo Indians, 373
measles, 269
medicine men and women (curanderos), 306. See also shamanism
Mendoza, Antonio de
Audiencia testimony of Florida expedition survivors and, 72–76, 150 (see also Audiencia of Mexico)
cattle breeding, the Great Plains, and, 298–99, 333–34
Hernán Cortés, Nuño de Guzmán, and, 62–66
description of, xv
endorsement of Marcos de Niza by, 333
fiestas and, 60–61
orders of, for Marcos de Niza, Francisco de Coronado, and Esteban, 319–21
purchase of Esteban from Andrés Dorantes by, 300–301
selection of Francisco de Coronado to conquer New Mexico and Arizona, 332–33
Seven Cities of Gold expedition, and, 164–66, 299–303, 311, 314–15 (see also Seven Cities of Gold expedition)
shamanism and, 244
slave rebellion and, 307–11
as viceroy of Mexico City, 54–55, 295
Mercado, Tomás de, 118–19
Merino, Pedro, 183–84
mesquite pods, 286
Mesta institutions, 298–99
Mexican Inquisition, 247–48
Mexico. See also Mexico City
black African slaves in, 303–7
cattle breeders’ association of, 298–99
Gulf of, 1, 293
Spanish conquest of, 3–8, 9–11, 49
Mexico City, 43–56. See also Mexico
arrival of Florida expedition survivors in, 46–56
Aztec Tenochtitlán as, 5
fiestas in, 57–61
Florida expedition survivors as celebrities and political pawns in, 57–58, 61–66
Juan Garrido (free African) in, 49–52
journey of Florida expedition survivors on Camino Real to, 12, 37–41
letters by Hernán Cortés describing, 43–46
Antonio de Mendoza as viceroy of, 54–55 (see also Mendoza, Antonio de)
Plaza Mayor and traza of, 15
slave rebellion in, 306–11
traza grid plan and affluence of, 52–56
Juan de Zumárraga as Archbishop in (see Zumárraga, Juan de)
mezcal, 355
Miruelo (Florida expedition pilot), 197–201
Monclova, 274
Monterrey, Mexico, 274
Montezuma, Aztec Emperor, 45–46, 296
Esteban as, 82–85
as slaves, 103, 117
Moreno, Isidoro, 126
Morocco, 79, 97–100
mosquitoes, 190
Narváez, Pánfilo de
Atlantic crossing of, 173–79, 185–87
Audiencia testimony of Alvar Cabeza de Vaca on, 200–202, 14–15
Cuban campaign of, against Indians, 67–70, 191–92
description of, xv
discrediting of, 71–72, 297–98
failed expedition of, to arrest Hernán Cortés, 10, 175
fate of, 228
Florida expedition of, 10–11, 13, 133, 200–206 (see also Florida expedition)
Native Americans. See Indians
Naufragios (book). See Shipwrecks (book)
Navajo Indians, 371–72 nazarenos (brotherhood members), 124, 126–27
negro alárabe, meaning of, 79–89
New Galicia, 18, 37–38, 63–66, 315
New Mexico, 13, 20, 81–82
New Mexico Historical Review, 331
New World. See also Mexico; North America; Texas
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo in, 137–39
Spanish Requerimiento and, 31–32
term, 118
New York Public Library, 142–43
night dances, 34, 368. See also dances
Niza, Marcos de
credibility of, 330–34
departure of, on Seven Cities of Gold expedition, 317
description of, xvi
fate of, 373
journey of, to Vacapa with Esteban, 326–34
Antonio de Mendoza’s orders for, 319–21
preaching of, to Indians, 325
return of, to Culiacán, 349
selection of, as Seven Cities of Gold expedition leader, 73, 166, 301, 311–14
as witness of Spanish atrocities in Peru, 70
North America. See also Mexico; Texas
crossing of, by Florida expedition survivors, 12–13 (see also survivors, Florida expedition)
fantastic Spanish beliefs about, 295–99, 325–26
Nueces River, Texas, 249
Obregón, Baltasar, 300–301, 330–31
Olola, Lucas, 247–48
Opata Indians, 26, 286–87
oral history, Zuni Indian, 361–65, 367–70
Orient, Mexico as, 45–46
Our Lady of the Rosary brotherhood, 127
Oviedo, Lope de, 211–12, 223, 240
Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de
on Florida expedition survivors, 2, 230–31
historical account by [see General and Natural History of the Indies, The (book)]
life of, 134–39
skepticism of, about Alvar Cabeza de Vaca’s historical account, 143–52
