The authors wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following people, whose support and assistance made this book possible:
John Creed, Myles Creed, and Susan Andrews, for sharing their expertise about life in the Alaska bush and their knowledge of the Inupiaq language, and for their many other kindnesses in helping bring this story to life.
Mark Borchardt, a bush pilot in the finest sense of the word, for ride alongs over the Alaskan Arctic.
Rick Smart and Keith Jones for their invaluable tutoring on the operation of airplane fuel systems.
Norm Hughes, Eric Swisher, and the other men and women of the Kotzebue Police Department, for much useful information on how policing works in the Alaska bush, and for ride alongs on patrol on spring evenings in the Arctic.
Jim Evak of Kotzebue, for his help with the Inupiaq language and many other particulars of life in the Arctic.
And friends, family members, and fellow writers too numerous to name who reviewed the manuscript along the way and recommended countless improvements.