Prologue ‘Jesus, it’s not going to work’
1 ‘These are not professionals’
2 ‘You think this is a fucking democracy, do you?’
4 ‘How come you’re worth all that money?’
7 ‘If you fuck it up we could lose the whole $12 million’
8 ‘Half a house brick at a hundred miles an hour’
9 ‘We cannot afford to let this man down’
10 ‘The best bunch of cricketers I’ve ever seen … with one exception’
11 ‘It’s gotta be the world’s most expensive cricket bat’
12 ‘Simmo bring down a shit side’
14 ‘Listen, about those helmets’
15 ‘These people have found truth’
16 ‘Rejected, dejected, we’re sorry we’re born’
17 ‘I feel very sorry for the Australians’
18 ‘I think this Lennie want to kill you man’
19 ‘One to the eye, one to the bollocks’
20 ‘We were representing our country, but it wasn’t important’
21 ‘These are professionals, and they’ll behave as professionals’
Complete World Series Cricket Statistics compiled by Ross Dundas