on Spanish captains, 174–75
page boys, 183–84
Palmerin of Olivia (chivalric novel), 144–45
Palowahtiwa, 359–60
Pánuco, 204–6, 247, 268
paranoia, slave rebellion and Spanish, 306–11
Paredes, García de, 175
Parliament of Andalusia, 111
pasos (floats), 124
paved streets, 53–54
pearls, 329
pecans, 242, 258
Peru, 70, 296, 305, 312, 364
Petatlán, 324–25, 327–29
peyote, 283–84
Pima Indians, 26
pine nuts, 274–75
Piniga, Sancho de, 164–65, 301
plague, 103, 108, 112
Plaza Mayor, Mexico City, 15, 60
Ponce de León, Juan, 173–74
Africans in, 120
black African brotherhoods in, 127
slave trade of, 91–100
Prescott, William Hickling, 3–5
prickly pear cactus fruit, 249–53, 263
processions. See Corpus Christi processions; Easter
Puebla de los Angeles, 300, 373
Pueblo Indians, 296
Puerto Rico, 49
Quevedo, Francisco, 40
Quiroga, Vasco de, 67
race, concept of, 88
rattles, gourd, 30, 267, 289
rebellions, slave, 306–11
reconquest of Spain, 8–9
religious brotherhoods, 124–29. See also Catholicism; cofradías (religious brotherhoods); Corpus Christi processions; Easter celebrations; hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville; Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals; Semana Santa festivals
Report and Proof of Service and Merits of Baltasar Dorantes de Carranza. See Dorantes Report Requerimiento, 31–32, 200
Rio Grande, 263–92. See also Texas
agriculture along, 171
bison hunting Indians near, 278–83
impact of European diseases on Indians, 268–70
Indian stories about Spanish slavers, 290–92
Jumanos Indians, Opata Indians, and Sonora valley of northern Mexico, 283–90
northern passage of Florida expedition survivors along, 20, 270–78
shamanism among Avavares Indians of, 263–69
stories about towns along, 296, 326–27
surgery incident, 275–77
River and Bay of the Holy Spirit, 1, 200, 226, 228, 293
River Plate, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s governorship of, 147–48
Rocío, El, pilgrimage of, Spain, 177–78
Rodrigues, Bernardo, 99–100
Roman Law, slavery and, 118
animal, 287–88
human, 106, 209–10
Saint James, fiesta of, 57–58, 61
Salazar, Eugenio de, 179–82
San Bernardo, Spain, 121
Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, 176–78
Santa Cruz, Alonso de, 164
Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend, Texas, 279–80
Santa María la Blanca church, Seville, 120–21
Santiago, Cuba, 192
Santo Domingo, 138, 178, 187, 189–93
Sapelo Sound, Florida, 194–95
Satanism, 71
Sauer, Carl Ortwin, 331–33
Semana Santa festivals, 123–27
the Marquis of Tarifa and, 125
See also cofradías (religious brotherhoods); Corpus Christi processions; Easter celebrations; hermandades (religious brotherhoods), in Seville; Holy Week (Semana Santa) festivals; religious brotherhoods
Seven Cities of Gold expedition
Hernando de Alarcón’s Colorado River expedition and reports about Esteban’s death, 349–51
anthropologists’ accounts of Esteban’s death, 358–66
author’s visit to Sonora valley and, 354–56, 358–59, 365–66
author’s visit to Zuni Pueblo and, 366–73
Francisco de Coronado’s defeat of Zuni Indians and reports of Esteban’s death, 356–58
credibility of story by Marcos de Niza, 313–14
Andrés Dorantes and, 163
Esteban as de facto military leader of, 11, 13, 26
Esteban’s abandonment of Marcos de Niza at Vacapa, 335–40
journey of, to Vacapa, 326–34
Antonio de Mendoza’s orders for Francisco de Coronado and Marcos de Niza for, 317–26
Marcos de Niza’s stay in Sonora valley and reports about Esteban’s death, 342–49
Opata and Pima Indians and, 26
organizing of, 299–303
selection of Marcos de Niza to lead peaceful conquest mission of, 311–15
Seven Cities of Gold legend and, 295–99
slave rebellion in Mexico and, 307–11
slave status in Mexico and, 303–7
Sonora valley stories about Zuni Indians, 340–42
Seven Portuguese Bishops legend, 297
Seville, 109–29. See also Spain
Archive of the Indies in, 153–57, 159
author’s experience of, 157–60
Catholicism and Los Negritos in, 123–29 (see also Catholicism)
modern, 109–12
slavery in, 109, 112–23 (see also slavery)
sexual issues. See also women
Atlantic crossings and, 183–84
homosexuality, 183–184, 236–37
sexual abuse of Indian women by conquistadors, 357
Zuni, and Esteban, 368
shamanism, 243–62
Indian, 33–34, 237–38, 283–84
Indian and black African, 306
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s, 258–60, 275–76
Alonso del Castillo’s, 245–52, 256–58
Esteban’s, 30, 245–52, 259–60, 263–69, 282, 289–90, 327
along Rio Grande, 263–69 (see also Rio Grande)
in Texas, 235, 243–48
Juan de Zumárraga and, 71
sheep farming, 298–99
Shipwrecks (book)
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca as hero of, 212–13
on Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca as merchant among Indians, 239–41
copy of, in New York Public Library, 142–43
on Esteban’s race, 80
as history, 76, 134
on Mexico City reception, 57
Moorish woman’s prediction in, 185–87
on Pánfilo de Narváez, 228
on return of Andrés Dorantes to Spain, 163–64
on Rio Grande passage, 270–76, 278–79
on shamanism, 243–46, 253, 256–63
skepticism about, 143–52
on women’s work of Spaniards in Texas, 234–36
writing of, by Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, xv, 76, 167–70 (see also Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez)
Sibley, John, 261, 276–77
Sierra de Gloria, northeast Mexico, 274
Sierra del Carmen, northeast Mexico, 277
slavery. See also Africans; Indians
Atlantic slave trade, 91–98
Ayllón colony, 194–95
Azemmour slave trade, 97–100
black slaves vs. white slaves, 86–88
bozales and ladinos (slaves), 28, 303–5
cannibalism as justification for, 106–7
as capture of Arab slaves, 85–86
Charles V and, 28–29, 63–66
Francisco de Coronado’s freeing of American Indians, 324
enslaving of Indians, 10, 17–20, 23–26, 192–93, 290–92, 303, 317–26
Esteban and, 48–49
face branding and, 65, 112
famine and, 99–100, 103
Florida expedition and, 175–76
Florida expedition survivors as slaves to Indians, 232, 235, 244
Juan Garrido and, 49–52
Nuño de Guzmán and, 63–66
history of, 12
in Mexico, 303–7
in Mexico City, 55–56
in Peru and Guatemala, 312
in Seville, Spain, 109, 112–23
slave rebellion in Mexico City, 306–11
slave rebellion in New Galicia, 318–26
smallpox, 269
Smithsonian Institution, 359
snake symbol, Esteban and, 368
Solis, Diego de, 175
Sonoran (Sonoli) Indians, 361–63
Sonora valley, 20, 287, 326, 340–49, 354–56, 358–59, 365–66
sorcery, Esteban and, 370
Soto, Hernando de, 150–51
Spain. See also Charles V
cannibalism in, 103–8
Christian reconquest of Islamic, 8–9
conquest of Mexico by, 3–11, 17–20, 49 (see also conquistadors, Spanish)
Juan Garrido and, 51–52
Jerez de la Frontera, 101–8
Mesta sheep-farming organization of, 298–99
petitions to kings of, 160–63
Portuguese conflict with, 91–92
Requerimiento, 31–32
Seville (see Seville)
slavery in (see slavery)
Spanish Royal Academy, 139
by Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, 148
by Andrés Dorantes, 167–70
by Florida expedition survivors, 12–13
history and, 2–8 (see also history) by Marcos de Niza, 313–14
by Edward Wemytewa, 367–770
by Juan de Zumáragga, 70–76
Suárez, Juan, 201, 225
Summary History of the Indies (book), 138
surgeon in Texas, Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca described as first, 275–76
surgery incident, 275
survivors, Florida expedition. See also Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Núñez; Castillo Maldonado, Alonso del; Dorantes de Carranza, Andrés; Esteban; Florida expedition
arrival of, in Culiacán, 26–35
arrival of, in Mexico City, 46–56
author’s discovery of Dorantes Report on, 153–57 (see also Dorantes Report)
as celebrities in Mexico City, 57–61
on Galveston Island (see Galveston Island)
historical accounts of, 133–43, 153–70 [see also General and Natural History of the Indies, The (book); Shipwrecks (book)]
journey of, on Camino Real to Mexico City, 37–41
as political pawns in Mexico city, 61–66
reunion of, with Spanish conquistadors, 17–26
along Rio Grande (see Rio Grande)
shamanism of (see shamanism)
skepticism about Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s historical account of, 143–52
in Texas (see Texas)
Juan de Zumárraga and Audiencia testimony of, 12, 70–76 (see also Audiencia of Mexico)
Susola Indians, 258
Tabasco, Mexico, 164–65
tamames (Indian porters used in Mexico), 318
Tampa Bay, 11, 20, 39, 199–202, 293
tanguis (marketplace in Mexico City), 44–46
taxpayers, free black Africans as, 305
Tejos Indians, 297
Tenochtitlán, 5, 9–10, 47–48
Teodoro (boat building in Alabama), 205
Texas, 221–48. See also Galveston Island; Rio Grande
abandonment of Spaniards by Indians in, 231–34
account of Spaniards as merchants among Indians, 239–42
Big Bend area of, 171
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca as first surgeon of, 275–76
Andrés Dorantes tribe journey in, 223–29
escape of Andrés Dorantes from Indians, 238–39
Esteban’s role in, 221–23
Iguaces Indians of, 242–43
route of Florida expedition survivors in, 20
shamanism in, 243–48
Spanish heroism theme and, 229–31
women’s work of Spaniards in, 234–38
textiles, Mexico City and, 54–55
Tomson, Robert, 53, 190
Tonolá, 319
Topira story, 325–26
Town of Hearts (see Corazones)
Tostado (Spaniard), 222–23
traza (central area of Mexico City laid out in grid plan), 15, 52–56, 307–11
Tristan, Nuno, 94
True History of the Conquest of New Spain (book), 5
tunas. See prickly pear cactus fruit
Turks, as slaves, 112
turquoises, 286, 328
typhoid fever, 216–18, 269
University of Arizona, 366
Ures, Mexico, 288
Vacapa, Mexico, 330–34
Valdivieso, Pedro de, 193, 218, 222, 232, 234–35, 238
Valencia, Spain, 128
Valenzuela, María de (wife of Pánfilo Narváez), 40, 191–92
Valladolid, Juan (see also Black Count), 128–29
Valley of Mexico, 43–46. See also Mexico City
Velázquez, Diego (governor of Cuba), 67
venison, 243
Vera, Pedro de (grandfather of Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca), 146
Veracruz, Mexico, 179, 299
violence, in Spanish society, 122–23
Wagner, Henry Raup, 332
in Mexico City, 52–56
in Seville, 116
Wemytewa, Edward, 367–70
Western Gulf Culture, 247
wheat, 51–52, 361
white slaves, 86–88, 112. See also slavery
Whitsun pilgrimage (El Rocío), 177–78
Williams, Rob, 366–73
wine, 176, 178, 313
witch doctors. See shamanism
as American Indian emissaries, 265, 278–79
Atlantic crossings and, 176, 183
Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and, 146–47
Esteban and, 38, 289, 302–3, 328, 357
Florida expedition and, 40
and Mexico City fiestas, 60
sexual abuse of Indians, by conquistadors, 357
Spaniards as Indian slaves and work of, 235–38
wool trade, 298–99
Wright, Richard Robert, 7–8, 80–81, 301
Xochimilco, Mexico, 312, 332, 373
Yaqui River, Mexico, 289
Zumárraga, Juan de
as Archbishop of Mexico, 41, 58
on Atlantic crossings, 179
Audiencia testimony of Florida expedition survivors and, 214, 230, 235 (see also Audiencia of Mexico)
Corpus Christi processions and, 59
description of, xv
peaceful evangelization mission of, 66–74
relationship of, with Marcos de Niza, 311–14, 332
Seven Cities of Gold expedition and, 166, 301, 311–15
Zuni Breadstuff (by Frank Cushing), 361
Zuni Indians
author’s visit to Zuni Pueblo, 359–73
Dowa Yalanne (“Corn Mountain”), 353
Esteban’s encounter with, and murder by, 335–51
Francisco de Coronado’s defeat of, 356–58
Sonora valley stories about, 296
Zuni on the Day the Men in Metal Arrived (oral report by Edmund Ladd), 365
Zuni Pueblo, 359–73. See also Zuni Indians
Zurara, Gomes Eannes de, 94–97